lunes, enero 08, 2018

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Enero 8, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Tú eres suficiente. Estás en una importante misión, regresando a la Verdad, la Verdad de tu Alma. Y estás guiándote a ti mismo, minuto a minuto. Este es el viaje de tu alma. Nadie más puede hacerlo, solo tú. Tú tienes guías y tienes mucho apoyo. Pero eres tú quien debe decidir que tienes la habilidad de llegar allá, de despertar a nuevas comprensiones. Tú logras hacerlo al decidir, al tomar la sagrada decisión de que tú eres suficiente. Entonces, establécete en esta verdad. Deléitate en esta verdad. Y decídete a avanzar un poquito más hoy. A alcanzar las estrellas. Decídete a romper tu caja y a darte cuenta de que tienes lo requerido para este viaje del despertar. Y todo comienza, todo comienza, con tu decisión y tu comprensión de que tú eres suficiente. Todo lo que necesitas para despertar a lo largo del camino ya está incorporado dentro de ti. Está esperando tu sagrado reconocimiento y reunión. Verdaderamente, tú eres suficiente. Y así es.

Brenda Hoffman - You are You and They are Not - January 8, 2018

Dear Ones,

You are at a crossroads, just as you have been many times before throughout this transition and in your 3D lives. The difference now is you cannot make a mistake.

For you are quite used to living an earth life in which you select one road that could lead to a life of your dreams and another to ruin or a difficult life.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Lunes, Enero 8, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Lunes, Enero 8, 2018

Recibe tu justa recompensa.

Recíbela ahora.

Tú estás en el asiento del conductor y eres quién decide

que tan rápidamente estás dispuesto a recibir

tu parejo intercambio de victoria,

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, January 8, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, January 8, 2018

Receive your just reward.

Receive it now.

You are in the driver's seat and decide

just how fast you are willing to receive

your even exchange of victory,

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - Mensaje de Metatrón en el Vórtice de Arkansas - 21 de noviembre de 2017

James Tyberonn - Meditación guiada y Canalización del Arcángel Metatrón
Little Rock, Arkansas, en el Vórtice Cristalino, el 21 de noviembre de 2017

Comentario introductorio de James Tyberonn:

El 2038 está escrito en la Pirámide, y entonces lo que necesitamos hacer ahora es ser los mostradores del camino; no nos arrastran los detractores. Ser mostradores de la luz, y entender lo que dijo el Dalai Lama, que la verdadera religión es un corazón bondadoso - la verdadera religión es un corazón bondadoso. Y ¿qué dijo Mahatma Gandhi? Dios no tiene religión; Dios es amor. Y eso es lo que tenemos que entender, es lo que tenemos que construir juntos, y reunirnos como ahora en estos sitios sagrados porque en esta energía cristalina somos capaces de manifestar más rápidamente una realidad, porque los pixeles de fuerza de vida existen más densamente en lugares como Arkansas.

Nancy Tate - Message of the Moment From Horus - 01-08-18

Message of the Moment From Horus

Message of the Moment

01-08-18: If there was ever a time for all of us to go into the depths of our inner beingness it is now. There is nothing like the realization that we are all one and that we can all be in harmony with each other in ways that we had maybe not even thought of before. If we all get together in our inner selves then we will know what it means to be in the Oneness that we are and have been forever. I am Horus now speaking with myself and all of you in the Oneness that dances and sings in togetherness for evermore.

Thank you so much dear Horus,

Much Love, Nancy Tate

domingo, enero 07, 2018

RONNA - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - ¿Estas Listo Para Hacer Un Compromiso? - Enero 2018


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

¿Estas Listo Para Hacer Un Compromiso?

Amados maestros, ¿están listos para cerrar la puerta al pasado y avanzar por el sendero que les llevará hacia un mundo mágico de todas las posibilidades? Se ha preparado el camino. Todo lo que tienen que hacer es aceptar y se les revelará el proceso un paso de por vez. Lo haremos lo más sencillo posible, porque ustedes han sufrido lo suficiente y es tiempo para la gracia y la simplicidad. Se está formando una alianza grandiosa – una reunificación de proporciones magníficas, a medida que solidificamos el proceso de unirnos una vez con un propósito común – ambos, nosotros de los reinos superiores y ustedes, los representantes Terrenales actuales del Creador. El tiempo de separación está terminando rápidamente y paradójicamente, los que todavía se “remojan” en la ilusión de los reinos de 3/4D también se están uniendo. Ellos se han vinculado cada vez con mayor fuerza entre sí en su lucha para mantener la separación a través de su forcejeo por la dominación y el poder, alimentados por el odio, el temor y la avaricia.

