Metatronic Channel Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn Renaissance of the Golden Age Rediscovering Joy
Greetings Masters! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love.
Many salient shifts are quickening as you enter the midway mark of 2013
- Year One of the New Earth. Indeed you are entering a rebirthing, a
Many points of infinity across the planet are
transitioning, rebirthing and redefining themselves in a new potency
that enables the Ascension of the Earth to be the instrument of the
Ascension of Humanity. This is empowered by the 144 Crystalline Grid,
which is now operating at an unimaginable resonance. In 2013 and beyond,
for the proceeding 7 years, many powernodes will be reborn, will shift
and take on new expanded roles. Others will decrease in potency, having
completed roles that have now transitioned. Some that were rather
dormant will become more active; some that were primary generators will
become supporting satellites. But do not think a shift in roles
diminishes the vital importance of each node as the networking hierarchy
changes, for such transitioning has always been the patterned law of
Harmonic Oscillations of Time Holograms
Cyclic energies of time epochs attract in somewhat the same manner as
all vibratory signatures. Accordingly, the energies of what may be
termed 'Enlightened Ages' are now poised to begin vigorously feeding
into the current stage of the New Earth. This is logically occurring at
the portal apertures of such periods and vector-points. The Renaissance
Portal that will feed the new codes will in tandem align 3 prior
Golden Ages in September of 2013.
There are specific points
re- emerging that are now dedicated to the rediscovery of the great and
greater Truth, a coded Infinite Truth within a portal of Light, infinite
coherent Light.
Re-Emergence of the Golden-Grecian Illumination
One vector containing energy points of great importance is the area you
term as Greece. It is a land of incredible energy, and land of time
gates. Masters, we tell you that the Golden Age of Illumination which
occurred in Greece is aligning to the present. That carries implications
and advantages that are essential at this time .
It is why we
have directed the channel to go there and why so many of you are being
called to this area. The mega portals of Greece are rebirthing with
vibrancy of light codes and of unimaginable energies of upshift. What
differentiates the powernodes within Greece are the creative codes that
enhance the aspects of freedom, life expression,aesthetic ssensuality,
artistic expression, and amplified understanding of sciences. An energy
that exudes joy and removes parameters that block the wholesome bliss of
the vitality of life is available for download in the mega portals of
It is time to rediscover passion and joy, as did the
Masters of the Golden Age. It is time to regain the balance. Life is not
meant to be only work, rather the equity of well being and contained in
balance with the sublime raptures of bliss. Joy has a geometric code
and pattern, and you can discover this passion and indeed groom it and
project it ! Happiness is acquired, and we tell you that the energy of
passion is the driving engine of manifestation. Passion is the fabric
of your life fervor & is an essential part of heart-courage and
will. You are not meant to be indifferent, sad or apathetic ! Learning
to create & project joy is a huge accomplishment ! And indeed joy
has a geo-coded essence that can be received in certain portals. Delphi
is termed as an 'umbilical' for this reason and purpose, to nourish
life ! Delphi offers such codes of bliss ! The ancients knew this !
When you enter into periods of fatigue or apathy you MUST work out of
them. Find joy, do not spiral into indifference, for every moment of
life is precious and purposed! We tell you that in the energies of the
'New Earth', life expectancy will begin to increase. Even your present
generations in planetary sojourns will extend 25% beyond current average
longevity standards, in a very short time. This too was an attribute
of prior 'Enlightened' cycles of earth. We tell you that many of you
will live to see the 'century' mark. And by visiting known areas of
'life force regeneration' you can do so in a vigorous and vital physical
body and lucid mind. None are more potent than Delphi, no waters more
regenerative than those in the Greek Aegean Sea of Patmos.
Life Energy Portals
Greece is teeming and extremely vibrant with life energy, and has been
recognized for its unique stargates, vortexes & powernodes since the
time of Mu, Atlantis, Hyperborea, Thule and Rama. Artists, political
leaders, musicians, composers, writers, philosophers, prophets, Druidic
shaman and holy monks, seers, visionaries, priestesses & priests
colonized and made pilgrimages to specific infinity points in Greece.
All with great purpose! For within Greece the ancients truly recognized
the value of recalibrating within these portals.
