sábado, mayo 25, 2013

Energy Update – 25 May Eclipse – Multidimensional Ocean and SaLuSa - May 25, 2013 - Laura Tyco

May marks an important change for many of us on a personal and on a planetary level. Many of us can feel unsettled, uncertain about the future, and feel the veil of the unknown in a more oppressing way than at any recent times. There is a sense of darkness and fear about as well due to the unsettled world events impacting our daily lives.
Extra meditation is required at this time to help the higher-self connection and to find grounding.
Find quiet place for you to rest at regular times during the day, make sure to have extra rest, and watch the quality of your food intake as well.

Galactic Full Moon and Eclipse...No Looking Back - Celia Fenn Saturday, 25 May, 2013


Quite Simply, after this Galactic Full Moon and its final Lunar Codes, we will have completed the 2012/2013 Transit, and life will never be the same again on Planet Earth. This is a Good Thing, for we are firmly on track for the Emergence of the New in our Lives and in our World. We are moving through and past all illusions, and emerging into a time of Clarity and Peace.
This Lunar Eclipse is the third in a series, and a partner to the Solar Eclipse of 10th May when new Solar Codes were downloaded into the Solaris Sphere. Now, we have the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, which I have called the Galactic Moon, because the Galactic Center is also in Sagittarius at this moment. Also, this will be a "SuperMoon" Full Moon, meaning that the Moon will be the closest to the Earth that it can be, and this will have an effect on the magnetics of the Earth. It promises to be a powerful few days ahead.
The Energy will climax on Monday, and so for this week-end we will ne held in this energy that releases illusions and brings in Truth and Clarity.

Opening a Communication Portal to the Fleet - Saryon aka Michael White -May 20th, 2013

May 20th, 2013
Galactic Message
After meditating for a while and opening to channel, I perceived a vast fleet of multidimensional starships far out in space.  I felt a connection to one of them, where there were familiar beings inside. I then perceived a group of humanoid ETs gathering around some kind of communication portal, almost like a raised table or podium, where many had gathered with one particular being acting as a spokesperson for the group. The following is a record of the parts of this communication that opened to address a larger audience.
Me:  “Some of our ET friends are here with us and are connecting in with us now” – speaking to Susan who meditates with me to receive the channelings.  “I am not sure if this is going to be a message for a larger group. It may just be for us.  They asked me to start recording.”

DL Zeta – Eclipse Energies Amplify The Unified Field Of The New Time – 25 May 2013

DL ZetaThe energies of the May 24/25 full moon eclipse in Sagittarius coincide with the Festival of Goodwill to help anchor and amplify the new time on planet Earth. The Festival of Goodwill each year seeks to create a unified field of love, corporation and peace, and over the next few days, those energies will be amplified by the powerful lunar eclipse.
Jupiter Highlights Expansion During the May 24/25 Eclipse
Expansion is a central theme of this lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. Jupiter, as lord of the eclipse, highlights expansion, new visions, prosperity and abundance.

Treat each change as if it's an unpredictable friend - Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ May 24 – 30, 2013


Each day is a new day, one to be celebrated and greeted with love and gratitude. As each day begins, so does your ability to choose every part of your day in all areas. It is true, some of the changes you make may appear to be small, but even the smallest of change that is filled with optimism and hope cultivates within each of you dependable characteristics that are nourished through your choices and the nourishment dear ones is the love you give your Self that is felt by those around you. Embrace all the changes that upon you and rejoice in the changes that are yet to appear.

Being in more than one place at once - Brian The Dragon - May 24, 2013

This is the dragon,
One aspect of ascension that you will get used to over time is being in more than one place at once.
For instance, perhaps there are many places you would like to live, but the list seems too long to be possible. What if you could send off clones to each of those places, then have the clones report back their experience? Now, what if you took away the "reporting back" part and you actually were each of the clones, experiencing all those things in parallel and aware of all those experiences simultaneously?
Your soul does this all the time. Part of becoming more evolved is starting to be aware of more experiences at once, and beginning to choose things to experience in parallel, either accidentally or on purpose. It may be a bit more than experiencing living in multiple places on earth at once. It may be other worlds, for instance.
It also sometimes means your actions in different experiences can have varying degrees of interaction and influence with each other. You start making decisions not just on how it impacts one experience, but how it impacts a multitude of them.
At first, it may seem confusing. However, you will get used to it.
The Dragon


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
VIDEO (recommended!)

