Our Galactic Family -through Sue Lie
2017 The Year of Light Language
is the NOW to remember that YOU are the Creators of your reality. It is the NOW
to release ALL victimization, self-pity, competition, and ALL your power over
ANY person, place, or thing.
is the Year in which you volunteered to remember your SELF, or miss the bus.
Some do not even know there is a “Bus,”
and others would not take that “bus,” even if it stopped, opened the door, and
waited for them.
2017 is a Year of Decisions
you realize how much power of manifestation you have within this frequency of
reality, you will need to grow up VERY quickly in order to face and fulfill your
huge responsibilities. The 3D is no
longer a trial run into the experience of physical manifestation. The 3D is
becoming the when in which you
remembered who, what and where you used to be.
2017 is the Year of Remembering your SELF
is the year in which you have the opportunity to remember how to BE who you
is also the year in which you must find the courage to BE who you ARE!
other words, 2017 is the year in which you finally give yourselves permission
to love your SELVES Unconditionally.
this NOW, love was still tainted with the conditions of polarity and
separation. 2017 is the Year in which you will begin to remember that YOU ARE HERE
other words, 2017 is the year in which you will move into the ever-present NOW
of the fifth dimension and beyond. What does the “Ever Present NOW mean? You
likely don’t know! 2017 is the year in which you will REMEMBER the NOW!
2017 is the year to Remember Light Language
perception of Light Language begins by remembering your innate ability to perceive
energy fields. Please remember that all reality is actually patterns of energy that temporarily
interact to create the NOW of every given moment.
patterns of energy are multidimensional. Some of these patterns are first
created within the third dimension and may or may not make their way up into
the higher frequencies of reality.
the other hand, some of these energy patterns are “ascending,” which means that
the energy seems to have arisen from the third dimensional physical world and
then “climbed or flowed” into the higher dimensions of reality.
ascending patterns of energy connect with the “descending” energy patterns that
arise in the highest frequencies of reality and have found their way into the
physical reality. When an ascending
energy pattern meets a descending
energy pattern, something very special occurs.
The ascending pattern merges with the descending pattern to create a two-way
circuitry, like an escalator in a store, where humanity can chose to go up the “escalator”
and simultaneously observe the energy patterns going down the “escalator.” This
point of perceptions also works in
reverse, in that the energy patterns going down
the escalator can observe the energy patterns going up the escalator.
the ascending and descending patterns interact, the “time” that it takes to go
up or down transmute into the NOW of simultaneously descending and
ascending. It is the simultaneous intermingling
of the ascending and descending energy fields that short circuit your customary
perception of reality.
you “fooled" your 3D brain by simultaneously perceiving “opposite
realities,” you could only perceive your third dimensional “time/space”
reality. OR, you could meditate and close your eyes to perceive the new, higher
dimensional energy fields that are assisting you to expand your consciousness.
is the blending of the ascending and descending energy fields, the simultaneous
perceptions of the third dimensional and multidimensional perceptions of
reality, that expand your perceptions into the fifth dimensional energy field
of the “Here/Now.”
that time and space are illusions of the third dimension. These illusions are
based on your state of consciousness, and on what you are doing while you are experiencing
your third dimensional perception.
your third dimensional perceptions are based on time and space, they will
appear to be outside of you in space, and they will seem to only exist in your
perceptual field for a certain amount of “time.”
the other hand, there are many fifth dimensional, timeless events, which are,
and have been, occurring within the NOW, of which you were unaware. You are
unaware of that NOW because your conscious perceptions are locked in third/fourth
dimensional time.
is only via your fifth dimensional, sensory perceptions that you can perceive a
timeless event that infinitely exists. However, you may suddenly “catch a
glimpse” of the fifth dimension with your third/fourth dimensional sensor
preceptors, which you will likely identify as a brief experience.
it is not that you are just NOW perceiving the waves of Higher Light coming
into the atmosphere of Gaia, but it is that you are just NOW remembering that you had a fifth dimensional perception.
third dimensional perceptions are easily stored in your third dimensional
brain. But it will take a return to your higher dimensional consciousness before
your 5D timeless perception can finally come online with the circuitry of your
primarily, third dimensional brain.