The planet
contains many vortexial portal complexes, yet only 2 were referred to as
'navals'. This is because Delphi, Greece and Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
are, in addition to being 'Stargates', are primary conduits of coded
life force, termed Akash or Consciousness Units. Only 2 points on the
planet, Delphi & Rapa Nui have been termed the 'Navels' of the
planet since ancient times. Navels are of course 'Umbilical's, conduits
of life force nourishment. These 2 mega powerful locations are primary
frequencial portals respectively for the southern and northern
Both Delphi and Rapa Nui have taken on vital
roles and a renewed energy-resonance in Year One of the New Earth. The
two are counterparts and work in conjunction. Delphi is the beating
heart and brow chakra of Gaia for the northern hemisphere, as is Rapa
Nui for the southern region (hemisphere) of the planet.
Joyful Renaissance & the 4 Major Points of Sacred Greece
The Acropolis, Meteora, Patmos and Delphi are 4 mega power sites
carrying the energy of renewal and renaissance of the New Earth.
Renaissance is indeed the correct description of these sites, for they
are reactivating after a dormancy to carry the complete energy of the
Golden Age. Those of you that were part of the Golden Age will find a
renewed joy of life within these portals; you will discover part of you
that has perhaps been lost.
After many lifetimes of working
toward the planetary ascension, many Master Souls became so fervently
dedicated to the task at hand, that they forgot to 'smell the roses'.
The mental focus became so encased that the ability to enjoy life was
diminished. Balance was lost. This was to no small measure further
influenced by the emergence of the guilt based religions that surfaced
after the decline of the Golden Age.
What defined the energy
of the Greeks of the Golden Age was a sense of vibrant joy, and ability
to love the moment in a cultural environment of uninhibited true
freedom. In this lens, the society of the Golden Age of Greece was for a
brief period of a few centuries, a 'Camelot' of sorts, a euphoric phase
that represented a societal matrix that in many ways was far more
capable of allowing one to aesthetically and sensually appreciate, enjoy
& savor life than your current societies.
The Greeks of
the Golden Age were as a society, more able to laugh, cry and express
all emotional senses without judgment or culturally imposed guilt &
pressures. Each was able to define their individual parameters more
freely and decide for themselves how to express themselves in the wide
reaching exploration of life. And there was an exquisite bliss &
beauty in such individual freedoms that has been lost for many. This was
indeed the euphoric energy of LeMuria and Poseidon, and it enabled a
more joyful life that allowed one to discover not only their intellect,
but also their creative bliss & passion... and live it freely.
And we tell you, the ability to savor the blissful joy and passion that
is available in each moment is a wholesome quality of higher dimension,
and one that sterner cultures have disregarded to a certain degree, as
being hedonistic pleasures, unworthy of spirituality.
We tell
you spirituality is not dour, nor is it meant to be. Love is blissful,
it is sublime! It is a sense of well being that appropriately embodies
the unbounded reach of jubilance and ecstatic passion.
In the
renaissance portals , you will re-discover that blissful aspect of
light-hearted merriment & glee within self, for within these portals
are the holographic time epochs in of 'Eternal Now' simultaneous time
of the Golden Age that absolutely still exist. You can merge with that
aspect in these time gates....and there is a more advanced wisdom in
that aspect of you. For many of your present cultures know how to work,
but not to live in joy!
The patriarchal religions that emerged
after the first century became in many aspects a control mechanism that
utilized fear, judgment & guilt to focus on a firmly disciplined
dogma that considered any pleasure as a self indulgence that impaired
unity with 'God'. Many of you spent subsequent lifetimes in monasteries
and nunneries where no one smiled. This was not the high frequency of
LeMuria, Poseida and Golden Greece. Spirit is not somber, it is not
shame. Spirit is bliss and rapture.
The Acropolis & Parthenon
The Greek Acropolis in Athens is an eternal Light Temple. The Parthenon
atop the Acropolis is multidimensional, being of sacred geometrical
construct. In that phase termed the Golden Age of Greece, the concepts
of democracy were manifest.
