jueves, marzo 31, 2016
Mahala - Planet Alert April 2016
March was one of the most intense months I have experienced in a long time. There were two eclipses, the Spring Equinox, two comets, and Easter. This equinox changed everything as far as I am concerned because it was the end of the war on the astral plane and that is a big deal. I experienced this final war on the dream plane and that is how I know it is over. This war has gone on for eons of time and it has finally come to an end.
This means that we definitely jumped out of 4D and now we need to anchor ourselves firmly in 5D. The final battle is now occurring on Earth. Everything happens on the Astral first and then it happens on Earth. It was shortly after the Spring Equinox that Brussels was attacked by terrorists. Incidentally, the March 23rd full moon was on 3 degrees Libra. This means that the moon was exactly over Brussels at the time the attack happened.
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Kara Schallock - Portal Post Eclipse - 29 de Marzo 2016
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Aunque hayamos avanzado más allá del Portal del Eclipse, todavía sentimos sus efectos. Si no se han abierto nuevos senderos todavía, lo harán, sean pacientes. La razón es que rara vez las cosas cambian en la fecha particular de un evento cósmico porque estamos fuera del tiempo, independientemente de lo que digan nuestros calendarios y relojes. Siempre es importante hacer la ceremonia en el día del evento porque alinea nuestras energías con el evento. La mayoría no experimenta el cambio en ese día particular, sino cuando una persona está lista según lo decide su Alma. Como ilustración, anoche, 28/29 de marzo, tuve un sueño recurrente en el cual liberaba algunos comportamientos antiguos y actitudes que eran muy limitantes y se transformaban en poder y fortaleza. He seguido con ese sueño hasta que conscientemente he reclamado la transformación. Fui despertada continuamente después de cada segmento del sueño para hacer esto. Cuando finalmente lo reclamé, el sueño se detuvo. Si están experimentando todavía el poder del portal, confíen en que todo está en orden divino.
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El Gran Cambio,
Kara Schallock
Kryon canalizado por Lee Carroll - Letra “P” - Punta Arenas, Chile - Aventura en la Patagonia -18 al 26 de Marzo de 2016
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Quiero presentarles una imagen. Aquí somos unos pocos, pero hay muchos escuchando. Nuevamente les decimos que somos atemporales. Existen algunos escuchando ahora, que ustedes creen que escucharán más tarde, pero si les preguntaran, ellos dirían que es ahora, y que ustedes están en el pasado. Ambos son relativos; todo es ahora.
Comenzamos una aventura; quiero presentarles esta imagen. Estamos casi en el extremo de abajo del planeta; es un lugar mágico de Gaia, llamado Patagonia. El grupo está a punto de embarcarse en la aventura; van a ver lo que hay aquí. Habrá canalizaciones a lo largo de todo el trayecto, y mucho para ver y sentir. Cada uno de los que están en las sillas frente a mí es conocido por Dios. No por un Dios de doctrinas, sino el que es parte de su ADN. Este ha sido el mensaje de todos los Maestros del planeta: que dentro de ustedes está la Fuente Creadora del Universo. Está oculta: se requiere elegir libremente que se presente.
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Lee Carroll
Sarah Varcas - April 2016 Astro-Energy Report - 30/03/2016
Image: “Ruby With a Dash of Emerald” by Brian Varcas
Spiritual Warriors With Blankets to Darn
Sarah Varcas
April begins as the recent eclipse season comes to a close. This may cue a sigh of relief for some, even though eclipses continue to resonate through our lives for several months. Last month was fairly intense and may have left us feeling somewhat battle worn! The challenges to our sense of self and personal autonomy may have felt harsh and left us wondering whether there’s any real hope of change or just more of the same old struggles in different packaging! Thankfully the second half of April provides ample opportunity to refresh and regroup, offering inner space in which to consider where we go from here.
Prior to that, however, there are some powerful forces to reckon with as the Sun crosses the brewing Uranus/Eris conjunction in Aries, between 6th and 15th April. Impatience may rule the day and old frustrations rise up unbidden. Whatever the surface issues may be, this conjunction of the Sun with two disruptive forces (and squared by Pluto for good measure!) augurs the upwelling of ancestral and collective pain which may overwhelm our everyday experience, super-charging our reactions and unleashing powerful emotions out of proportion to the matter at hand. The Uranus/Eris conjunction is releasing from the collective psyche repressed pain and issues ignored for too long by too many. We are the conduits for those feelings and are all beholden to find the highest and wisest way to channel them for good.
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Sarah Varcas
Pamela Kribbe - The Great Mystery - 31 March, 2016
There is a great mystery in the Universe, and the mystery is that there is something, rather than nothing – that something exists. In the universe there is life, light, and consciousness; life dances and moves. How has this all come about?
It is important that you first marvel at the mystery of life, light, and consciousness. These elements cannot exist in isolation; where there is life there is also light and consciousness. Light makes it so that life becomes manifest. In the light is a driving force that causes consciousness to be raised higher, until it comes to a point where it can reflect upon itself, become self-conscious. When consciousness gets to that point, life is able to become aware and capable of giving form to itself. Life can choose and progress, and then there is such a thing as the formation of an I, of a self. This is the birth of the soul.
It is important that you first marvel at the mystery of life, light, and consciousness. These elements cannot exist in isolation; where there is life there is also light and consciousness. Light makes it so that life becomes manifest. In the light is a driving force that causes consciousness to be raised higher, until it comes to a point where it can reflect upon itself, become self-conscious. When consciousness gets to that point, life is able to become aware and capable of giving form to itself. Life can choose and progress, and then there is such a thing as the formation of an I, of a self. This is the birth of the soul.
