viernes, julio 17, 2020

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 7-20-20 - July 17, 2020

Dear Friends,

New Moon in Cancer is Monday, July 20 at 11:32 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This New Moon challenges us to honor the structures that support us and the containers that need to change. But be patient. For now, acknowledgement is enough and planning is better than impulsive action. Keep it simple, practical and well thought out. You are building a foundation for the expansion coming in later this year and next. Look for stability and discipline within yourself and consider your foundation to include your inner strength and stability, wisdom and truth. Sprinkle a bit of inspiration, hope, enthusiasm and broader vision into the mix and you will see things manifest easily and gracefully in the next several months.

Use this New Moon time to re-vision, revise and reset your container, strengthen your inner sources of support and set some long term goals for the direction you wish to see your life manifesting in the future. Be inspired by your planning. What can you let go of now in order to make space for this to happen?

