miércoles, mayo 07, 2014

Sarah Varcas - 7th - 29th May 2014: Mercury at home in Gemini - May 7, 2014 - 7 al 29 de mayo del 2014: Mercurio en su propia casa en Géminis Por Sarah Varcas

An Alliance of Mind and Heart
Mercury enters its own sign of Gemini today, and is conjunct asteroid Hygeia as it does so. Here we see an alliance between the mind realm of information and communication, and the heart realm of healing. This astrological partnership reminds us that we need a balance between mind and heart for true healing to occur. We cannot achieve wholeness without both these aspects of our being in harmony. If we seek too much to understand and find the logic in all things we neglect that part of ourselves which knows, beyond thought and ideas, that all things arise and cease for a reason. Likewise if we neglect the mind and reject its contribution to our lives we risk missing out on the beauty of creative thought, of knowledge shared and applied, of bodies of wisdom and skill passed down from generation to generation.

Celia Fenn - Time Travel 101 - Understanding the Radical Shifts of the last Three Months! - May 7, 2014

There seems to be one thing that everyone agrees on right now - everything is changing and very fast. The way that we used to perceive ourselves and our place in the world is changing very rapidly. Post the 2012 stargate, we have become a very different species. Our minds are often still in shock as we seek to integrate the huge changes that we can feel all around us. Sometimes it seems as though nothing has really changed, and yet we can feel the difference. I have felt this too in my spiritual work, we have shifted somewhere else and what we knew before just somehow is not "enough" for right now.

Suzanne Lie – Questions About Ascension – The Question And The Blessing – 7 May 2014

SuzanneLie“Hello,” I heard a voice say from somewhere inside of me, or was the voice external? I looked around the small room in which I was sitting. Yes, over there, off to the left there was a hint of a slight movement or a disturbance in the air.
“Hello,” I again heard the voice echo both inside and outside of me. Now I understood. It was a fifth dimensional being flickering in and out of my third dimensional world.
Actually the fifth dimensional being was holding steady in it’s own dimension. It was my perception and my consciousness that was flickering back and forth between worlds.

James Gilliland: Behind The Mask of Disclosure, May 7, 2014

james_gilliland1Do you ever wonder why we have not yet had disclosure? Have you ever wondered why contact has always been in the past or scheduled for some far off date in the future? Have you ever investigated the private lives of those in the new age and ufology movements when off the podium? How they treat those closest to them, the character of who they rub elbows with? Those who push transhumanism and population control give us a clear hint of their agendas. Have you ever investigated and taken a serious look at the past military and other intelligence connections of those you depend on for your information? Do you understand what planned opposition is and how it keeps a lid on the truth steering it off into the abyss? Do you know why the negative fear-based information has priority when it comes to air time? If you knew the answers to these questions you would realize why disclosure has not happened and why you have not heard about ongoing contact with spiritually and technologically advanced off world civilizations.

The True History of the Anunnaki; Explains Why they came to Earth and What they were after

Códigos Numéricos de Sanación para la comida y salud – Arcángel Rafael a través de Marc Gamma ~ 25.04.2013

[Traducción y Revisión: Paulina G. Loftus]

Mis amados Seres Humanos en la Tierra, les habla el Arcángel Rafael.
Lleno de alegría les traigo una nueva (vieja) herramienta en sus manos hoy. En este mensaje voy a proporcionarles los Códigos Numéricos que pueden ayudarles en diversas actividades. La aplicación de estos Códigos Numerícos solo son apropiados cuando están listos para recibir este don de la Creación. Si bien la aplicación inconsciente también conduce al éxito, pero hay que ir con la resonancia de los  números para que la aplicación tenga un mayor efecto.

Wes Annac – When The Time Comes…- 7 May 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
There’ll come a time when the cabal’s unable to escape justice, and they’ll be forced to answer for their crimes against humanity. A time when our collective forgiveness will be tested more than it’s ever been, and our ability to accept each other will grow as much as our political and spiritual awareness.
A time when the darkest deeds that have been hidden from the public will be illuminated by the light of Source, and the people who’ve perpetrated these deeds will be forced to answer for what they’ve done in front of all of humanity.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Wo, El Alma Vieja - Montevideo, Uruguay - 23 de abril de 2014

Saludos otra vez, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta noche me gustaría contarles una historia. No es larga, es informal, y en ella habrá enseñanza. Y la enseñanza es para todos ustedes: los que escuchan y los que están en el salón. En la historia habrá algunas enseñanzas que ya hemos dado antes, pero serán más claras porque las daremos en la forma metafórica de la parábola. De modo que vengan conmigo mientras examinamos la historia de un Ser Humano llamado Wo.

Archangel Zadkiel: “You are nearing the end of this clearing, many of you….” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda May 6, 2014

Zadkiel.ashtarcommandcrew.netArchangel Zadkiel (Received May 6, 2014):

Hello dear ones of the Light, ever-increasing and ever-growing in illumination. Bravo for all the clearing, dear ones, for it has not been easy.
As you absorb more energies and subsequently download all you need to build and maintain your developing crystalline bodies, you subsequently must clear what is in the way. And so it is an ever- expanding process, but please know dear ones, that you are making much progress.
As you clear more and more of the dross of yesteryear, and this includes many many lifetimes as well as this one, your Divine Selves are becoming illuminated with such a crystal clear clarity, like a diamond that has been shined to perfection.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Mankind!
Great days herald themselves, obviously, 
unmistakably and irrevocably.
The turning point of time now reaches the end of time 
and nothing remains as it has been so far. The illusion 
of this reality will be ended, the life in darkness completed 
and the new world of Light is born – in your hearts – and will 
now be visible for all human Beings, who have chosen this.
God is great, God is infinite, and God is amongst us, 
because today together with God our Creator we return 
nto the realms of Light – for eternity.