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Pamela Kribbe
Benjamin Fulford - 20160328 Khazarian Satan worshippers now exposed for all to see
Posted by benjamin
March 28, 2016
The battle for the planet earth is heading towards victory for the people as the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia is being unmasked in ways that defy denial. We have the New York Times reporting that gates commemorating Baal (another name for Satan, image at link below)
are being constructed in New York and London.
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Benjamín Fulford
Benjamín Fulford - 28-03-16. Los adoradores jázaros de Satanás están ahora expuestos para que todos los vean

31 Mar Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/03/28/20160328-khazarian-satan-worshippers-now-exposed-for-all-to-see/
La batalla por el planeta Tierra se dirige hacia la victoria para el pueblo mientras la mafia jázara adoradora de Satanás está siendo desenmascarada en formas que desafían la negación. Tenemos informes del New York Times que conmemoran que las puertas de Baal (otro nombre para Satanás, la imagen en el siguiente enlace)

se están construyendo en Nueva York y Londres.
Y luego tenemos un correo electrónico filtrado de Hillary Clinton, donde escribe acerca de “sacrificar un pollo a Moloc”.
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Benjamín Fulford
miércoles, marzo 30, 2016
Jennifer Hoffman - La Muerte, Morir, la Gracia y la Paz - 29 de Marzo 2016
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Aunque entendemos los principios espirituales sobre la muerte y su momento, a un nivel humano hay mucha menos claridad y entendimiento. Y cuando ese amigo o ser querido mueren por su propia voluntad, la situación se complica y se hace más oscura. ¿Qué nivel de desesperación podría haberles llevado tanto dentro de su propia oscuridad que no pudieron encontrar una sola chispa de luz? ¿Por qué no nos dijeron que tenían problemas y por qué no estuvimos más alertas ante su situación? En los momentos desafiantes en que vivimos, la fina línea entre la esperanza y la desesperación se adelgaza considerablemente y a veces solamente surge una elección para alguien, de que es tiempo de darse por vencido.
No podemos nunca saber el significado completo, el alcance y el propósito de un contrato del alma, qué es entre un individuo y la Fuente. Cada vida tiene un propósito y cada propósito es siempre cumplimentado, independientemente de cuando ocurra la muerte. Para quienes quedan por detrás con preguntas sin responder, pensamos que es una vida no cumplimentada, pero eso no es cierto. Ha cumplido su misión y propósito, pero no en formas que podamos entender. Podemos tener alguna influencia sobre las elecciones de vida de alguien, cuando les mostramos un ejemplo diferente pero aun así, la elección final siempre es de ellos.
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El Gran Cambio,
Jennifer Hoffman
Brenda Hoffman - ¿No es Hora Ya de Dejar de Sacrificarse? - 28 de Marzo 2016
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Aunque ustedes tienen plena capacidad para crear, para ser lo que deseen ser, continúan esperando a que alguien les diga que es así – incluyéndonos a nosotros. Ustedes son de 5D. Ustedes pueden lograr ahora lo que antes fue un sueño en su vida 3D.
Algunos cuestionan este hecho porque saben en la profundidad de su ser que hay muchos más niveles de ser de los que ustedes sueñan. Es así – pero no pueden concebir esos niveles en su ser físico actual. Así que no hay en sus sueños, imaginación, visiones o pensamientos que no puedan crear.
Si esto último es cierto – y lo es - ¿por qué no están creando sus sueños? Porque aunque ahora tengan las habilidades que soñaron, no aceptan que esto sea así.
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Brenda Hoffman,
Christine Preston - ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Disclosure – God’s Way, March 29, 2016
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: From the love of twin flames, with one descending and the other ascending, both in alignment with their higher Selves, is the way this message is manifesting. With these movements of Light come a message of great importance concerning Disclosure and what is compelling it to take place. It has been pointed out many times that it is part of the process of Ascension because the awakening into full consciousness involves a liberation from the darkness that has been created to keep mankind ignorant of its potentials. Disclosure will take place by Divine Command and as a manifestation of the Divine Will. A revelation concerning all the truths that have been suppressed has to take place. Nothing can stop it. It is necessary for the creation of new Gaia and no deferment, or attempt, by the dark forces to introduce modifications to the plan will be tolerated. The powers that have controlled mankind, and are now being dissolved, have suppressed truths and have also done this through a falsification of all knowledge and even of history.
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Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, with Holy Lady Amethyst, and a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light. Today, we wish to bring you a Message of Light about letting your heart sing.
The heart is where you begin to access the energy of the higher dimensions. The energy of the heart is the energy of Love. The energy of the higher dimensions is based on Love. This is a universal Love that goes far beyond romantic love.
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AA Zadkiel,
Linda M. Robinson
martes, marzo 29, 2016
Sandra Walter ~ Quantum Gravity and the Solar Aspect of Self - March 29, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
For many Souls who chose the path of crystalline/Solar Cosmic Christ consciousness, you store a fractal of your beingness within your local star – the Sun (Solaris). A fractal of your light signature dwells within the Sun for safekeeping until the merge of dimensional levels (Higher and Lower Self) occurs. This maintains the intent of Christed embodiment; the Soul plants a possibility for your incarnational experience within that star system. The Sun serves as a Gateway for an entire OverSoul group dedicated to this Divine Service of Planetary, Galactic, and Universal Ascension. As your progress intensifies, it becomes clear that your Ascension is not personal. It is an act of Divine Will, of Service to the (much) larger perspective.
