Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Lisa Transcendence Brown. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Lisa Transcendence Brown. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, marzo 31, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - APRIL OVERVIEW and POWERFUL NEW TEMPLATE CODES - Mar 31, 2020

POWERFUL LIGHT CODES have been delivered these last few days/weeks/month/year(s) (and always continue to increase/accelerate)....

The importance of all of these "higher dimensional"/Source Codes are always "understated" if you will....

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Energías de AMOR/PAZ/CALMA para APOYAR a todas las Realidades en este momento - Marzo 27, 2020

Por Lisa Transcendence Brown

¡Aloha Familia de Luz Estelar Álmica!

Al observar los cambios masivos que están sucediendo en todo el planeta, obviamente hay mucho ocurriendo para cambiar intencionalmente las prioridades, los enfoques, y ayudar a soltar cualquier forma antigua que ahora ya no esté alineada con esta vibración actual. Al presentarse los desafíos para facilitar un inmenso Reseteo y Cambio de Conciencia Global, el Comportamiento, Presencia y Energía de cada uno son más que importantes. Cuando/a medida que cada uno se expande plenamente, infinitas oportunidades y posibilidades se hacen visibles y presentan nuevas formas de ver, nuevas formas de SER y NUEVAS formas de lograr, que a menudo no se parecen en nada a lo que eran antes.

viernes, marzo 27, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - ♥ LOVE/PEACE/CALM Energies to Support All Realities Now...- Mar 27, 2020

Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Newsletter

♥ LOVE/PEACE/CALM Energies to Support All Realities Now...
☼ Continued Heart Expansion
♦ Slowing Down, More Awareness, Patience, Respect, Caring, Kindness and Compassion

Aloha Soul-Star-Light Family!

As we observe the massive changes going on all over the planet, there's obviously so much occurring to intentionally shift priorities, focuses and assist with releasing any old ways no longer aligned with this current vibrational now. As challenges present to facilitate an immense Global Consciousness Reset and Shift, each's Behavior, Presence and Energy are beyond important. When/as each fully expands, infinite opportunities and possibilities become visible and present new ways of seeing, new ways of BEing and NEW ways of accomplishing that often look nothing like before.

lunes, marzo 02, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Your NEW Earth Experience/Life is THROUGH YOUR CONSTANTLY EVOLVING Physical LightBody/DNA and Merged Unified Field of Expanded Quantum/Super Consciousness - Mar 2, 2020

Your LightBody is the MOST IMPORTANT part of this entire process, as it's HOW you achieve all as PURE LIGHT.

Your LightBody gives you access to all on a multi-dimensional level and does everything FOR YOU, yet what it REQUIRES FROM YOU will be more than your human ego aspect will want to "do".

Your LightBody is your NEW EARTH BODY... it's your Soul Body, your Energy Body... INTEGRATED within your physical body form. It repairs, rewrites and recodes your DNA/Genetics on a level that your human aspect is not capable of....

sábado, febrero 29, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Newsletter: ☼ MASSIVE 2222/22222 POWER UPS AND NEW EARTH CODES ♥ YOUR LIGHT is what makes a Difference here...- Feb 29, 2020

Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Newsletter:
♥ YOUR LIGHT is what makes a Difference here...

☼ Quantum Leap Month/Year Underway nowwwww
♦ YOUR LIGHT is what makes a difference here...

♫ February Gateway Complete
(now we Quantum Leap into March's Powerful Passageway)

jueves, febrero 06, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth REALities: Physical LightBodies and Fields Always TUNING Whole Body/BEing/Everything to a Much Higher Frequency than Before...- Feb 5, 2020

Picture As Cosmic Frequencies continue to powerfully increase daily, in order to raise/bring all into much higher states of Consciousness than before, the importance of each coming to honor the many processes of tuning, re-calibrating, anchoring, clearing and holding much higher states from within also grow more prevalent for all. 

miércoles, febrero 05, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Getting In-Tune With Your New Earth Realities - Feb 3, 2020

Aloha Star-Light Family!

Your Soul-Light-Body Requires an entire Shift in Priorities, as well as how/what you support/engage/allow within your own reality/Field of Consciousness... (The Ego Aspect does not like this part, so it's up to each to recognize and constantly choose to shift this/all from deeper within.)...

jueves, enero 23, 2020


We have a massive Cosmic Timeline Convergence underway.....

Basically, everything from the last few months, all the frequencies/codes and clearings... all led up to "this now".

We have Gateways opening yesterday and today, huge ones, shifting all to a whole new place/space... a new foundational nexus point, where more shifts to support each's next phase, as well as service-role fulfillment, for those consciously living this.

The Cosmic/Multi-Dimensional Energies that dictate all, have amped up/ramped up and continue to do so... for the rest of our forever now...

sábado, enero 18, 2020



Aloha BE-LOVED Soul-Star-Light Family,

By now, there is every experience occurring, on every Quantum/Multi-Dimensional (Cosmic/Earthly plane) level, as a very important integral part of a much bigger picture that was set forth prior to all of our incarnation/birthing into form/merging into ONE for that which we refer to as "the human/beyond human experience" ...

sábado, enero 11, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - An Energetic "Big Deal": Everything's Going On...- Jan 11, 2020

An Energetic "Big Deal": Everything's Going On...

