jueves, agosto 15, 2013
Archangel Raphael via Goldenlight: Healing Across All Time and Space and Integration with Your Higher Self 8-13-13
Channeled by Goldenlight, thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.
Dear Friends,
Below is a new voice channeling from Archangel Raphael and you can listen to it lying down in a meditative state, as a type of informational session and healing meditation. ~ Love, Goldenlight
Today Archangel Raphael wishes to assist you in healing your multidimensional being, across all time and space. We are coming into a time now where all that no longer serves your higher being is being brought to the surface to be transmuted so that your being may ascend into the higher frequencies of light. Ascension as we have discussed in the past is simply a harmonizing with the higher frequencies, a harmonization that is taking place within your being of not only a harmonization with the higher dimensions and higher dimensional energies that are now surrounding you, but also unification with the higher self. Your higher self is that higher part of your multidimensional being which is infused with source light and which is somewhat “hard-wired” to Source. This higher self and higher being part of you is closely connected to Source at all times, and lives in the higher dimensions. The goal of your ascension at this time is to bring in this Higher Self into your life, so that you may live your life from the perspective of your higher self, so that you may live your highest version of yourself, so that you may be connected at all times to Source which is really You. You are Source expressing Itself. The human being physical body part of you that lives on Earth is a small particle of your entire being, and what is occurring now during this time with those who are awakening and coming into enlightenment is a unification and merging with all aspects of your multidimensional self, which includes your higher self. This will allow you to heal yourself across all time and space.
Many of the challenges that you have had in your lifetime have been a result of karmic contracts in the past, from your past lives with other beings. You have had to work through many of these karmic residues in this lifetime. We are asking now that you become aware of these karmic contracts and begin to dissolve them within you and with all you interact with in your life. The channel in particular has had a very challenging time of late in dealing with one particular karmic contract of a very important family member. This has been the most challenging time for her, as all of the stored karmic memories from not only this lifetime but all lifetimes have come up for release. Last night she experienced a great unleashing of the repressed feelings of anger and rage that had been stored not only in this physical lifetime’s body, but in the etheric bodies and the multidimensional character and being of her from other lifetimes, all came up for release and expression last night. It was a cathartic cleansing as she wrote for hours and hours and poured out these feelings, saying that it has to stop now, the contract is over, the karmic contracts are now being released. And this is what you all must do now – you all must release these karmic contracts.
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: http://thegoldenlightchannel.com/archangel-raphael-via-goldenlight-healing-across-all-time-and-space-and-integration-with-your-higher-self-8-13-13/
Channeled by Goldenlight, thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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