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El Gran Cambio,
Sandra Walter
Ron Head - The Council - Your collective approaches closer and closer to the tipping point - March 29, 2016
What is going on? Why do I feel so down at times? Why are my dreams so violent? These are a few of the questions we are receiving from you these days. There are many others, as well, but they all show your confusion about going through things that you believed you had finished with.
Now this is not true for all of you, so please do not feel left out of you are having wonderfully happy times. It is not as if you have been missed and we will get to you later. Each of you are standing at a different spot on your own personal path, but there are many who will feel that we are addressing their current situation with this message. And we feel that if things are rosy for you at this time, you do not need us to explain it to you.
Now, as time passes, or more accurately, as more and more of you experience greater evolution in your conscious awakenings, your collective approaches closer and closer to the tipping point in your collective experience of yourselves. When that tipping point is finally reached and the crest is passed, you will, many of you, feel or see or know in some manner, perhaps all of those mentioned, that mankind has evolved into what you are terming ascension. It is possible that you will experience something that you are calling an ‘Event’. There is an equally positive probably that you have brought into potential in the last short while that will be experienced as a much smoother transition. You are in the process of deciding how this will manifest.
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El Consejo,
Ron Head
Jennifer Hoffman - Death, Dying, Grace and Peace - March 29, 2016
Although we understand the spiritual principles around death and its timing, on a human level there is far less clarity and understanding. And when a friend or loved one dies by their own effort, the situation becomes yet more muddled and unclear. What level of despair could take them so far into their own darkness that they cannot find a single spark of light? Why didn’t they tell us they were in trouble and how could we not have been more aware of their situation? In the challenging times we live in, the thin line between hope and despair thins considerably and sometimes only one choice emerges for someone, that it’s time to quit.
We can never know the full meaning, scope, and purpose of a soul contract, which is between an individual and Source. Every life has a purpose and every purpose is always fulfilled, no matter when death happens. For those who are left behind with unanswered questions, we think it’s a life unfulfilled but that isn’t true. It has fulfilled its mission and purpose, but not in ways we understand. We can have some influence over someone’s life choices when we can show them a different example but even then, the final choice is always theirs.
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El Gran Cambio,
Jennifer Hoffman
John Smallman - The awakening of humanity is occurring right now, in this eternal moment - March 29, 2016
Humanity is precisely on schedule for its imminent awakening. God wills that humanity awaken, and humanity has made the collective decision to awaken, so nothing can prevent it. Do not be discouraged by the mainstream media reportage of bad news. Yes, of course people are suffering in wars and in dire poverty in many places on Earth, but this is nothing new, war and poverty have been endemic on Earth for eons. However, never before have so many cared compassionately about the suffering and poverty that those less fortunate than themselves are undergoing, and never before has so much been done to alleviate poverty and suffering, and to bring wars to an end.
The vast majority incarnate on Earth at this time are ready for enormous changes to occur to bring the way you live into line with the divine Will, which is, of course, utterly in agreement with each of your wills, even though many seem, as yet, to be unaware of this collective will. In fear, many, not seeing the true spiritual trend of human evolution, still cling to judgment and blame, while deep within themselves they are desperately hoping and praying for the change that is imminent.
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Jesús-John Smallman
Kara Schallock - Post Eclipse Gateway - 29-Mar-2016

Even though we have moved beyond the Eclipse Gateway, we are still feeling its effects. If new pathways have not yet opened, they will, so be patient. The reason for this is because rarely do things shift on the particular date of a cosmic event because we are in timelessness, regardless of what our calendars and clocks say. It is always important to do Ceremony on the day of the event, for that aligns our energies with the event. Most don’t experience the shift on that particular day, but when a person is ready as decided by Soul. As an illustration of this, last night (March 28-29), I had an ongoing dream in which I released some old behaviors and attitudes that were most limiting and these were transformed into Strength and Power. I kept having a continuation of the dream until I consciously claimed the Transformation. I was continuously awakened after each segment of the dream to do this. When I finally claimed them, the dream stopped. If you are still experiencing the Power of the Gateway, trust that all is in Divine Order.
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El Gran Cambio,
Kara Schallock
Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Federación Galáctiva y Jerarquía Espiritual - 22-03-2016
5 Manik 0 Mac, 12 Manik
Esos proyectos van a distribuir comida y agua sanas. La humanidad está tristemente carente de la nutrición y del agua limpia
¡Dratzo! El proceso para cambiar esta realidad continúa. Este esfuerzo está en su mayor parte desnivelado.
Por una parte, tenemos a los Maestros Ascendidos, a numerosas sociedades secretas y a sus estrechos aliados, esos individuos dedicados con sinceridad a un rápido y sano final al poder y la riqueza de los diversos secuaces de los oscuros.
Esos oligarcas iban a intentar un programa de despoblación masiva que ha empezado recientemente a tener algún efecto en numerosos países de los menos desarrollados y más pobres del mundo.
Ese conjunto de proyectos mortales están empezando de alguna forma a pararlo una serie de “soplones” iluminados.
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Mike Quinsey - Internet…. Se utiliza para daros a conocer hechos verdaderos - 25-03-2016
A pesar de que lo sepáis o no, los asuntos están progresando bien a pesar de los muchos retrasos.
