Virgo Full Moon and 3/3 Portal
The last week has been intense in the run up to the Full Moon in Virgo and the 3/3 Portal on the 3rd of March next week.
Full Moon in Virgo is usually a very earthy and celebratory Moon as the first hints of the change of seasons is felt.
True...we are beginning to feel the shift from Winter to Spring (or Summer to Autumn in the South), and this is something to celebrate as the time moves around the Sacred Cycles of the Earth's Stellar passage. But 2020/21 has been a difficult time as we deal with Covid and Lockdowns and all the collective emotions that go with it, such as anxiety, fear, anger, grief and sadness.
We know that our mission is to hold the Light of Love and Compassion and Joy at this time, no matter how difficult it may be. So connecting with nature to celebrate the first flowers or the first autumn leaves may be a way to return peace and joy to the process.
It will be a powerful full moon (with Sun in Pisces) so expect to feel the flows of Light Codes and energies, and take good care of yourself.
Many are reporting feeling very tired and also struggling to sleep. Rest when you can, and don't push yourself. Now is not the time.
Pisces/Virgo says rest, flow, be at ease and ground yourself.
The 3/3 Portal on the 3rd is all about the Goddess Energy and the Divine Feminine. It is a time to connect with Abundance and Ease and Beauty.
Spring is coming and Summer is not far behind!
Let the Sun warm your Heart with Golden Light and Solar Light Codes.
The Divine Feminine Christ Light is birthing a New Age on our Earth!
Love to All of you!