Collective Cosmic Re-Birthing of HUmanity in Progress:
Planetary Consciousness

Aloha Divine Star-Light Family,

We've reached "that time" where the pavement meets the curb, where this is what shows what everyone is currently made of.... This is "that moment" collectively and all over our ENTIRE PLANET that what each DECIDE determines what comes forth "next".

miércoles, enero 08, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 2020 Quantum Energy Overview: Cosmic Alignment, Planetary Liberation, a new 10-Year Era, Multi-Dimensional Realities replace Linear ones & Living an Ascended/Unified Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Experience - Jan 3, 2020

2020 Quantum Energy Overview: Cosmic Alignment, Planetary Liberation, a new 10-Year Era, Multi-Dimensional Realities replace Linear ones & Living an Ascended/Unified Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Experience

In December I wrote up a massive Energy Review for January & 2020, yet it never felt appropriate to finish it/put it out.... and then we rolled/flowed over into this "now", and the "what & the how" shifted a bit, forgo a whole new writing/sharing relative to "this now". The reasons are many, which I'll share as I flow/go/share with you/all who utilize these to support/assist with continual expansion and for anchoring/living a NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE as your own WHOLE REALITY here....

martes, diciembre 24, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Pure Presence and Deepening our Sacred Soul Experiences

December Newsletter
Pure Presence and Deepening our Sacred Soul Experiences

In-JOY this Golden DNA Crystalline Heart Grid Activation Video:

Zero Point Presence

Aloha Divine Light Family,

Pure Presence allows for Unified Heart-Mind - Quantum Field coherence, expanded observation and deepened experiences. The RICHNESS and the fulfillment through PURE JOY is what we "receive" as we LIVE FULFILLMENT as our most benevolent, kind, loving and caring service lives here.....

jueves, diciembre 19, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - BE the Example through your ENERGY and Every ACT.... ♫ - Dec 19, 2019

Aloha Love Family,

The installation of 12D Templates have taken this entire year and we continue to honor the sacredness and importance of integration and completion cycles, while also pulling/holding/allowing much higher dimensional/vibrational holographics to fully anchor in through each one of us, in conjunction with various Crystalline & Plasma Gridding Platforms and Systems which shift/change the basis of every "reality"/experience here......

lunes, noviembre 11, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - You/ALL have the POWER WithIN You - 11/11/2019

Everything unlocks as you open your heart fully, open your mind fully, surrender your ego
programming/mentalities/beliefs fully, relax your body fully until it can integrate/clear with great ease and clear your field, restructure your reality/priorities and choose which version of Earth you desire to EXPERIENCE.... then dedicate/invest yourself and your life to living this fully... bringing all into vibrational alignment on a SOUL/COSMIC LEVEL instead of human-ego one.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 11•11 Passageway: Cosmic Remembrance - 11/11/2019

Aloha beautiful Soul-Star-Light Family,

Our Sacred Passageway now fully underway... so very much available for integrating, processing and activating/applying by each.

I spent the entire morning (again) decoding and transcribing the immense data streams and Light Intelligence/Quantum Information as it became available, yet putting all of this into form (formatting) is a much bigger task, as it means taking all of the codes, geometrics, mechanics and data (Quantum Language Skills) and restructuring it in a way that's cohesive/transmittable/receivable with ease. (I have volumes and volumes of data to put together and share as we go).

sábado, noviembre 09, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Toque de Clarín: El Regreso de la “Gente de las Estrellas” - Nov 6, 2019

Un Toque de Clarín Cósmico (Cuántico) etérico se ha enviado a la “Gente de las Estrellas” que está aquí en nuestro planeta... ocupando una forma física, pero están aquí para apoyar/introducir a la NUEVA HUMANIDAD a través del cumplimiento de ciertos roles.

Durante las últimas semanas, los códigos de la Estrella de la Tierra y la Estrella del Alma dentro del cuerpo/campo de cada uno se han ido activando cada vez con más fuerza.

miércoles, noviembre 06, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Clarion Call: The Return of the "Star People" - 11/6/2019

An etheric (Quantum) Cosmic Clarion Call has gone out to the "Star People" here on our planet ... occupying a physical form, yet here to support/usher in NEW HUMANITY through the fulfillment of certain roles.

For the last few weeks, Earth-Star and Soul-Star Codes within each's body/fields have been activating stronger and stronger as we go.

This Activation is what I will sometimes refer to as Cosmic Shaman Energies, of ancient Star Lineages incarnated/walked-in/teleported/activated through your Photonic DNA into a physical body form and living amongst all as LOVE.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Special 3-Month Quantum Energy Report: Gaia's Crystalline Grids & Templates - Nov 6, 2019

We've begun a very important and intricate clearing, re-mapping and re-coding process in conjunction with Gaia and Cosmically that affects every living and breathing organism on this planet...

To understand how our physical bodies link-up to everything through our bodies' DNA, templates and more, means to comprehend the magnificence of what's possible beyond anything any of us understood before....

domingo, octubre 27, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - October Newsletter & (Mini) Updates - Oct 27, 2019

October Newsletter & (Mini) Updates:

Gateways of Possibilities
Transitions Out of Fixed/Linear Ways
Vibrational Alignment
Letting Your Pure Heart Lead the Way

Y/our Universal/Divine Heart Connection Opens up Access to your Divine Heart Intelligence and Portals of Possibilities that you'd otherwise not see/listen to/acknowledge/dismiss...

Aloha BE-YOU-ti-FUL Divine Light Family,

Energetic passageways open up all new possibilities, potentials and new realities to be discovered and explored....
The linearity of all was each's limits before. The re-birth of humanity and a whole new existence comes with each "old" that dissolves, "dies" and falls away, with the dismantling of that which all perceived to be "reality", in order to make way for all new.... and each's access to all is DEEP INSIDE........