Journal Entry 10.14.2014
This is an interesting process that I’m currently undergoing. Call it an accelerated cleansing. Oh, no… not again! Yes, and in my case, it is apparently purging some deep cellular memories, mostly of rejection.
Starseeds know a lot of about rejection, feeling rejected by others and in turn, rejecting whole systems, relationships, beliefs, and institutions as a result of what we are and what we hold in terms of inner wisdom. Personally, I’ve experienced a lot of rejection from other people in this lifetime and for the last 14 years or so, have voluntarily chosen to live alone.
Be alone is not lonely for me. In the last two years, my writing has filled a huge gap in my life, allowing me to process and share that process with others. I don’t do this to impress anyone, mind you, just to let people know, especially fellow starseeds that you’re not alone in your struggles or triumphs.
I woke up this morning feeling a profound sense of rejection and my ego mind immediately went to work building up the dramatic scenario… until I put a stop to it. The sense of rejection has dissipated now, but I suppose other emotional baggage may still come up for clearing periodically between now and my “departure” date.
From my cousin, Rananda Kumara (via David Spear) I’ve learned more about the process on the other side as he has been in the re-tuning to 5D mode ever since his Ascension last May. He has been advised by his sponsor that he should be completely retuned by the upcoming Solstice. So… that would be seven months for him. I feel it will be somewhat accelerated for me as I have a large commitment pending after the Solstice.
I’m sharing this information as a form of soft disclosure and for those volunteer First Wave starseeds who will begin their ascension this December and into the next couple of years. If you are curious about your status, ask whether you have an ascension “date” (they are usually at the cusp between astrological signs) and if you have been assigned a walk-in. Other First Wave starseeds might have other means to “leave”, so keep an open mind.
I understand that many starseeds who are fully awakened might be surprised to find that they are about to receive their walking papers; I know that I was. I was prepared to be here for the duration, but it seems I (as a soul aspect) was needed at home. I understand the reason now, but didn’t at first.
The channeled messages have completely stopped so it appears that I have completed my mission here. I have enjoyed sharing my thoughts and a bit of my journey with you, my dear readers. And for those who come to these pages after my departure, I send you my blessings.
I AM Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe, daughter of the Pleiades and of the planet Venus.
All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher,
Photo Credit: Boiling Lake, Sawtooth Wilderness, North Cascades (