Virtually all of the Soul Group
termed the 'Law of One' were present in great numbers in Ancient Greece
during the early phases of Mu, Rama, Hyperborea and Atlantis. The 'Law
of One' soul group also reincarnated in mass for sojourns within Greece
immediately after the sad demise of Atlantis and again in the Grecian
phase termed the Golden Age. Many Ascended Masters were present during
this very special time, including the chosen manifest incarnations of
Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, and Socrates. We will add
that all received energy of enlightenment from the unique and utterly
astonishing mega-portals of Greece, including the Acropolis in Athens,
Delphi, Patmos and Meteora. Classical Athens of the Golden Era saw the
rise of an achievement quite unparalleled in European history. Perikles,
Aischylos, Sophokles, Plato, Demosthenes, and Praxiteles represent just
a few of the statesmen and philosophers, playwrights and orators,
historians and artists who flourished there in the 5th and 4th centuries
B.C., which saw the creation of art & philosophy that humanity
still consider the highest achievement in these categories. It is
interesting to note that at this same timing a renaissance of hope was
occurring also in India, with the emergence of the Buddha/ Siddhartha
We tell you that this 'democratic expression' began
and was inspired by the pristine portals of Delphi and the Light Temple
of the Acropolis. For indeed these are coded portals of liberty &
creative expression in many aspects. It may be of interest to note that
many who led the American and French revolutions were among the Greek
Masters of the Golden Age. Many of the 'Founding Fathers' of the United
States, including Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were among the
philosophic statesmen that arguably modeled the first post Atlantean
democratic state in Greece. It is no random occurrence that both were
true 'renaissance men', having highly developed intellect in philosophy,
science as well as political desires to form a new governing model.
After the fall of Poseida, the rebirth of democracy occurred at the
Acropolis portal. Cleisthenes, an Athenian noble of Ancient Greece, led
the citizens of the city state of Athens toward re-establishing the post
Atlantean world's first democratic revolution. And although it was not
flawless, it was a powerful step forward. It began when the people
massed at the Acropolis portal. Truly of the many gifts passed down by
the Athenians, including philosophy, theater, painting, sculpture, and
architecture, none is more relevant than their newly chosen form of
government: democracy, freedom & rule by the people. We tell you the
codes of freedom, of the right of joy and the pursuit of happiness is
coded in the Light Temple Portal of the Acropolis.
The Complexity of Mount Parnassius & Delphi
Delphi is one of the most powerful vortexial portal complexes on the
planet. Delphi is one of two umbilical portals of the earth, meaning
that life force is streamed directly into the portal located on Mount
Parnassius. The life force is coded and is distributed and disseminated
axialtonally to other node sites on the planet.
Delphi is an
infinity point of creativity and light. It is a planetary center. The
light within the Delphi portal is returning to theta coherency after a
period of dormancy. This rebirthing and expansion is an attribute of the
Crystalline 144 Grid. The Delphi Portal pulses, somewhat like a strobe,
as it is (Like Rapa Nui) an octahedron energy that connects the Cosmic
to the Planetary, in all versions of the Omniverse and Omni-Earth. It is
accordingly a time gate as well as stargate. There is an Om-vibration
pulse just above the reception capability of the physical ear at Delphi.
This serves to align the chakric system, re-energize the auric field
and open the pineal.
The Oracle of Delphi
Delphi has
an unparalleled ability to allow vision into multi- dimensional realms.
The Cosmic alignments and telluric sources all benevolently blend to
create an energetic cocktail thathas been recognized since the beginning
of humanities sojourns onto the earth. There are three mega (surface)
Leylines that traverse and intersect on Mount Parnassius, as well as
nine etheric current lines that form the connectivity to other realms,
inner earth other time holograms. There is a hologramic insert that
allows for the energy to expand, housing the benevolent angelics,
deities, and Master forms of the Devic light beings.
Parnassius has thermal and tectonic pulses that align with astronomical
and correlate to specific lunar phases that embellish the energy of the
area into temporal sequences of brilliant crystalline theta coherency.
The society of seers and oracles were attuned to the knowledge of these
vibratory phases of extreme clarity. The waters and vapors that emerge
here also contain psychotropic attributes that ease and enable entry
into higher realms and parallel dimensions.
These combine in an
extraordinary manner to allow for visionary experience. It is precisely
why the 'Oracle ' was centered at the Delphi Portal.
Titans & Delphi-Full Spectrum
The truly unique attributes of Mount Parnassius and its center core
along its slope at Delphi are extremely complex, extremely powerful and
multilayered. The spectrum of energy is extremely far reaching, and
contains within its resonance etheric worlds that are beyond your
imagination. The Angelics and the Light Being thought forms termed the
Titans exist there in animated vitality, as do all forms of the
elemental kingdoms, devics and the like. Delphi is an astonishing potent
gate into the inner realms of the earth, and equally supports and
enables the presence of the sacred dragons, the kundalini masters of the
planetary energetics and all inner worlds of the omni earth.