It is quite  a while since I spoke to this channel. I observed her following her own heart to communicate what her soul wanted to express and I Am  pleased that she gave herself permission to do this!
Likewise I encourage each one of you to find your own way to express your heart and to allow your soul to come forward  - if you haven't done so yet - because each one of you is bearing a unique precious gift to share with others.

From our beloved brother Mike Quinsey. Pyramid Power - May 24, 2013

Hi Friends, I would say that this message is one of the most important ones of this time. Mike Quinsey.


All of humanity has turned a corner, and in doing so your attachments to those things that reflected your power has been quietly released. Many of you have seen the remnants of those who put the protective shields in place originally to protect Earth.  This is when you talk about who built the pyramids. Much of the unexplainable becomes explained when you see from where humanity is now. Many of the artifacts of Earth still have no traditional explanation about where they came from or what they are doing on Earth.  

Window of The Great Change - Drunvalo Melchizedek - February 13, 2013

Dear Ones,
We are about to enter into a window of the time that has no name, but is inside of the Mayan END OF TIME window that was connected to December 21, 2012 and will end in about three years.
This window begins on February 18th, 2013 and continues for about three and a half months until June 2nd, 2013. However, it could last for as long as the end of August if the circumstances change.
I feel it is important to be aware of this significant period of time and what it could mean for you.

Ventana del Gran Cambio - Drunvalo Melchizedek


Estamos a punto de entrar en una ventana de tiempo que no tiene nombre, pero está dentro de la ventana Maya del FIN DEL TIEMPO que se conectó el 21 de Diciembre del 2012 y terminará en unos tres años.


Estamos a punto de entrar en una ventana de tiempo que no tiene nombre, pero está dentro de la ventana Maya del FIN DEL TIEMPO que se conectó el 21 de Diciembre del 2012 y terminará en unos tres años.

Join The Food Revolution! March Against Monsanto May 25th Everywhere!

Disclose.tv - Join The Food Revolution! March Against Monsanto May 25th Everywhere!

Description: Join the food revolution this May the 25th 2013 everywhere! Let's make this a day Monsanto will never forget! A day that will be remembered in history as a time when mankind stood together for humanity in the face of a global fascist food takeover by Monsanto! On May the 25th we will put Monsanto on notice that free human beings are aware of Monsanto's monopoly and that we're ready to fight for our food freedom in an attempt to topple the Monsanto pyramid! Join the food revolution! March Against Monsanto May 25th everywhere!Visit the March-Against-Monsanto website:http://www.march-against-monsanto.com/Visit the March Against Monsanto Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/MarchAgainstMonstanto?fref=tsFind a March Against Monsanto rally near you:http://www.march-against-monsanto.com/p/blog-page.htmlSupport independent media by contributing to the PFT Fundraiser: http://www.gofundme.com/2sghd4orDonate through Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=JVR... updates like this everyday and support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV: http://pressfortruth.tv/register/We rely on you the viewer to help us continue to do this work. With your help I can continue to make videos and documentary films for youtube in an effort to raise awareness all over the world. Please support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV!As a Press For Truth TV subscriber you'll have full access to the site's features and content including Daily Video Blogs on current news from the PFT perspective and High Quality Downloads of all Press For Truth Films, Music and Special Reports! Subscribe to Press For Truth TV: http://pressfortruth.tv/register/For more information visit:http://pressfortruth.tv/You can also support Press For Truth and help us continue to do this work by donating or becoming a sponsor at pressfortruth.cahttp://www.pressfortruth.ca/donatebecome-a-sponsor/http://www.facebook.com/PressForTruthhttp://www.youtube.com/weavingspiderhttps://twitter.com/PressForTruthhttp://twitter.com/#!/DanDicksPFThttp://pressfortruth.ca/ Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/139242/Join_The_Food_Revolution_March_Against_Monsanto_May_25th_Everywhere/#ixzz2UFlPt7qz

Hundreds Watch As Amazing UFO Sighting Soaring Near Clouds!! 2013

Disclose.tv - Hundreds Watch As Amazing UFO Sighting Soaring Near Clouds!! 2013

Lady Nada and The Masters of Peace : Your Heart’s Focus - Ray Dawn - May 24, 2013

Hello to you dear ones, it is Lady Nada here to speak to each of you about the resonance of your heart’s focus..

