The Pole Flip is fusing "Heaven on Earth" individually in consciousness and is a literal personal experience that takes shape at all levels including as a cubic reality in physical time- it all comes together at once: out of time, beyond the physical and in time, in the physical...and everything inbetween, the creative building worlds in between. It's above and below, within and without.
This is how I know above means within and higher levels not physical "up" and "out" and that below means without, lower levels, coming into form. Physical "out" and "up" means below and without in terms of the order of the inner workerings of consciousness and how the formless streams through ideas for ideas to build as form to become things.
This flip is bound to happen as one moves in this direction. It's the path we descended from into material form in mind/consciousness and is encoded in our consciousness as a path to rise into our infinite expansion. Our true expansion begins when we meet out reference point or our beginning (pole flip)
The pole flip is not an external earth pole flip, but an individual process. External changes or moving forward in time does not impact our expansion unless we are aligning with that direction internally first.
If we are influenced in unwanted ways by the external or shifts in energy, then it's just because the sense self is dominating the consciousness.
We learn to rise above the sense self and sense impressions... it is a must in our evolution because we become extremely sensitive, hyper aware. If we expect to feel like crap because of a planet transit, solar activity, schumann resonance or an energy update, then the sense self is dominating and controlling creative forces meaning the conscious mind or superconscious mind is unable to.
Many can delay their progress by choosing to indulging in the opposite (reversed order) feeding the subconscious with beliefs of two opposing forces or a fight against an outside evil, enemy, other beings, systems, etc... because it is using the conscious mind to impress opposition upon the subconscious and oppose the Life-Spirit within self.
Not just beliefs in a battle a against an outside evil, but beliefs in a battle against systems like medical/health, food industry, media industry, government, etc... whatever "giants" (oppositions) we believe and grow shrinks the self down by impressing limitation upon the subconscious. These limitations create obstructions inthe subconscious that affect the body and personal experience due to the underlining belief in separation (two opposing powers means one is in opposition to the other, meaning perceived to be separate or divided.)
Many have been waiting for a big show, drama, external excitement, collective events to feel things are changing which has nothing to do with rising in consciousness, but is actually the opposite: reacting and allowing appearances, effects, shadows to control the direction for the individual. It's a thought current of the past race-mind unconscious imaginal activity sweeping into the sense world seeking expression through the building and gathering of elemental forces due to reactions, internal movement, attention and sensation of many.
At an individual level, it becomes more destructive, creates more steps to retace and delays progress in terms of rising in consciousness... we have been in confusion by believing that freedom depends on destroying something outside of ouselves, that everything is a dramatic battle, like there's not enough abundance for all and like we must take, hate or compete to get it. This is the wheel of reoccurance, retracing steps, reacting to appearances, looking to the outside to change first.
The confusion is distorted perception of reversed order in consciousness that each and every individual experiences in their journey into form through Humanity and is what each individual must rise from to get off the wheel of reoocurance, into Restored Order, and into a higher order of Humanity. This is why it does not make sense to judge anyone as worthy or unworthy. We all walk the same overall path of redemption and salvation even though the expression may look different when acted out in physical form as it takes shape through our personal experiences and life stories.
In Restored Order, the subconscious receives impressions from the superconscious mind to directly influence the conscious mind with the conscious mind in direct union with the superconscious mind through the subconscious mind.
In Reversed Order, the conscious mind impresses reactions from appearances on the subconscious and impresses beliefs of two powers/opposition which means it cannot not makedirect conscious contact with the superconscious mind because the obstructions of separation/opposition impressed upon the medium of the Soul-subconscious. The subconscious is an extremely sensitive photographic plate that connects the Formless Life Force and ideas from an Eternal World of Thought to give the ideas expression and build as images, forms, impressions that are projected through a specific point (individual, I AM) to animate forms.
So we must redeem our Soul to know and consciously reunite with the Life behind the ideas we experience through things and forms.
Many believe the expressions are other beings from outside somewhere out in space making direct contact with them in higher dimensions. It's the creative power-Essence of Life within their own consciousness animating all the conditions that are perceived to have Life of their own.
The internal Living World is not separate from our own consciousness. As the pure unconditioned Essence emerges, all conditions, personifications, names, expressions, impressions are all seen in their true order: as effects or shadows of One animating Creative Power. I AM. So then we can no longer give power to effects by looking to them as higher in intelligence, even if we wanted to, because we are one with the only creative power animating them in our consciousness and perception.
As an individual moves their attention actively in this direction with pure motive, the creative power responds through The Law. We cannot trick the Life within us or trick Divine Law though, so the motive must be pure, not for personal power or to gain from for material reasons. Divine Law can be used to fulfill desires for material abundance, physical experiences and earthly security, but for the pattern to unfold and the "poles to flip" the desire to truly overcome beliefs in two powers and to know God must overpower the desires for things or what one can get out of it.
That is where Faith and Belief come in. Choosing to work on developing and holding Faith and the Belief in One power reguardless of how things appear.
I'll share a post with a list of some ways that one can move in this direction or continue moving in this direction incase it's helpful.
It's important to remember we all move by the same Divine Law, the same Originating Spirit. The more we align with this unconditioned Essence within ourselves through consistent conscious recognition of it, we are able to direct our creative forces through it more easily, effortlessly, with more purpose and with more power. If we are against any part of the whole within ourselves in our perceptions, assumptions, or beliefs- then we are only blocking off our own higher potential by scattering creative forces and opposing the infinite creative power through unintentionally building a wall of opposition in the subconscious (the bridge connecting the infinite and finite, formless and form, impersonal and personal)