Keep in mind that the Cosmological Myths of Ancient Greece, parallel in
many ways, those of Egypt and Atlantis. (Insert- Osiris was named
Dionysus by the Greeks, and in fact, the Greek (Ceres, Bacchus),
Egyptian (Isis and Osiris) mythologies all originated from a common
ancestral myth.)
Those that were termed the Titans do/did
indeed exist, though the current myths are greatly skewed through the
vast clouds of linear time, and the original truths are lost, and have
evolved into somewhat skewed lore, and serve merely as fables in the
present. The metaphor of Apollo (Greek God of Light) conquering the
great dragon or serpent at Delphi is in its true meaning, the union of
the higher dimension with that of the Earthen dimension within the
portal of Delphi.
The Pineal- Naval Centre & Bacchus
The Ancient Greeks placed oracle centres and prominent sacred sites
according to the same geometric principles as the Egyptians. This was
actually knowledge developed in Atlantis by the scientist priest &
priestesses of the 'Law of One'. But mega sites were not only recognized
by grid placement, but also by the mineralogy that produced amplified
energy fields & telluric forces. As we have told you Delphi was
recognized by other advanced societies long before the Golden Age of
There is an absolute connection between Delphi and the
Mystical Greek Eleusian Wisdom schools and traditions. Delphi is the
gateway referenced in the Greek Eleusian mysteries with vivid
descriptions on inner and outer dimensional realities. The Greek God
Bacchus is absolutely based at Delphi, and shown with the pineal topped
staff, was considered the gate-keeper to 'altered state and vision'.
Many of the great Masters, including Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates and
Aristotle were initiates of the Eleusian Mystical School, and this
secretive society absolutely involved themselves in deep ritual at
Delphi and other portal-visionary locations in Greece that allowed for
what may be termed profound pineal entry into higher realms and other
dimensional realities.
Apollo & the Muses of Delphi
The energy of Apollo is anchored in Delphi as are the energies
represented by the nine Muses of creativity. Apollo is indeed an Avatar
or Angelic Being, and carries energy of both Archangel Metatron and
Archangel Michael, as would be defined by Christian nomenclature. Thoth
of the Metatronic source was termed Hermes by the Ancient Greeks.
Pythagoras was indeed a physical manifestation of Apollo. (Within the
energies of Delphi and Patmos/Pythagoras, both are present.)
Sacred Delphi is considered to be the residence of the Muses and, as a
result, the home of music, science, poetry, art, drama and song. Delphi
is the pilgrimage site for all who seek inspiration and the gift of
creativity and vision. Delphi has been recognized as one of two mega
portals of the Earth, 'Planetary Naval's that are 'white hole'
Star-Gates of Creative Divine Source coding. What is offered at Delphi
within the potent portal is in essence a spiritual renaissance, a
rebirth with the new codes of the new Earth. Ancient Greek artists,
musicians and writers all made pilgrimages to Delphi & Mount Olympus
to receive the initial inspiration and concepts for their master works
of music, drama and literature. Delphi is one of the most potent portals
for all artistic creation as well as philosophy and that termed the
scientific arts. It is a portal of comprehension. It is a unique pineal
center of vision.
It is important to add that the Muses
are indeed real and conscious light beings, which are aspectual
fragments of Light, of what may be termed the energy of Apollo, in
Metatronic aspect. These energy beings are termed as feminine only from
the aspect of polarity, in truth they are nongendered in higher
dimension. Yet termed as 'Goddesses of Inspiration' of all things
creative, music, literature, science and all of what may be considered
sciences and artistic expressions. All then, you see are received in
coded light from the creative portal at Delphi. They are the
inspirational sources of the knowledge, and in that sense are
Metatronic, for all are core are components of sacred geometry.
Including then mathematics and the sciences of octavian and dodecadian
sound, spectral color and such.