Pero serán incapaces de influir en el resultado, porque todo ha sido bien planificado.
Las Fuerzas de la Luz se aproximan cada vez más a vosotros a medida que pasa el tiempo, y están preparados para llevar a cabo su trabajo en muy poco tiempo.
Los Oscuros y sus secuaces son solo una pequeña fuerza comparados con la Luz, pero aún así pueden causar retrasos en vuestro trabajo, como habéis experimentado.
la “Revalorización” está preparada para comenzar y lo hará cuando los que están al control estén seguros de que procediendo no pongan en peligro todo el plan.
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Mike Quinsey
Natalie Glasson - Madre María - El Nacimiento de los Seres Guerreros del Amor - 11-03-2016
El amor exuda de mi corazón y ser al suyo. Soy la Madre María, vengo con la conciencia, luz y amor para apoyar a la humanidad y la Tierra en este tiempo de Ascensión.
Es un tiempo de una enorme transformación en la Tierra, y aunque algunos de los cambios pudieran ser sutiles e inadvertidos, han sido aguardados durante largo tiempo y crearán un gran impacto en la conciencia de la humanidad.
Por favor valoren los cambios sutiles sucediendo en el núcleo de su ser porque ellos los están abriendo a su verdad para que se vuelvan un faro de amor.
La conciencia de la Tierra y la humanidad está cambiando a una conciencia de un mayor amor que está preparando las experiencias presentes y futuras del Creador, amor e iluminación.
Esto está allanando el camino para las nuevas oportunidades para quienes están en la Tierra y los planos internos.
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Madre María,
Natalie Glasson
Caroline Oceana Ryan - El Colectivo - 17-03-2016
La última guía de nuestros amigos, los seres Galácticos y Angélicos conocidos como el Colectivo:
¡Saludos, amigos y compañeros Trabajadores de la Luz! Estamos contentos de tener la oportunidad de hablar con ustedes de nuevo hoy.
Estamos conscientes de que, como hemos mencionado antes, todos ustedes están experimentando los inmensos cambios y reestructuraciones traídos por las energías del eclipse, y crecientemente por las energías del equinocio de primavera (u otoño).
Los vemos malabareando una gran cantidad de cosas ahora a medida que redirigen sus energías físicas para que encajen más plenamente con su aspecto etérico.
Sus cuerpos, y como resultado, sus mentes y emociones, están empujando a través de la densidad del aire que ha representado la vida por tantos eones de vidas en la Tierra tridimensional.
Sus yos físicos están transmutando la vieja estructura basada en el carbono—y no solamente para tener una nueva forma física.
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lunes, marzo 28, 2016
John Smallman - Jesús - Cada uno de ustedes es un increíblemente poderoso campo de energía de Amor - 07-02-2016
Su Poder otorgado por Dios, el verdadero Poder, Poder real, el Poder del Amor sale de cada uno de ustedes hacia el universo, no hay objeto, obstrucción o campo de fuerza que pueda detenerlo o mitigarlo. Es Dios y ustedes y es Todo lo que Existe.
En la Tierra el caos parece estar haciendo erupción en muchos lugares como volcanes.
El cambio se acelera así como la consciencia también hace erupción debido a los divulgadores de la verdad y sitios web de noticias alternos que publican información que se ha mantenido en secreto como parte de la intención de los pocos que controlar y esclavizan al resto de la humanidad.
Ésta nueva consciencia no puede contenerse. Hay organizaciones que intentan aplastarla o ridiculizarla para prevenir que el viejo orden se colapse.
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Jesús-John Smallman
John Smallman - Saúl - El Amor siempre perdona los errores - 07-02-2016
Solo el Amor es Real. Y en esa Verdad divina deberían regocijarse.
La humanidad está en un punto crucial. Es el punto en el cual el equilibrio entre lo negativo y lo positivo, o más realísticamente, entre el miedo y el Amor se invierte.
Por eones la humanidad ha vivido con miedo que efectivamente es una pantalla de auto fascinación egoísta que bloquea la Luz del Amor.
El Amor es el campo de energía infinito de la creación en el cual todo lo creado o que será creado tiene su existencia eterna, no existe otra cosa.
El miedo es solo un velo que ustedes han puesto entre ustedes y esa Luz infinita, colocándose en las sombra.
Estar en la sombra es temeroso porque la Luz es Dios, Vida y su amoroso abrazo sin el cual nada puede existir incluso por un momento.
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Saúl-John Smallman
Marilyn Rafaelle - Grupo Arcturiano - La Energía del Dinero - 20-03-2016
Queridos, bienvenidos al tiempo cuando las cosas parecen lo mismo para gran parte del mundo, pero no para quienes están despertando.
Muchos de ustedes están comenzando a tener experiencias nuevas e inusuales así como percepciones más profundas de las que otros son inconscientes.
Continúen adelante a favor de la evolución es moverse hacia la nueva Tierra y un nuevo estado de conciencia para aquellos que elijan.
Deseamos hablar sobre el dinero, un tópico que parece causar mucho caos y problemas al mundo.
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Grupo Arcturiano,
Marilyn Rafaelle
Linda M. Robinson - Arcángel Zadkiel - La quietud interna - 02-03-2016
Saludos amados. Éste es el Arcángel Zadkiel junto con la sagrada Lady Amatista. Se nos une un grupo del Reino Angélico de Luz y los Hathors. Hoy queremos discutir la quietud interna.
Se les presentan muchas oportunidades para avanzar en su camino de ascensión.
