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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Códigos Cósmicos. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, marzo 05, 2021

Natalia Alba - Universal Love Diamond Frequencies - Mar 5, 2021

Universal Love Diamond Frequencies

Beloved Ones,

The current Diamond frequencies that are being descended upon our Universe, and that will remain for some time, are ones of Unity and profound healing, especially for all who experience deep fragmentation. These essences are introduced by one of the many galactic alignments that are taking place in our Universe, the encounter between Mars and Pleiades, whose configuration is pivotal for the transmission of these Diamond Codes. Forces that again show us that everything within our dual Universe is moving into unity again, for all is experiencing its own way to come back Home.

viernes, febrero 26, 2021

Celia Fenn - Virgo Full Moon and 3/3 Portal - Feb 26, 2021

Virgo Full Moon and 3/3 Portal

The last week has been intense in the run up to the Full Moon in Virgo and the 3/3 Portal on the 3rd of March next week.

Full Moon in Virgo is usually a very earthy and celebratory Moon as the first hints of the change of seasons is felt.

True...we are beginning to feel the shift from Winter to Spring (or Summer to Autumn in the South), and this is something to celebrate as the time moves around the Sacred Cycles of the Earth's Stellar passage. But 2020/21 has been a difficult time as we deal with Covid and Lockdowns and all the collective emotions that go with it, such as anxiety, fear, anger, grief and sadness.

viernes, febrero 19, 2021

Sandra Walter - Bliss, Experiencing Transformation - Now! - Feb 19, 2021


Blessings Beloveds ~

Above photo: Schumann spike, Thursday on Gaia.

Unprecedented frequencies are emanating through the grids after another strong magnetic shift last Monday.

To be completely transparent in this Now: I AM in a state of Bliss, Transformation and Mulitidimensional recalibration. Creating this as I embody the new frequencies. Guided to share my notes, here we glow:

lunes, enero 25, 2021

Lev - From 3D To 4D And 5D – The New Galactic Year - January 25, 2021

How To Go From 3D To 4D And 5D. By Lev.

With the onset of the New Galactic Year, the replacement of old (3D) with new (4D/5D) energies, matter, constants, evolutionary programs, codes and more has accelerated dramatically.

For it, the Co-Creators, the Higher Light Hierarchy, and the Ground Teams have built various channels, multidimensional axes, and other conductive systems, structures, Islands, Cities of Light, Altars of Transition…

viernes, diciembre 11, 2020

Sandra Walter - Rewriting HUstory: The Revelation Wave begins - Dec 10, 2020

Blessings Beloveds ~

Can you feel the wave beginning to crest? The upcoming waves of reality-shifting light are the strongest light levels of our process so far. This is a passage to rewrite HUstory: Master your own new narrative, internally and externally. You may feel tension, anxiety, bliss, clearing, freedom, all of the above … we are transforming. The old realities are being shaken by the higher vibration penetrating these realms.

lunes, noviembre 23, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - The LIVING COSMIC RAYS OF LIGHT: BEing a RAY of Hope, RAY of LOVE, Ray of Sunshine and Guiding Ray of Light for all - Nov 22, 2020


We have a profound increase in Cosmic RAYs permeating from within our Physical LightBodies daily to accelerate each's own Light Embodiment processes even more. These immense upgrades and DNA re-writes "work" to restore perfect harmony and organic health, deep inner-peace and open up more access to NEW EARTH Consciousness/Realities with every "new" expanded inner-realization and release of the mis-aligned/no longer highest aligned beliefs/mentalities/ways of the "old".

sábado, octubre 17, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - As Gaia Increases Releasing Frequency Bandwidths of Distorted Codes/Recordings/Data/Programming/Akashes...- Oct 17, 2020

Picture Our Earthly Physical Body forms link us up to Gaias LightBody-Grids/DNA/Templates and Nodes, our DNA Multi-Dimensional and holding all levels of Consciousnesses within... through an immense "purging/purification/reconfiguration" process, our cellular structures go through a continual re-writing process of "all new codes".

