“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have awakened so many of you to the portals of energy that you have around you and that we continuously add to your dimension in order to improve our energy delivery system. We also want you to recognize that these portals pale in comparison to the ones that you are going to be opening inside of yourselves and all around you when you choose to tap in to those abilities. You have access to so much love, joy, abundance, creativity, downloads of information, activations, upgrades, and attunements, and we don’t want you to believe that you have to wait for us, or any other beings or collectives throughout the universe, in order to receive.
We would much rather see you believing in yourselves than see you giving all of your power away to those like us, even though there are so many beings and collectives in this universe who really do want to help humanity. Ultimately, what we strive to do is to create masters there on Earth. We want you all to experience your own mastery, and we want you all to be able to tap in to whatever energies you desire all the time, because of your awareness of your abilities.
Just sit, quietly, with your eyes closed, and intend to open a portal that will deliver to you whatever energies you desire, whatever upgrades, whatever activations, whatever vibration you want to be holding. You have this power all the time, and we just want you to acknowledge that. In the meantime, of course, Mother Earth, your sun, and all of us who are your cheerleaders throughout the universe are going to help, but we all just want to help you get used to receiving. We want you all to feel more in the flow, and we certainly want you to feel that you deserve to receive whatever this life has helped you to determine you desire.
One of the best experiences you can have there on Earth right now is to summon energy, and then have that energy move through your physical body, have it surround you and fill your energy field. You can do it right now. You don’t have to wait for us or any other beings or collectives and our promises of what we can and will deliver to you. You don’t have to wait for an equinox, a solstice, or any other gateway that you have in your calendar year. You can open portals with your will, and you can receive whenever you are in a relaxed state, whenever you are open and possibly even joyful.
Please do not wait for anyone to give you the signal that says, ‘Now is the time.’ You decide, and demonstrate to all of us in the higher realms what you are capable of so that we can increase the levels and the amount of energies that we send in our next big delivery.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Channeled by Daniel Scranton