SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue to give you hope. To continue to provide further understandings of all that is happening in your lives, and all of the lives of the collective consciousness of man throughout the planet. For this is that time that you have heard about for so long now, that has been predicted for so long, the Great Changeover that is in process now.
Do not become disheartened by things that you are seeing within the illusion. Because as you have heard many times, it is simply that: it is an illusion. It is a show, a movie, that is playing out, if you see it that way.
And if you see it that way, you can continue to go on with your lives, not being held down in the quagmire, in the muck, of the third-dimensional illusionary expression. For you are beyond that now.
We have told you, you are no longer in the third-dimensional expression, except when you let yourselves be there. You let yourselves become disheartened. And you let yourself become dissasuaged, disillusioned.
But when you find yourself in the fourth dimension, and even fifth dimension, then all that is happening external to you has very little meaning to you in your life. That is where you need to continue to be: in the higher expression of the fourth and fifth dimensions.
And when you can be in that fifth-dimensional expression, you feel the bliss. You feel the letting go process where you can literally go with the flow, as you have heard many times. Just go with the flow of creation, of life, of love. Just go with it.
And If you do that, when you do that, you will continue to find yourselves flying high, soaring into the heavens with your own being. Because you will no longer be held back. Held back by the hatred, held back by the old programming of fear, of jealousy, and all of the other various emotions that can beseech you in the third-dimensional illusionary expression. That is not where you want to be now.
Of course, certain moments of your life, the old programming will come up. And when it comes up, become aware of it, as just that: memories holding programming that continues to move you in certain directions, continues to move your ego to assert itself. Because it can still continue to maintain control.
But as you know, you are taking control of your ego more and more. And when you do that, your ego will step aside, and will let the higher levels of yourself come forward. That is where you are all headed now, all working toward. All being trained to be ready to accept the changes within yourself.
And there are many, many changes that are happening within all of you now.
Yes, there are changes outside of yourself in the external world, certainly, but there are so many changes that are happening within you, within your DNA processes, with your DNA reconnecting to bring about much more change within you. And in doing so, without you even knowing it most of the time. But there are those moments, whether in your dream state or your waking state, that you become aware, more fully aware that you are so much more than just this physical body, this consciousness within a physical body. Because it is your consciousness first, and then your physical form.
Continue now, each and every day, moving forward now, even each and every moment, moving forward with your various thought processes. Keep thinking in positive fashion, knowing that everything is indeed working out for the greater good of all of the collective consciousness of man.
And as everything continues on, you are going to find what we have said many times, nothing can stop what is coming. You will fully learn the full ramifications of that, and why we have been saying this. Why you have been hearing it from so many different sources. Because, my brothers and sisters, now indeed is the time to be ready for it.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. That you would continue to fully more and more realize who you are, what you are here for, and how you can continue to move everything forward in a positive fashion.
ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is here.
And we are ready to continue on, and continue on, and continue on. For that is what we do. That is why we are here, to continue to help to raise your consciousness to who you are. And believe me when I say that you are going to be astounded when the full ramifications, the full realizations of who you are finally comes within you. You have had brief glimpses of it, but it is coming so much more. And you are going to have so much more, we will even say fun with everything that is happening and coming here.
We are ready for your questions if you have them, One Who Serves, and Shoshanna. We are standing by.
Guest: I have one.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: First of all, I would like you to tell us, is the fourth dimension and the astral plane one and the same thing?
OWS: Very much so. Yes, it is a process of frequency vibration. And that is what you are needing to look at. It does not matter what it is, or what it is not. Just that you are raising your vibrational frequency into the fourth-dimensional expression and higher than that. You will not stop at the fourth dimension. You will continue on into the fifth, and even higher beyond that. But the fourth dimension is where most of you are now most of the time now. There are times when you fall back into the third-dimensional expression, and there are certainly those times when you find a blissful expression of the fifth dimension and higher. And the astral world, we will just say, is a part of the entire expression here that we are speaking of. Do not try to differentiate one from the other. For one is within the other here. Okay? Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here to this?
SHOSHANNA: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)
We do not.
Guest: Could you tell us where you are speaking from? Are you in a room at a table? Are you outside under a tree? Are you on a ship? And what dimension, what level are you speaking from? Are you in the sixth? Seventh? Eighth? Ninth? Which one?
OWS: Hmm. We can say we are where we are, in the sense that we are in so many different places at once. And we can be having a conversation as we are doing with you now, and having a conversation in many other places at the same time. We can be in a monastery in Tibet, which is actually where we are at this moment. But we are also here speaking to you as well, and being within the consciousness of this one here that we speak through, you see?
Guest: Yes.
OWS: Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?
Shoshanna: We do not.
OWS: No? Okay.
Guest: Well, which dimension are you, what level are you speaking to us from?
OWS: Again, we say we are where we are. It does not necessarily matter exactly what dimensional frequency we are at, because we are at many different frequencies at once, you see?
Guest: Yes, I do.