Jahn J Kassl - MESSAGE OF THE YEAR 2018: I AM CALLING EVERYONE BACK INTO THE LIGHT! Message from Sanat Kumara - Jan 7, 2018

Message from Sanat Kumara

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations

photo credit: Andrea Percht 

Beloved humans!

Resonate with the energies of light that are now reaching the earth, because 2018 is offering the opportunity to dissolve blockades and remove hindering structures that are governing your emotions and dominating your thoughts. Now’s the time when everything that is holding you back and keeping you from self-awareness can be healed at the roots. Stop going in circles. Issues and blockades that keep coming back because they haven’t been resolved yet present a huge obstacle on the spiritual path.

James Gilliland - An Extremely Inconvenient Truth - January 5, 2018

An Extremely Inconvenient Truth

by James Gilliland

January 5, 2018

America and the world are going to have to swallow a very large red pill. It is unfolding as we speak.

America and the world are going to have to swallow a very large red pill. It is unfolding as we speak. I know I will get some extreme feedback from extremely ignorant people who have been brainwashed and programmed by CNN and the other lame stream media.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - The teachers you seek are Love and Wisdom. They are within youJanuary 7, 2018

The teachers you seek are Love and Wisdom.
They are within you.

Dear One,

You have within you all the love and wisdom you need to be whole and live in a holy way in the world. Each time you seek outside yourself for these qualities, you find a little more of your confidence and self-esteem slipping away.

Natalie Glasson - Maestro Kuthumi: El Próximo Período de Ascensión, Año 2018 - 29 de diciembre de 2017

¡Bienvenido a un nuevo ciclo de energía y vida! Ustedes son seres vivos y energía que se transforma constantemente. Nunca permanecen iguales, siempre están evolucionando y sintonizándose con el Creador dentro de ustedes, aún cuando se sientan distantes de lo divino.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, January 7, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, January 7, 2018

You are coming to understand that there is more.

More of you.

So understand that at times

it may feel like you are being stretched

beyond your comfort zone,

Lena Stevens - Enero 2018 - Pronóstico Mensual - 2 de Enero 2018

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

El tema principal para enero es “EVALUACIÓN-ACCIÓN” 

Al comenzar el Año Nuevo nos inspira evaluar lo que funciona y lo que no, lo que nos gusta y lo que no nos gusta, lo que hemos tenido que resistir y que ya no nos sirve, y lo que siempre hemos deseado pero no podíamos permitirnos tener. Esta es la parte de Evaluación del mes. La parte de Acción es lo que decidimos hacer al respecto. Ambas son igualmente importantes y ambas tienen aspectos a los cuales contribuyen algunos de los temas de este nuevo año.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday January 7, 2018

There is a pervasive belief that you will be tested in order for God to determine your worthiness. The idea that you are being tested implies that there is judgment – that you will either pass or fail. Dear Ones, there is no judgment towards you from the higher realms, only pure acceptance and unconditional love. We celebrate you exactly as you are. There is never, ever a time when you are not worthy or good enough or that you have to do anything to gain our approval.

sábado, enero 06, 2018

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - January 6, 2018

Greetings I am Mira. I am at your service focusing full-time on the Ascension process that you and your planet are going through. It is quite remarkable. You have made progress with adapting to and assimilating to rapid change. We marvel at humanity’s adaptability and willingness to move through the requirements that are necessary.

Selacia - Relationships in Spotlight-What to Consider Now- - Jan 6, 2018

Relationships in Spotlight
-What to Consider Now-
by Selacia

Now that we have stepped fully into 2018, it's timely to evaluate relationships and their key role in what happens next. The relationship piece of planetary awakening has always been the most essential one, but this year it becomes even more vital. This is on both a collective societal level and a very personal level. Continue reading for highlights of why this is important and what's helpful for you to consider now as you navigate your own relationships.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 5 de Enero, 2018

