jueves, agosto 08, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Lion’s Gate Portal #loveyourself - August 8, 2019

Peace up the revolution beautiful people, the Lion’s Gate Portal is open, shifting all that has been karmically loosened for release. Stay focused on Self. Discovering self, building self, owning and breathing SELF. The energies are in turmoil, dark versus light. Those sensitive may be upset, tearful, anxious, exhausted, jittery, shaky, as the shockwaves run through our systems. There is much in play, our inner karmic evolution as we transcend lower vibratory fields of fear, and the energetic transmutation of all that is dark to light. Breathe into each wave friends. Realign constantly. Step

miércoles, agosto 07, 2019

Kryon - "Targeting The Future" - 2019

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - The Key - August 7, 2019

The Key

There will be many times that you may fail to do or say the ‘right’ thing. The Universe wants you to know that, with the current energy of the past coming up to be released, failures are not failures…just attempts at success.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

You are a Divine Being of Light.

Now there is power in that
and strength as well.

As you will choose it.

In other words
the choice must be made.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Universal Self

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are awakening within you the knowing that you have a past in this galaxy that extends beyond your solar system, and at the same time, we are giving you that knowing that you have a future in the higher dimensional realms. You have been ninth dimensional before, and you will be ninth dimensional again. You have been Arcturian before, and you will visit our star system again. If that weren’t true, then you wouldn’t resonate with us in the way that you do.

James McConnell - Sananda and OWS - August 4, 2019

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.

It is at these times as we come together that you are more and more becoming aware of who you are. Not who you have been told who you are growing up, not who you have become programmed to believe, but who you truly are at the deepest essence of your being. And I say purposefully here ‘essence’ because that is what we all are is pure essence, pure consciousness, taking on a body of some type.

Schumann Resonance Today – Update - August 7 2019

Schumann Resonance Today

Schumann Resonance Today

August 7 2019 – 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

  • 8/7 17:00 UTC – Today there are only 3 isolated and moderate peaks, the first at 6:45 UTC at 19 Hz, the second at 7:20 UTC at 15 Hz and the third and last at 8 UTC at 10 Hz. Before and after these peaks was calm .

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Enfoque Energético Multidimensional: Cuidar de Uno Mismo es Sagrado conforme avanzamos en la Aceleración Cuántica, Aumento de las Actualizaciones del Cuerpo de Luz y Fases de “Vía Rápida”...- Agosto 4, 2019

Se requiere una inmensa energía, enfoque, dedicación, presencia, honrar y sintonía vibratoria para anclar y estabilizar todas estas frecuencias, códigos y plantillas enteras para la NUEVA TIERRA/Cielo en la Tierra y sostener todo plenamente dentro de nosotros, así como hacer un “esfuerzo extra” (usando términos humanos para lo que es una forma natural de vivir/existir), para luego cumplir con nuestros propósitos/roles más alineados aquí. Se requiere un gran amor, cuidado, profundo respeto sagrado y honrar la importancia de todos, para todos nosotros...

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, August 7, 2019


We wish to remind you that the greatest changes are always made one small step at a time. It is the accumulation of energy that comes from those consistent efforts that allows new vistas and possibilities to open to you. Taking it one now moment at a time lets you choose the best match to the energies you are in at any given time, which supports empowered forward movement. You don’t have to have all the answers when you begin, Dear Ones, because that is exactly what the unfoldment is for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

martes, agosto 06, 2019

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Agosto 5, 2019

Blossom: Bienvenidos una vez más. ¡Las Energías que llegan a nuestro Planeta son aún muy fuertes y nos golpean a todos dulcemente a su manera! Me pregunto qué más podrían agregar a lo que han estado hablando últimamente, con respecto a todo lo que está sucediendo ... ¿si fueran tan amables?

Kryon - "The Gaia Grid" - 2019

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Expanding your Heart and Opening your Mind - August 6, 2019

Expanding your Heart and Opening your Mind

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today?
Yes, we the Arcturians, are always ready to send a message to our brave warriors to take a third-dimensional body during the NOW of Gaia’s great transition. “What transition will occur?” we hear you ask. Our answer to that question is “What transition are YOU ready to incorporate into your present reality.” 

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message August 2019 - August 6, 2019

 Pleiadian Message August 2019
Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Beloved Ones we greet you, Strong forces of light are about to enter your earth’s atmosphere by mid August and we, alongside the Universal team are present to assist with a strong assimilation of this higher form of consciousness within your planet. Your own Heart will undergo a metamorphic shift as you receive an access to a new chamber opening up within your sacred Heart.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Create distance from fear
by trying love on for size.

Love is powerful.

Love can do bench presses.

You have been taught
aggression is power and
the military forces have your back.

Kryon - "Elements of the Spark" - 2019

Current Energy Update and Ascension /Higher Consciousness answered /Tons of INFO !!!

L’Aura Pleiadian - Timelines and Portals ~ Levels of Consciousness - Aug 6, 2019

THE Use of the Gregorian calendar on Earth, is not the accurate calendar based on the seasons, the moon cycles, the alignment with the stars. This is what a calendar was. It followed the natural cycles on Earth. A measurement of the flow of the celestial bodies and their alignment.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Mensajes Viejos y Nuevos - Boston, Massachusetts,, 20 y 21 de Julio de 2019

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Boston, Massachusetts,, 20 y 21 de Julio de 2019

2 - Mensajes Viejos y Nuevos

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta noche quiero darles un mensaje, en estos pocos momentos, que les hable de la vieja y de la nueva energía vastamente diferente. De cómo era, no hace mucho tiempo, y cómo es hoy, y cómo es tal vez difícil para los humanos ver realmente la diferencia debido a las expectativas que tienen, siguiendo con las viejas costumbres, y tiene que ver con la canalización. Tiene que ver con los que no dicen que canalizan, pero ellos leen; con los que atraviesan el velo y recogen información y luego regresan y se la dan a ustedes. En esta forma particular de canalización, lo que ven es una comunicación en tiempo real para lo que otros dijeron; es del otro lado del velo.

Diamond Lion's Gate Portal 8/8/2019

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Your Way - August 6, 2019

Your Way

A gentle reminder; the path you travel is yours. You get to choose what stays and what goes. Others may give their opinions, provide unsolicited advice, they may even criticize your personal decisions, using shame/guilt as a means of deterring you. Please do not take this personally, dear one! If you are guided by your heart and soul, with pure intent, pure thought and pure love from The Universe, you will always be moving in the direction that is best for you. As always, you are lovingly supported on your journey. ~ Creator