sábado, octubre 10, 2020

Sandra Walter - Revelaciones de Octubre: Perspectiva Superior - Octubre 2, 2020

Bendiciones, Amados ~

Nuestros cambios magnéticos de septiembre dejaron una semana de intensas tormentas magnéticas, que prepara el camino para la intensificación de nuestro último trimestre del 2020. Ahora la aceleración prevista de octubre-noviembre está ante nosotros.
Desmantelamiento y revelación es lo que es. El colectivo se verá desafiado por los despliegues, revelaciones y estados emocionales amplificados durante esta fase.

lunes, octubre 05, 2020

Celia Fenn - Cosmic Energy - Oct 5, 2020

Wow! Did anyone else feel that blast of Cosmic Energy that came through today.

I was knocked sideways, so to speak....and I am still trying to find my feet.

There was a very powerful activation in the Pineal/Pituitary area involving the Soul Star Chakra, the Crown Chakra and the Third eye chakra.

martes, agosto 25, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Today's NEW Earth Light Codes Available: Visionaries, Living-Dreams & Living-Visions, Living Kindness through Generosity (Next Up-Level/Phase) - August 25, 2020

Since every day is a barrage of Light Codes, NEW Awareness, NEW Opportunities, NEW Everything available to all.... I'm going to see if my service-schedule will support providing certain facets of NEW EARTH CODES on a regular basis for you and all. No promises, as every day presents what's highest aligned and what we are to "do" to fulfill various roles to support humanity with LIVING NEW EARTH FULLY too.... ♥

lunes, agosto 03, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - August Energy Update & Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Light Letter: ☼ When We Live As Light ☼ - Aug 3, 2020

August Energy Update &
Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Light Letter:
☼ When We Live As Light ☼

♥ We can shift anything to a higher vibrational frequency ♥
♫ Keep Living Your Love and Living Your Light ♫
♦ Honor, Support and Respect Your Physical NEW Earth Lightbody fully ♦

Aloha Be-YOU-ti-FUL Soul-Star-Light BEings in form!

sábado, julio 18, 2020

Sandra Walter - El Apretón Cósmico: Magnetismo, Agotamiento y la Segunda Mitad - Julio 17, 2020

por Sandra Walter
Bendiciones, Amados ~

Literalmente estamos atravesando un fuerte portal en este Ahora.

Quizás sientas el apretón magnético cuando se abren los puentes. Quizás veas y sientas la arena cósmica retirándose antes del tsunami de luz. Quizás veas las puertas estelares doradas. La segunda mitad está a punto de anclarse en nuestra realidad colectiva con bastante rapidez, culminando en la transformación de diciembre-enero. Como siempre, podemos fluir con esto en la calma del Punto Cero, o luchar con las corrientes en la caótica refriega de la tormenta.

sábado, julio 11, 2020

Sandra Walter - Magnetismo, Creatividad, Nueva Luz de Julio - Julio 10, 2020·

por Sandra Walter

Bendiciones, Amados ~

Julio amplifica el complemento paralelo al desmantelamiento: Nueva Creación con líneas de tiempo más elevadas.

Entramos en una fase de rápidos cambios magnéticos a una escala Galáctica, y los efectos centrados en Gaia han comenzado.

viernes, julio 10, 2020

Sandra Walter - Ebb and flow: Magnetic Shifts in our next phase of 2020 - July 10, 2020

Blessings Beloveds ~

July amplifies the parallel complement to dismantling: New Creation with the higher timelines.

We entered a phase of rapid magnetic shifts on a Galactic scale, and the Gaia-centric effects have begun.

jueves, julio 02, 2020

Sandra Walter - Final Eclipse Energies increasing & Global Events - July 2, 2020

Blessings Beloveds ~

Here we are at the final eclipse of our Triple-Eclipse passage. Energies may make us tired-and-wired. Magnetic shifts are literally pulling apart density and making way for the NEW REALM, which landed last week, to reveal in the physical realms.