Cada onda de energía entrante trae nuevas posibilidades para explorar caminos y formas por servir.
A veces, estas ondas de energía y posibilidades puede que parezca que vienen rápido.
Puede que sientan que no tienen tiempo de procesar una onda de energía antes de que la siguiente llegue.
Cuando esto ocurre, puede que deseen considerar volverse a la quietud interna para considerar sus opciones.
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AA Zadkiel,
Linda M. Robinson
Mar 28 WSO UPDATE - Is the Earth Tilting? If so, WHY?
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Reverso Polo Magnético,
Benjamin Fulford March 4th, 2016 World War III update
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Benjamín Fulford,
Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 27 de Marzo al 3 de Abril, 2016
Traducción: Esther Abreu
El mundo se está moviendo en el proceso de renovación y regeneración. Esto se puede ver fácilmente en los acontecimientos mundiales. Todos los sistemas anticuados que no sirven para el mayor bien de todos se están evidenciando a través de los eventos que se están produciendo. Es difícil para la humanidad comprender que una ley superior está en vigor cuando todo lo que ven es caos y un mundo enloquecido. Este es el tiempo durante el cual todos los Trabajadores de la Luz del mundo han reencarnado en este planeta. ¡Su Luz está haciendo una diferencia! No se desanimen por lo que ven a través del lente de los medios de comunicación, hay mucho sucediendo en la perspectiva superior de lo que se les presenta.
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Christine Preston - ASHTAR COMMAND: ASCENSION PROCESS - March 22, 2016
by Christine Preston
ASHTAR COMMAND: Dear ones, this is an Alert from Ashtar Command. We are approaching a time of difficulty because of the planetary adjustment that will take place with the process of Disclosure. The Earth has entered a most dense area of the Ring of Light that is called a Photon Belt, and the entire Solar System is being buffeted by electro-magnetic waves. These waves are instrumental to the Great Awakening as the photonic light and gamma rays of these electro-magnetic surges are stripping the psyche of mankind of negative elements in much the same way as the circles and swords of Blue Flame of Archangel Michael, as well as of the Elohim Hercules and Astrea. We are referring to intrinsic characters in the persona that have been created by the self in the process of using the light of God, but which represents an effluence or contamination. At every moment the self makes a choice to use this power in the right way or not. You either qualify the Light as you use it, or misqualify it, as you live your lives. Due to the descent into the 3rd dimension of duality, billions of souls have created an ego that has a life of its own and occupies the psyche, the subconscious and conscious minds of the person in incarnation. Their intrinsic values and qualities have been perverted. You know of the tool you can use to obtain a purification of your psyche. We are referring to the Call to Archangel Michael, or the Elohim, to strip you of elements, such as doubts and fears, and also of all the perversions of the qualities of the Divine Mother-Father. You know of the purification of the aura and chakras that are instruments or chalices for the reception of divine Light as well. You can recreate yourselves in the image of the Christ consciousness that is your blueprint and that is descending. This is a basic understanding to have to appreciate the changes taking place due to the presence of the Solar System and the Earth in the Ring of Photonic Light which is about ten times larger in size than the Galaxy of the Milky Way in which you exist. However, it extends over and below the Galaxy as a vertical loop, so the edges of the Galaxy are not continuously in this Photonic Ring. As the Galaxy moves in space the extremities of its edges remain outside of this Ring for thousands of years and then cross it again.
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Ashtar Command,
Christine Preston
Brenda Hoffman - Isn’t it Time to Stop Sacrificing? - March 28, 2016
Dear Ones,
Even though you have full capabilities to create, to be what you desire, you continue to wait for someone to tell you that such is so – including us. You are of the 5th dimension (5D). You can now achieve that which was once a dream in your 3rd dimension (3D) life.
Some of you question that statement for you know deep within you that there are many more levels to beingness than that which you dream of. Such is so – but you cannot conceive of those levels in your current physical being. So there is nothing in your dreams, imagination, visions, or thoughts you cannot create.
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Brenda Hoffman,
domingo, marzo 27, 2016
Sarah Varcas - 25th March – 13th August 2016: Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius - 27/03/2016
Rebirth and Responsibility
Sarah Varcas
Saturn stationed retrograde in the 17th degree of Sagittarius. This degree is one of rebirth, with Saturn our midwife in the coming months. In true Saturnine form it may not be an easy birth and the labour may be long, but the outcome, when it stations direct in August, will reveal the value of our efforts. This rebirth will reanimate part of us which has become lifeless and stagnant, trapped in a state of suspended animation having encountered a challenge, shock or disappointment that took the wind from its sails. Wherever we’ve had the life knocked out of us by the twists and turns of fate, the decisions of others or our own unpreparedness for the path ahead, Saturn retrograde offers an opportunity to regather our energy, regain our balance and breathe new life into old hopes, dreams and aspirations.
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Sarah Varcas
Kryon "Patagonia Tour" 2016
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Lee Carroll,
Pequeño Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Marzo 2016 ~ EL CAOS DEL CAMBIO ~ 27 de marzo de 2016
Marzo es un mes dinámico, cargado de acción desde el principio hasta el final. ¡Las Luces Verdes están completamente encendidas! El Mono de Fuego ya está correteando por las copas de los árboles con los bolsillos llenos de locas travesuras, creativos y emocionantes proyectos e inesperados avances. Todo lo que él/ella hace este año es con el propósito de liberarnos de viejos patrones y alinearnos con nuestro Verdadero Camino.