Each one of you has a special resonance of your own unique signature.. Your own spark of life.. This is your heart’s signature or your heart’s focus as well..

This focus or spark is in true alignment with your full souls’ presence or over soul..

Kryon through Anna Merkaba: the opening of the portals May 24 - 26, 2013

Kryon on opening of the portals May 24 – 26

 At the set dates (May 24 – 26) we plan on swooping down into the depth of the earth fields and activating crystalline bases that are lying underneath the water in the seas and oceans. By you bein...g in a state of mediation and while you are raising the vibration of the human race, this will allow us to enter the depth of the earth in order to open up the portals of light and flood the earth with more light and love.. However be prepared that there may be more cataclysms, for the energies will be changing.. For much pain that has been stored within the earth will be released.

viernes, mayo 24, 2013

5/24/2013 -- 8.3M earthquake -- Sea of Okhotsk, Russia -- West Coast USA movement

The manuscript of survival – part 314


The time of change has been a long time coming for you all, but now, it is as if you can feel the breath of fresh air coming at you, even if your physical and mental bodies may feel more than worse for the wear at the moment. Much has indeed changed already, but there are still some pockets of resistance within as you all go through this last uphill towards that final goal you have been seeking for many a lifetime. Remember, you started your quest for this freedom a long, long time ago. It has been a journey that spans more than one lifetime, and even if you have not been aware of it for most of these lifetimes, you have had a yearning for that day almost forever.

Allow the understanding of All, of One, to enter your hearts. – channeled by Ron Head

We will speak today of the continuing success of the lightworkers in opening the understanding and consciousness in your world.  We marvel at the ability of so many to avoid seeing what to us is so obvious.  Each day now it becomes more difficult to interpret events, and reports of events, in other than a hopeful and positive light.

There are still things occurring which we understand are not so easily understood in this way, but much more is surrounding you which is of a positive nature.  Of course the loudest voices are still trumpeting the tune of fear and control.  But the strains of peace, progress, freedom, love, and compassion are refusing to be pushed aside any longer.  They are there for all to hear if they desire to do so.

THE ILLUMINED TWIN FLAMES AND RE-UNION 2012-2024 - Judith Kusel - May 24, 2013

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhsNOWXO1gXG6xRGTJTR35bbWPnutDQUC_VfN2kNV6SfnIOQMaYchecyHwpg2b9t0R3lWtxJFq1AXPlCmaDOCqXsDfIMs8LQdtribCEdE2-M6NMylD-jXDl-N_HRHjASGqjeWPlyQG58ZYi/s1600/flame1.jpgIn the beginning of all time, when the first soul and soul groups were birthed, a lot of these new souls that were born decided to take on Androgynous form… thus the male and female in one body…..
As a soul consists of pure energy, and thus within one soul, there are a million shards or pieces of soul, in the form of particles of energy, the male and female, positively and negatively charged particles thus form, what one would see or visualize as a SPIRALLING FORM OF ENERGY, at its most stretched part, forming a concentric circle…. This, then when in Androgynous form…

Your shady sides – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 23, 2013


My child, I know exactly why you pack your day so full with everything you can think of. You are afraid of being alone with yourself. With all the dates and activities you only keep yourself out of your way. You fear to be busy with your self. You don’t want to see the dark sides in you and hide them from yourself. But you have to look at them so that you can acknowledge them and send them to the light for dissolution. Every being in duality and the lower dimensions has light and dark sides. It is part of the evolution of your soul. Acknowledge this and you can develop compassion for the current dark side. You know already, where there is light, there is also often shadow, but the light in abundance let all shadows and darkness dissolve. In knowing that you too had your shady sides in this or in a former life, you can easier accept the shady sides of your fellow people. My beloved son Jesus told you once “He who is without debt, may throw the first stone”. So put the stone down you want to throw onto your fellow man. Rather send him your love like I send you my love, my child. Whatever you do or not do I love you anyway infinite and without measure. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/