Be sure to commune with nature and ask the plants, rocks, animals, water and elementals to express their Crystalline New Earth Self. Feel it, they respond quickly to our heart-based open-conduit of Source radiation.

jueves, junio 04, 2020

Celia Fenn --Full Moon/Eclipse - June 4, 2020

Coming up tomorrow the 5th of June, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (Gemini /Twins Sun).

A Fire Moon is always volatile and unstable. This Fire Moon will transit the Galactic Center and will amplify some really powerful Eclipse Codes for the transformation and evolution of the Planet.

This will be a penumbral Lunar eclipse which will be visible over large parts of the planet, but not the USA this time.

We are already within the "event horizon" of this Full Moon, as we deal with the ongoing crises that characterise 2020.

Physical "symptoms" of the incoming energies include intense clearing in the head/throat area and intense activation of the Pineal Gland, which can produce dizziness, headaches and sinus problems, as well as throat issues.

The Pineal activation is important : the Galactic Codes are ramping up for the "Great Awakening" which will be a further and deeper understanding of our Angelic and Galactic nature and how we can use these aspects to create on the New Earth timeline. We need the Light downloads to restructure the Pineal Gland to carry increased frequencies of Light.

From this Eclipse and up to the next eclipse/solstice and then the next lunar eclipse a month from now, we will all be going through this process of Pineal Gland "upgrade" to prepare us to carry an extended range of Angelic/Galactic frequencies.

This is what the Awakening is all about, awakening to Who We Are as Human Angels and expanding our abilities to reflect that truth and wisdom.

The New Frequencies will start coming in after 5th July and will be there as we approach the New Year on the 26th July and the Lions Gate 8/8 in August.

These crystalline new frequencies are displacing the old energies and the old stories.

We are birthing a new story of Diamond Light and Golden Love as the old is blasted away and the new begins to rise.

So, as we transit this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, welcome the new and do not be caught up in the ravages of the storm as the old is blown away.

Love to everyone at this Full Moon/Eclipse.

martes, mayo 19, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Códigos de Conciencia Cuántica que Cambian Realidades en Mayo Hasta Ahora: Por el Agujero del Conejo, Justicia, Reverberación, Limpiezas Ancestrales y más...- Mayo 13, 2020

Aloha familia de AMOR,

Tenemos MUCHOS códigos PODEROSOS que han afectado a nuestro planeta/cuerpos/campos celulares este mes... aumentando y cambiando continuamente la frecuencia/geometría de todo.

Es importante darse cuenta de que hay Frecuencias Cósmicas en marcha todo el día todos los días que lo determinan/cambian todo... y que lo que cada uno experimenta/ve es relativo a un masivo proceso de alineación vibratoria, un masivo proceso de reestructuración, un masivo proceso de re-todo y todo lo que ocurre es parte de esto.

jueves, abril 09, 2020

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The Codes of Resurrection, Renewal and Rebirth : April 2020 - April 9, 2020

Beloved Ones, at this time your Planet is in so much chaos and suffering. The Planetary energy is heavy and dark in many places. But yet, at the same time there is a process of deep Transformation and Change that is under way. The Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in January set off this train of events, snd the more recent energetic “dance” of Pluto and Jupiter is amplifying the energies of very deep level change.

viernes, abril 03, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - ¡ABRIL comienza con un Estallido Cósmico! DRAGONES, es TU MOMENTO + Códigos Constructores + Crísticos/Cristalinos + Códigos de NUEVAS ESTRUCTURAS DE PODER y MÁS! - Abril 2, 2020

por Lisa Transcendence Brown

Las Energías de abril prometen/siguen siendo PODEROSAS y FUERTES. Con continuos “mega estallidos” de cada CÓDIGO DE LUZ POSIBLE, todo va incluido en esta “mezcla”.

Hace unos días tuvimos frecuencias masivas de reequilibrado electromagnético, sintonizándolo todo MUCHO MÁS ALTO que antes. La alta alta alta fotónica sigue cantando, elevando y cargando todo poderosa, pero suavemente y recodificando todo. Para muchos, esto “desencadenó” un proceso de purificación masiva... (estos continúan CRECIENTEMENTE a medida que integramos LUZ de ultra-alta frecuencia ☼)...