En este momento, el mundo derruido de la dualidad está creando un intenso caos en el mundo exterior. Mucha energía vieja distorsionada se está agitando y gran parte de ella es extremadamente sucia, ruidosa y más que un poco loca. Este caos está sembrando las semillas del miedo, ira e histeria. Está lleno de siniestros escenarios de ciencia ficción demasiado irreales. El caos es causado por todas las energías viejas que la Nueva Realidad está agitando y aflojando. Ahora estas energías ilusorias deben abandonar el planeta.
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El Gran Cambio,
Reporte de Energías,
Judith Kusel - The Tuning in – Celestially - March 27, 2016

The movement of the Central Suns, the galaxies, the Universes, the star systems all rest on the very foundations of cosmic order and balance. It rests upon the same basic Universal Cosmic Laws, within which we have been created as soul occupying physical form on this planet.
To me the last few hours have been one of integration the immensity of the higher insight and understanding of this in some energetic form for I work with cosmic energies and energy fields, and therein the underlying order.
I have for the last ten years of my life steadily been introduced to massive intelligent and vibrant life force energy fields, which form a vital component to the very structures on which the whole Creation is based on.
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El Gran Cambio,
Judith Kusel
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - March 27, 2016
When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations.
Dear One,
When you dedicate your life to God, an expansion occurs. When your energy fields expand, the limitations of the physical world begin to drop away. You feel lighter, uplifted, more joyful. Your heart resonates at a deeper level of truth. You begin to operate at a higher level of awareness. This new awareness brings you a more enlightened perspective on your life.
It is a wondrous feeling to be in a place of enlightened perspective. All of a sudden you look at your world with new eyes. Your attitude is one of love and compassion, and you become more forgiving of situations that normally would have upset you. This is the grace available to you from the Divine Source. It is always available to you and exists as a stream of heightened energy frequency, or Pure Consciousness.
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AA Gabriel,
Shanta Gabriel
Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - March 27 – April 3, 2016
Beloved Ones,
The world is moving into the process of renewal and regeneration. This can be readily seen in world events. All the outworn systems that do not serve the highest good of all are being highlighted through events that are taking place. It is difficult for humanity to comprehend that a higher law is in force when all that they see is chaos and a world gone mad. This is the time for which all Lightworkers of the world have been incarnated upon this planet. Your Light is making a difference! Do not become discouraged by what you view through the lens of the media, there is more at work in the higher perspective than is presented to you.
Within you there is much recalibration taking place. Like it or not, your physical vehicles are being transformed into higher versions of more rarefied form. Most of you are by now intimately experiencing waves of heat throughout your spines at regular intervals. When this happens, you know that your DNA strands are being activated and opened up. There are many strange symptoms that are being experienced by many of you and this will continue to occur. Some of you are experiencing anxiety without knowing the cause. This is in relation to the fact that you are heading into unknown territory and you do not know what it holds for you. Be at peace and ride these waves as they come, you will emerge victorious!
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John Smallman - Saul - The nagging feeling that there must be more to life - 03/27/2016
The Easter celebration is a reminder of your oneness with God, and therefore with one another, an annual commemoration of the Resurrection which was a major step in moving all of humanity forward toward awakening from the dream of separation. The Resurrection brought into humanity’s awareness the possibility of remembering the knowledge, hidden for eons beneath a cloak or veil of indifference and self-imposed ignorance, that you are One with God.
That memory is now arising into humanity’s collective consciousness and leading to an intense collective desire to return to Reality, to awaken from the dream or nightmare in which you have been ensconced since the moment you chose to experience separation from your divine Source. Truly that moment of choice was but a moment ago, but the environment of separation you invented in which to play your games had rules that had to be observed or, if you prefer, natural laws that appeared to control the environment that the game had established, and one of those was linear time.
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Saúl-John Smallman
sábado, marzo 26, 2016
John Smallman - Jesús- The nightmare of worldwide poverty, conflict, and suffering will cease. - March 25, 2016
We are all evolving spiritually because Creation, Reality is ever ongoing, there is no final destination, just a continual growth in joy and happiness that continuously uplifts and inspires. God, our Father, the Source, All That Is wills our happiness and joy and so it will be accomplished. Life within God, where all Life occurs, is an ever-expanding journey of joy. In contrast the human life experience is one in which you strive to accomplish something and on achieving what you intended soon find it unsatisfying, and so you seek something new to replace or supersede it. Satisfaction is impossible within the illusion, because nothing there is Real. Temporary pleasure or satisfaction does of course occur, but the pleasure or satisfaction cannot and does not last. Life is eternal, but human life is a very limited experience in which there is great striving to prevent, avoid, or deny the inevitable – death – that is driven by fear. But death is just a releasing of limitation and an opening into Reality – fully conscious awareness of eternal existence within the Oneness that is All That Is. Reality is what all are seeking, but cannot find because they look outside themselves instead of within. Lasting joy and happiness, where you know and experience yourself as One with Source, and therefore with all of Creation, can only be found within. That is why all your guides and mentors from the spiritual realms keep on stressing the absolute essentiality of taking time out daily, and also throughout the day, to go within and be in peace there with the inextinguishable divine Light that dwells there – the Real You. You will not find it elsewhere, as many self-help books might suggest, because there is no “elsewhere.” Within is Reality, without is illusion or dream.
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Jesús-John Smallman
viernes, marzo 25, 2016
Ute Posegga-Rudel - OUR GOD-SELF: I AM FREE AND SO YOU ARE - March 25, 2016

VIDEO (recommended!)