OWS: So there is not one. You are multi-dimensional selves that we are speaking of here. So we have multi-dimensional selves as well, you see?
Guest: Thank you.
OWS: Yes. Would there be other questions here?
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: I read a story about the person who said they are a time traveler from the year 2906. And during this, they said something about the universe that we are living is in a jar and is also within another jar. And on March 23, 2023, a universal jar will be found, which was created by a kid by the name of Edward Thorn. I am just wondering if all this is truth, or just a story?
OWS: My goodness. We would say here that there are many different stories, many different flights of fancy that many have come up with in terms of your science fiction, and all of the things that have been brought forward in your fables, in your myths, in your stories. All of these things have a semblance of truth within them. As to the exact truth that you are speaking of here, with an illusion within an illusion within an illusion, that is somewhat accurate, but not quite in the way that it has been put here. For you are within an illusion here, and this illusion is within another one as well, and another one, and another one. So in a sense you are correct here, or that one that spoke of it.
As to time travel, yes, there are those that have come, what is your saying, ‘back from the future.’ Yes, back from the future. And they are here to shift the timelines as they are doing. Some of you even are ones of those that are doing this now. You have come from the future and have come back here to work through this process here to assist mankind in doing this. But we cannot go into this too much in depth at this point, because your third-dimensional consciousness, or even your fourth-dimensional consciousness, is not quite ready for the full understanding and ramifications of all that you are asking for here. Shoshanna, do you have something to share?
Shoshanna: May we share, Dear Brother?
Guest: Always.
Shoshanna: Dear Brother, what this story is, as One Who Serves has given, is metaphorical. All understandings of how dimensions operate, how universes operate, are much given as metaphors, and it becomes a puzzle for you to understand, for you to find the truth within the metaphor. Namaste.
OWS: And we would give here, that if you seek to find a little bit more about this, and a little bit deeper understanding, you can do that even through your media at this point. There is a movie. This One, James, knows of this movie, and it is called ‘The Thirteenth Floor.’ Look it up. Find it. Watch it, and it will give you somewhat of an understanding of what you are speaking about here, okay?
Guest: You said that was ‘The Thirteenth Floor?’
OWS: Yes, that is the name of the movie.
Guest: Okay, thank you.
OWS: Yes. Would there be any further questions here?
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: I know it’s important for us to not place too much emphasis on this 3D matrix illusion that is happening right now, and we are doing our best to stay at the higher realms as it were part of in our ascension process. But we are all experiencing right now a situation with this election and some of the blatant things that are happening with the election, and I’m wondering if this is part of the bigger plan to wake more people up, as we are going to get some help from the White Hats and our positive military, or how does this ultimately play out for us on this level?
OW: We would say to you all of the above there. You are experiencing these changes that are happening, and they are not quite to your liking, we will say here. And we will talk about collective liking here. But that is all part of the process. For the third-dimensional expressional illusion to come down and those that are asleep to wake up, it is necessary to bring an end to the old ways, the old paradigm. And that is what is happening here. So even though it appears that things are not going your way, indeed they are. But we cannot give too much more on that at this point. There are various surprises coming, and we do not want to spoil the surprises at this point. You have waited long enough, and that would be very much a detrimental experience for you if we spoil the surprise. Okay? Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?
Shoshanna: We ill share here. May we share, Dear Sister?
Guest: Yes, Sister.
Shoshanna: Dear One, We are in so much to say here. It is quite impossible to encapsulate the true meaning of what is going on for you, for all that are experiencing what they experience. Life, you see, is simply an emotional and a mental response to a physical thing which is brought about by emotional and mental constructs. This is difficult to understand for most. So you must deduce it down to an idea that every cloud has a sliver lining. Every experience is a positive one. Every lesson leads you to a larger understanding of the next thing that you will experience. The challenge that all of you find yourself in is judging the experience. Those aren’t just experiences, and you must find the light within all that is happening. Because it will not stop as long as you focus and as long as you look at a situation it will appear to you the way you are thinking about it. So think about it differently and find the light within the situation, and understand that all things lead to a bigger thing, to a more prominent thing. All roads lead to God, Dear One. Namaste.
OWS: Very good.
Guest: Thank you.
Another Guest: I have a question. My question is to Shoshanna. We have some new people on the call, and they possibly don’t know who Shoshanna is and where she comes from, so I’m going to ask that for them possibly, if that’s okay.
Shoshanna: We cannot answer a question that is posed for another.
Guest: Okay. Answer for me, then.
Shoshanna: What do you wish to know, Dear Sister?
Guest: I want to know who Shoshanna is.
Shoshanna: Do you not know?
Guest: No, not all of it, no. I’m sure it’s more complicated than your Higher Self. Where does the Higher Self come from?
Shoshanna: Dear Sister, you have put us in a situation that is in the unexplainable realm, you see. We are here to set a perspective, to set a light on that which troubles you, that which concerns you, that which you find perplexing, that which you wish to clear up. That is what we are here for. All origins are irrelevant. We are here to give a perspective that will broaden your perspective. That is who we are. Namaste.