Meteora is a
unique geological wonder of monolithic quartz sandstone towers that
reach over 1200 feet into the sky. These monolithic structures are
quartzian in nature and contain the amplification characteristics of
quartz as receivers and transmitters. Meteora is similar in certain
telluric energy attributes to the mega vortexial-portal of Sedona. Both
are naturally connected by what is termed harmonic oscillation via
axialtonal 'lines' of frequencial attraction. The nature of the Meteora
vortexial portal is spiritual search and purification. That is precisely
why it is a mecca of monastic sanctuary. Like Sedona, it has an
intensity of purge, bringing up issues that must be faced for the
cleansing requisite of upshift in vibratory resonance.
Meteora is also a stargate of great importance, like Sedona, the
quartzian content embellishes the 'worm-hole' nature of the Stargate
present there. It is crysto-electric in frequency and is an enormous
base for the benevolent 'star family' and light beings of the
Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian alliance.
Patmos is
part of a triangulation portal that includes the Island of Kos and
Samos. It may be termed the Pythagorean Portal. (Pythagoras). The
hallowed Pythagoras pilgrimaged in many parts of Greece and had enclave
schools s of mystical scientist priests and priestess in Greece, but it
is the Patmos Portal that encompasses what may be termed as the energy
of Pythagoras.
It was no random occurrence that Saint John
wrote the Book of Revelations on the Island of Patmos. Patmos was a
pilgrimage site of almost all advanced ancient civilizations. Egyptians,
Atlanteans, Ramadians, Pagan Shamans, Druids and Monastic Christians
were aware of Patmos and Delphi.
Pythagoras was an incarnate Master. He was the embodiment of the vast
Metatronic energy of Apollo - God of Light. He taught, in addition to
his vast knowledge of geometrics, sacred geometry and the mathematical
relationship to musical octaves, the doctrine of the reincarnation of
the soul through successive incarnations. He understood sacred geometric
truths as keys to the understanding of the fabric of the Cosmos. His
expansive energy was amplified and refined in the Portal Triangulation
at Patmos, and that Metatronic energy is indeed a unique attribute to
the Patmos portal.
Greek Aegean Waters
The Aegean Sea
is differentiated in energetics from the larger area of the
Mediterranean Sea. It is far more contained and is generally a more
shallow body of water. The Aegean is highly charged with the energies of
tectonics and volcanic thermals. The Aegean contains a greater number
of benevolent metallic nodules than lend trace mineralogical content
into the waters and the sands of the shorelines and islands. Because of
these characteristics, the Greek Aegean stores more of what may be
termed solar and telluric energy charges. These are particularly
embellished in the triangular portal region of Patmos, for indeed major
portions of the portal stream and are received in the waters.
We tell you the waters of the Aegean Sea are particularly embellished
with trace elements of gold, that deposit themselves along with other
benevolent minerals in the sands along the sea shore. The Aegean waters
contain over 40 minerals and trace elements. A greater absorption of
theses minerals is enabled because of the warmer waters found in this
area. The Aegean seawater also radiates an electro-lite energy current
into the etheric body. The seawaters and sands of Patmos are capable of
resolving issues such as fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, and numerous
ailments. The energy will provide an overall balancing of meridians and
chakric centres. It is why the people associated with the sea in many
areas, especially the Aegean, generally live longer, for the waters
charge life force and vitality into the body physical as well as the
emotional and mental fields of the human aura. In a true sense the
waters of Patmos provide the same
The land you
currently refer to as Greece has been absolutely a major centre of high
civilization on your planet for many eras you recognize and others lost
in the mists of time. The Golden Age of Greece was a unique and
illuminated era that shifted humanity. It was a bright and joyful time
in which Great Masters incarnated into Greece and brought science,
architecture, democracy, art, theatre, happiness & joy to the
planet. It is re-emerging in order to bring its mastery into the new
earth. It is re emerging to assist you in rediscovery passion and joy.
Indeed it is energy of bliss, and it is a renaissance of passion.
Masters you have come a long way, and worked very hard in the past 2
millennia to bring about the Ascension of the Earth. In some respects
you have focused so hard on the effort, that you have lost your ability
to be light-hearted. You have lost your sense of joy within well being.
Spirit is about happiness, there is a time for work and a time to feel
joy. Discover this lost of true bliss and passion attribute! It is
downloading in Greece, in alignment to the Golden Age. The new codes are
received within these portals, and will take root in your life.
I am Metatron and share with you these Truths. You are Beloved !
...and so it is...and it is so...