My Beloved Ones!
Always remember: your world changes, the Truth That You Are, never changes.
Your Truth is Divine Truth, is Eternal, Is Substance and Primordial Essence of Existence, nothing less. It Exists before mind arises.
Do you understand?!
When mind arises, the multitude of worlds, universes and things appear. The dimensions unfold, emotions arise, experiences drive you and the notion of opposites seem to be real.
In Me, the Real, That Is The Eternal One, you all, the many souls and all the differences appear to dance the dance of joy and happiness and light, or walk the walk of suffering and darkness.
But beyond - there is the infinite Source of Love and Bliss and you will come to know that Love even contains darkness and suffering, because Love embraces all.
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Ute Posegga-Rudel
Dianne Robbins - March Monthly Channeling: Return of the Christ Consciousness
Return of the Christ Consciousness
Greetings. It is Mikos, your brother from the Hollow Earth, bringing you glad tidings for the ascension wave about to sweep the surface and funnel you into the Fifth Dimension of Light and Love and everlasting Peace. We bless you from below, as we feel the flow of energy engulfing our planet and all life in and on it.
Every living specie will be catapulted into a new world of Love and Light—a world where all can continue their everlasting evolution into Eternity, free from constraint and limitations and poverty and wars.
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Dianne Robbins,
Aisha North - March 25, 2016
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Aisha North,
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 25 March 2016
The turmoil is still occurring on Earth as the dark Ones continue make themselves known by their indiscriminate actions against innocent people. Naturally karma is involved but that does not in any way excuse their murderous intentions. It achieves nothing in furthering their cause, but alienates people on all levels. These actions can be brought to a complete halt and will be once a certain point is reached. Meantime you will continue to evolve as the vibrations proceed to lift you up, and will draw further away from the lower vibrations until you are ready to ascend.
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Mike Quinsey
Christine Meleriessee - Master Thoth: Being Responsible for Each Moment of Our Lives ~ Law of Action - March 25, 216
This article is a channeled message from Master Thoth. He is the initiator of the Universal Laws of our Universe as given in his lifetime as “Hermes Trismegistus”. He is working with Walking Terra Christa to help bring a more accurate understanding to the Universal Laws within the concept of accepting them in our Mastery pathway for the betterment of our existence as we co-create a Fifth Dimensional New Earth. He will give a teaching this weekend on the Law of Action.
“ThIS Universal Law states that THE Law of Action Must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions and words.”
A Divine Light Language Message from Master Thoth of the Unified Whole Command. A Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
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Christine Meleriessee
jueves, marzo 24, 2016
Lauren C. Gorgo - Equinoccio-Eclipse: el corredor de la verdad - 20 de Marzo 2016
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Feliz equinoccio. Casi no puedo creerlo pero ya estamos a mitad de camino a lo largo del ciclo de eclipses y ahora entramos en lo que se llama el “corredor de la verdad” al comenzar a alinearlos con las energías de resurrección de la Pascua que se transmitirán con tanta fuerza durante el venidero eclipse/luna llena.
Al entrar a esta estación planetaria chocamos contra algunos cambios principales ya que los cielos celestiales se preparan para desplegar uno de los pasajes más fenomenales en la historia humana.
Como avanzamos con tanta rapidez a través del tiempo y espacio en este momento en la tierra, a veces no somos capaces de entender plenamente el alcance y magnitud de tales cambios hasta que aparecen en las dimensiones físicas. Según mis fuentes, esto es lo que proclama el 2016…..comenzando con la primavera en el norte y la emergencia cíclica de nueva vida.
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Lauren C. Gorgo
Tom Kenyon - los Hatores - Desestabilización - 7 de Febrero de 2016
Tu mundo está entrando en un período de desestabilización inmensa.
En mensajes anteriores nos hemos referido a los Nodos Caóticos como cambios inesperados, caóticos y catalíticos. También hemos advertido en mensajes previos que están surgiendo Nodos Caóticos múltiples, y en este mensaje nos referimos a su interacción como desestabilización.
(ver el mensaje previo de los Hathors titulado Intensificación de los Nodos Caóticos y Desmantelamiento de la Realidad 3-D)
La desestabilización de tu mundo está ocurriendo en los niveles ecológico, social e individual de la existencia.
Comencemos por las cuestiones ecológicas.
Esencialmente el medio ambiente de tu planeta está envenenándose. La acidificación de los océanos, el uso excesivo de pesticidas, agentes químicos y combustibles fósiles, interactúan para crear un Nodo Caótico ecológico de proporciones enormes. Por cierto, tus científicos en número creciente están diciendo que la Tierra está entrando en las etapas iniciales de una “sexta extinción masiva.”
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Los Hatores,
Tom Kenyon
Geoffrey Hoppe - La Experiencia del Maestro - Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra Marzo 2016
Traducción: Héctor Santos Ramallo
Tuve un viaje lúcido de experiencia mística recientemente. Fue una de esas experiencias internas profundas que desafía toda explicación lógica. Ni siquiera voy a tratar de describir la experiencia aquí porque fue demasiado personal. También creo que me volvería loco si tratara de ponerlo en palabras. A pesar de que estoy empezando a escribir este artículo mi computadora de repente se pone extraña ante mí, al igual que las energías son demasiado para ella (y posiblemente para mi) de manejar.