Guest: Greetings. May I ask a question?
OWS: Certainly. Yes?
Guest: Dear One Who Serves and Master Shoshanna, I feel that I have to share a state of mind or emotion that I have reached. I already feel in heaven. I am feeling my physical body and myself in a heavenly situation, in a heavenly mood, feeling things are heavenly situations and conditions. And in conversations with the communications that I have been gifted to, it appears that heaven can be reachable without having to go through the death process. And I was wondering if that is what you guys explained and kept telling us over and over and over again every time we are complaining about this not happening, and that not happening, and this and that. It does agree with meaning as you are raising high vibration and you are reaching a point where you really don’t care anymore whether this happens or that happens. You are no longer dependent, or you are no longer identifiable to them. Is that what you meant when you mention raising vibration? Thank you.
OWS: We would say here that the whole idea of raising your frequency vibration is to raise your consciousness. Is to continue to bringing you further and further to who you are, who you truly are, and to begin to understand the deeper levels within yourself, which is heaven within yourself, which is God the Father, the Source within yourself, you see? It is not a place that you go when you leave your physical body in the death process and so so-called ‘go to heaven,’ that is a place in consciousness. It is not a place that you actually go to, you see? So there are the various levels: the astral world, the causal plane, the etheric plane, all of these various places, but they are within consciousness. And your conscious knowing self (this is why we use the term always with you: ‘conscious knowing self.’ You, as that conscious knowing self, are moving into higher vibrational frequencies which is taking you into the higher dimension.
So you could look at, in a sense, heaven as the fifth dimension, if you want to here, you see? Heaven can be wherever it is for you. It can be right here in the Earth, even in this expression that you are in now. You can find heaven right here, right now, you see? Not that you have to go anywhere. Just as you are not going anywhere in your ascension process either, you see? Does this make sense to you? And perhaps Shoshanna has other perspective she can give here?
Shoshanna: We will share here. We do not wish to make this a complicated thing. And, Dear Brother, we did not ask permission. May we share?
Guest: Yes. You read my mind! So you geared it, how to raise human feelings, but yes.
Shoshanna: Thank you, Dear Brother. Dear Brother, you have clarified this for yourself. You do not need a further explanation. As the saying goes, you have hit the nail on the head, you see. The idea of hell is a perspective, is a state of mind. The idea of heaven is a perspective, is a state of mind, is a viewpoint, is a vibrational viewpoint, you see? You can have this at any moment. And as you put it to aptly, hat when you no longer identify with those things that bring you down, some have created fear for you, that bring you unhappiness, when you know longer focus on those things, when you no longer allow yourself, and you have found the discipline in your mind to move past those things, you will find bliss! That is why we say that all that is occurring around you is an illusion of your own making. Make another illusion if you don’t like the one you’re in. Do something different if you don’t like what you’re doing.
The beings that you are are all powerful. You have been imbued with God Source, with the Divine. You have been imbued with them. Yet, many of you are still playing around in an illusion that does not suit you. So we say that you have found heaven, you have found peach, and that heaven and that peace will be disturbed if you refocus yourself in another direction, and you can move out of it as quickly as you’ve moved into it, you see. So maintain that peace, maintain that love, maintain that phase, and do not look the other way. Namaste.
OWS: Very good. We take one more question is there is one, otherwise we are ready to release channel. Very good. Then, Shoshanna, do you have …?
Shoshanna: We wish to broaden … (We apologize, we interrupted.)
OWS: Yes?
Shoshanna: We wish to broaden those that wish for an understanding of this being Shoshanna. We wish to broaden the explanation. It is difficult, however, to really frame it in a way that makes any sense at all. The one known, that we call ourselves, “Shoshanna,” has overlit the being called JoAnna, to give a perspective that is beyond the grasp of the one Joanna, beyond the third-dimensional grasp of her. So we step in to give a higher understanding, to give a broader perspective, to answer the questions of those that wish to have a broader perspective than the one that they currently have probably asked the question, you see.
The one, Shoshanna, has a long history. She is part of the Essenes. She hails from that era. And she has a Higher Self that she would reveal if someone wishes to ask that. Well, we do not actually have the permission to reveal that. We apologize, WE cannot do that. But the Higher Self has a Higher Self, has a Higher Self, has a Higher Self, has a Higher Self, has a Higher Self, has a Higher Self, has a Higher Self, you see. And it is all a mental perspective.
When we view the third dimension, it is so small. It is so insignificant compared to what is available to all of you. So we see the perspective in the higher perspective.
And we wish to tell you all is well. Do not drown yourselves in the minutia, because it does not go away. The minutia exists; you must move away from it, you see.
So we hope that that helped the explanation of the Shoshanna that speaks through Joanna, and she loves all of you deeply. Namaste.
OWS: Wonderful. And we would just say in closing here to continue to keep the faith. We will just leave it at that for now. Keep the faith. Changes are coming.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.
Channeled by James McConnell