Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
I had the pleasure of two live events while in Boulder, Colorado last weekend. Lauren Galey graciously hosted me at her family cottage, where we had our first gathering. This was the first time I shared the experience of opening a Christed Ascension Gateway in-person, and the energy was palpable for all present. Lauren interviewed me and we discussed the Accelerated timeline project, the third wave of 2016, and the current unfoldments.
We appeal to every Lightworker, Gridworker and Gatekeeper to hold the higher frequency as this light does its work. Call forth the highest Christed Ascension timelines, the removal of all which interferes or limits the collective Ascension, and align your hearts, activities, thoughts and creations with the New Paradigm of Peace, Love and Unity.
Note the reminders in this video conversation: It is our responsibility as the awakened and Ascending to create and amplify the New, rather than feed the old light as it dies. Rapid change is expected if we stabilize and hold the higher timeline which is already anchored as highest outcome/possibility for all concerned. The High-Vibe Tribe is experiencing the acceleration of Pure Source consciousness through our energy fields and DNA. It can get psychedelic and transcendent as we embody these frequencies and thread them into the collective consciousness. Feel into that higher experience and adjust your lifestream as needed. Trust Source, Trust your Higher Self, and open yourself as Pure Conduit of this new level of light.
You are being purified, prepared for a new existence. Allow the old beingness to fall away; resistance will cause suffering – and that is no longer needed. All is well, Beloveds.
In Love, Light and Service,
Note: I AM currently in the deserts of Utah, traveling and doing Gateway work. The Solar Gatework is much easier out here, and I AM learning much about creating in this state of absolute Presence. Let us focus our thoughts and hearts on the New as the acceleration unfolds. Apologies for the squint-frown in the daylight. It is what it is, hear the messages.