97% of your brain was always there, but offline to your 3D consciousness, the
3% of your brain and DNA that was activated was only able to perceive third
dimensional energy fields.
you are now beginning to perceive as fifth dimensional New Earth, was always a
frequency of Gaia, just as your unseen, fifth dimensional Lightbody was always
a frequency of your human earth vessel.
this NOW, more of you are expanding your daily consciousness to encompass fifth
dimensional perceptions. It is for this reason, that there are more and more reports
of fifth dimensional Starships, as well as other fifth dimensional perceptions.
reason why the term “awakening” is so often associated with the term
“ascension” is because you were always and innately a fifth dimensional
Lightbody and Gaia was always and innately a fifth dimensional Lightplanet.
as your oven may go up to 500 degrees, but you never used that intensity of
heat, your body and your planet always had a “fifth dimensional dial,” but only
the Ascended Masters learned how to use it. However, as the fifth dimensional
and beyond Light is entering your Crown Chakra, it is activating the memory of
your fifth dimensional desires and perceptions.
as the Higher Light settles into the Third Ventricle of your brain, it calls
for all the “unconscious information” that you stored in the energy field of
your body to travel down into the Core of Gaia to be fully grounded.
that Higher Light is fully grounded, it can return into your First Chakra and travel
up your spinal column, chakra-by-chakra, to merge with the ongoing energy
fields that are constantly flowing into your Crown Chakra.
when your third dimensional body is fully grounded in the Core of Gaia, and all
the higher dimensional translation devices that are stored in each of your
chakras are activated, your fifth dimensional Lightbody Self will begin to awaken
within your third/fourth dimensional earth vessel.
that NOW you will become an opened portal
for the Higher Light that you are allowing to flow through your vessel and
into the Core of Gaia to be grounded. Once that higher dimensional/frequency
light is grounded, it will “turn on” your ability to understand and to project
the Light Messages out into your reality.
more and more Human Portals ground and project the Light Messages of the higher
frequencies of light into your reality, the baseline “state of consciousness”
will raise for all humanity who are ready to accept it.
there are still many humans who are unable to accept the Higher Light messages
because they are unable to release their addiction to the third dimensional,
and/or they have not yet completed Gaia’s third dimensional lessons “energy out
equals energy back” and/or transmuting Separation into Unity.
we call on all of our ascending ones to assist those who have not yet been able
to perceive and accept the messages of the Higher Light. Not only would you be
assisting a fellow human, you would also greatly assist Gaia.
remember the third dimensional lessons of: “the illusion of separation,” “the
choice of power over others vs power within,” and “the lesson of recognizing
and transmuting third dimensional illusions into fifth dimensional Truths.
Time is also an illusion of the third
dimension, as well as “power over others.” In fact, “power over” does not exist
in the fifth dimension, which is transmuted into “power within.” Once one feels
their own “power within” there is no desire or intention to have “power over”
over others, is one of the many third dimensional distortions of a fifth
dimensional concept. When you first began to read, you could easily miss the
meaning of the whole story because you became involved in learning how to read
each word.
the same manner, when you first begin to perceive the fifth dimensional
frequencies of reality, you may only be able to focus on one component of your
entire experience.
you learned to walk and talk, you did so one step, and one word, at a time. Hence,
as you “leave time” to experience the flow of fifth dimensional communications,
it may feel overwhelming. Therefore, step-by-step allows you to firmly ground
your experiences as you go along.
you feel safe swimming in a small pool, but swimming a huge ocean is too
threatening. Therefore, just as you stay
in the shallows of the ocean until you feel more confident, you will stay on the threshold of the fifth
dimension until you feel more confident.
initial experiences of fifth dimensional reality are best left to your “imagination.”
Your third dimensional thinking has no words to express your fifth dimensional
experiences. Hence, accept that you can share your experience by sharing the
thoughts and emotions that flowed through you while you were within that
innate, fifth dimensional language is NOT separated into separate words, or
even separate concepts. In fact, fifth dimensional communication merges into
your being like a lovely picture or a memory. You will experience that
communication more like “communing!”
we, your Galactic Family, wish to show you a picture that our channel received
as a picture, drew as a picture, then last summer, she was instructed to place
a short sentence to assist her to remember how to “read” the picture.
invite you to “read” what the picture says to you in the comment section of
this blog. In this manner you can “practice your Light Language.” You may, or
may not, receive the same message that is written on the picture.
time-to-time, one page at a time, Suzille will put up the pictures in the order
in which she illustrated it. At the bottom of each picture are the “words” that
she heard from the picture. We ask that each of you put YOUR words that you
hear in the comment section of the blog.
this manner, you can all see and understand how each of you is creating your
own story that speaks to you on each page. All of your “individual” stories
will be in the same comments section so that you can read your “collective” experience
of each picture.
remember that every communication, in which a person shares their perception of
that picture, is a reminder that you all see the same reality through a
different perspective. The merging of those “separate” perspectives prepares
you all for the deep unity consciousness of the fifth dimensional frequency of
I decided to turn my perception around
to perceive reality from a new
We would love
you to participate in this exercise by writing what this picture says to
you in the comments section. Remember there is no "right" or "wrong"
perception. There is "your" perception. As we all remember to trust our
new incoming fifth dimensional perceptions, we can share them with
others. We are entering a new frequency of reality with a new manner of communication.
Each of us will see this new
frequency of reality in our own way. Thus, much as we need to learn a
new language when we move to a different country, we will need to learn a
new language, which is a collective-imagistic language, as we move into
a new dimension.
Who will teach us this language?
Our own Higher SELF
Thank You