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Geoffrey Hoppe,
Sueños Lúcidos
Natalie Glasson - Celestial White Beings and the Pleiades - Divine Inner Consciousness - 24th March 2016
It is with love we step forth to greet you; we are the energy and consciousness of the Celestial White Beings and the Pleiades. We merge our energy in beautiful synthesis creating a wondrous ensemble of light which we shower over and through your being. Colours of white, blue and green like jewels of light cascade distributing our combined energy, consciousness and frequency to support the presence of the Creator’s light within all. Our light has a greater purpose which is to shed illusions connected to the concept of truth and the perspective of spiritual or Creator truth in order to encourage many to engage with their Divine Inner Consciousness.
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Natalie Glasson,
Steve Rother - El Grupo - Un llamado a la Familia del E - ¡Únanse, Trabajadores de Luz! - 17 de marzo de 2016
Faros de Luz
Marzo de 2016
Presentado en vivo el 27/2/2016
Saludos desde el Hogar, queridos
Los saludamos en este día con un mensaje muy especial, porque ustedes se han reunido muchas veces, no solo en el planeta Tierra sino en todo el universo. Existe un grupo selecto de espíritus que han viajado una y otra vez a dondequiera que fuesen necesarios en el universo. Muchos están reunidos en el planeta Tierra ahora mismo, porque son la Familia del E. Ahora bien; ¿qué representa esa "E"? ¿Es increíblemente importante que tengan la letra E en su nombre? No, por supuesto que no. La vibración "E" que usan en sus idiomas y que resulta ser el sonido más común en todos ellos, también representa a otros lugares del universo. La "E" representa el "Empoderamiento" y la "Iluminación", o cualquier otra traducción de ello que en realidad no les haría justicia. Queridos, ustedes sencillamente son la Familia del E.
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Barbara Rother,
El Grupo,
Steve Rother
Brenda Hoffman - Adiós al Temor, Amigo - 21 de Marzo 2016
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Está sucediendo tanto, no obstante es como si no existiera más que el temor, el dolor y la angustia. ¿No han completado su proyecto de temor de la 3D? ¿Están haciendo algo mal, se están engañando creyendo que están en 5D?
NO, todo es como está proyectado. Están construyendo una nueva vida con nuevas herramientas. Pero antes de comenzar a construir/crear su nueva vida, deben declarar que este caos no es su vida – meramente una fase pasajera.
Ustedes han atravesado este temor antes. Están haciéndolo ahora para entender que ya no están en 3D.
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Brenda Hoffman,
Jennifer Hoffman - Shine Your Light Unconditionally - March 24, 2016
Is the light you shine any less bright if no one notices or
acknowledges it? Or is it possible to shine the light just because that
is part of your life path? Those with the brightest lights are easier to
see but their task is not to engage more people in the light, it is
simply to shine their light in a more unconditional way. The light
shines so all can see but not all do, not all want to, and not all need
to. This doesn’t diminish the importance or value of the light. Its
value is not measured by how many see, embrace, and embody it, but by
how brightly it shines, even if it shines alone.
Those who shine most brightly are not burdened with lighting the greatest amount of darkness or bringing more people to the light, they become light beacons of the choice to embrace a higher frequency and vibration, not imperatives for change. Being an unconditional source of light means you shine brightly no matter who sees the light, it is there for all to see when it is their time and when they are ready.
Those who shine most brightly are not burdened with lighting the greatest amount of darkness or bringing more people to the light, they become light beacons of the choice to embrace a higher frequency and vibration, not imperatives for change. Being an unconditional source of light means you shine brightly no matter who sees the light, it is there for all to see when it is their time and when they are ready.
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El Gran Cambio,
Jennifer Hoffman
miércoles, marzo 23, 2016
Brenda Hoffman - Convirtiéndonos en Adultos Universales - 15 de Marzo 2016
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Todo está convulsionado. Aparentemente se les empuja y tira de ustedes. Esto es de esperar cuando están en este punto de transición. Porque toman decisiones continuamente respecto a cómo quieren proceder.
Cuando escalaban su montaña de dolor, se preocupaban por liberar sus temores. Aunque rodaran cuesta abajo y su camino a la alegría se hiciese más lento con las paradas y comienzos – sabían que rodaban hacia la alegría.
Ahora que están en 5D su enfoque ya no es en uno o dos objetivos. Quieren crear su sueño en la tierra, vivir una vida en paz, explorar nuevas frecuencias, viajar en el tiempo y visitar otras dimensiones – todo a la vez.
Creando temores internos de que no han hecho lo suficiente o saben lo suficiente. Un temor que les preocupa desde que comenzó su transición en esta vida. “¿Y si no tengo suficiente poder para cumplir mi promesa a mí mismo y al Universo antes de nacer a esta vida. Si no paso la prueba soy dios/diosa o meramente un ser terrenal con sueños y deseos, qué si soy un farsante al igual que lo es esta transición?”
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Brenda Hoffman,
Entrevista a Ben Fulford 16-3-2016
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Benjamín Fulford,
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Peace Is the Tempo of the Creator - March 23, 2016
When you are feeling pressured and overwhelmed by your world,
immediately focus on what you Love. Take that vibration of what you
love (whether it is a flower, a song, a child, a puppy, a giggle, a
memory) and place it into what brings you sadness what hurts. Love
will change the molecular content of the experience. Embed the essence
of love what saddens you. Like a rainbow after a bad storm, look for
the blessing. Shift the molecules. What you see as a roadblock is but
a personal molecular declaration that has not yet shifted into a state of grace.
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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
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