Otro año ha pasado más rápido que nunca, lleno de acontecimientos que os han dado un tremendo empujón hacia lo que está llegando. Igual que los años han volado desde que comenzó la Era actual en 2012, las cosas están comenzando a tomar forma y señalarán la realidad de la Nueva Era. Por decirlo así, el polvo se ha asentado y ya deberíais poder ver el comienzo de cambios que os van a llevar hacia delante. Como ya debéis saber, mucho se está conteniendo hasta que sea el momento adecuado para ser liberado, que realmente significa que sea el momento seguro. Después de toda la planificación y los preparativos que se han hecho no se van a echar todo a perder por hacerlo con prisas. Realmente, hay una serie de asuntos involucrados y, mientras todo se haga en el momento apropiado, gozaréis de un periodo de gran elevación. Lo último que se necesita es la interferencia de los que mantendrían las viejas energías. Sus esfuerzos por hacerlo ya no tienen ningún poder real y están destinados al fracaso. Son los arquitectos de su propia derrota y se dejará que experimenten el resultado de los actos que han elegido.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Sábado, enero 6, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los                        Maestros

Sábado, enero 6, 2018

Observa las mareas que están cambiando.

Mira la gracia que está llegando a ti ahora.

Ábrete a su bella fragancia y frecuencia.

¿Puedes recibirla?

¿Cuántas botellas quisieras?


Y así es.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Saturday, January 6, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, January 6, 2018

See the tides shifting.

See grace coming to you now.

Open to its lovely fragrance and frequency

Can you receive it?

How many bottles would you like? 


And so it is.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - Free to roam - January 6, 2018

Free to roam

Dormant seeds are awakening.

Unfettered by preconceived notions

they are free to roam the realms

inspiring others to do the same.

Time itself has been liberated.

Feel free to follow suit.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - January 6, 2018

Happy New Year and all that jazz! Today I am open to receive that which you offer through Love to assist us all, through what seems like it is going to be a year full of changes. Judging from what you said last time!

Greetings from on High! We savour each communication we have with you and FEEL the need now to amp up that which we do offer, into a more ‘telling’ position.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Regreso a Lemuria - Parte 6 - Hawái, 22 de diciembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Regreso a Lemuria
Hawái, 22 de diciembre de 2017

Parte 6

Dra. Amber Wolf:

Querida familia luminosa: al cerrar esta reunión con la presencia de las madres de las estrellas y la divina fuente de amor, abrimos nuestros vehículos lemurianos. Les pedimos que tomen una suave respiración profunda, relajen su cuerpo, cierren los ojos, y hagan con nosotros este viaje en su vehículo lemuriano de luz. Ese es quiénes son, quiénes vinieron a ser aquí, un vehículo de luz y de amor, un templo para el Divino.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Learning and Remembering Inter-dimensional Light Language - 1-6-18

Learning and Remembering
The Inter-dimensional Communication of Light Language

The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie

Again, you may find your heart and mind hanging around our higher dimensional group of the Masters, Angels, Elohim. You see, “The beginning of the Beginning” is beginning. We, the Arcturians are always with you and are playing an increasingly different role in what was once known as your “time.”

As the frequency streamers of the emergence of the “fifth dimensional concepts, feelings, and memories” come forth to integrate within your consciousness, you are beginning to release many of your third dimensional emotions and reactions to your Time and Space Operating System.

Suzanne Lie - Inter-dimensional Communication - Jan 6, 2018

Inter-dimensional Communication

Through Sue Lie

What is it inter-dimensional communication?

Who are you when you use it?
Why do you use it?
Where do you use it?
When do you use it?

Which “YOU” uses it?

Earth-Keeper 2018 : AAMetatron via J Tyberonn + Guided Med

L’Aura Pleiadian - Many Dimensions ~ Communication and Language - Jan 6, 2018

Different worlds, different meanings assigned to so-called words.

There are different levels of perception of any experience.

ONE cannot see what one does not yet know as true through experience.

This is why there may be a huge gap in understanding with Beings existing here now in the Higher Worlds, and those functioning through the hidden worlds of the subconscious mind. Still active in the energetic memories, to be cleared.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday January 6, 2018

So many of you have lost the sense of joy and fun in your lives. If this is the case for you, and you would like to move back into greater enjoyment in your life, we suggest you ask yourself the following questions…

What brought you joy as a child? Why did you stop? Are there elements of that same activity you can pick up again now? When did you decide being an adult meant having no fun? Is that true? What brings you joy now? What interests you? Have you connected with your inner child lately? Are they neglected? What lightness and joy would they like to bring to the forefront of your life?

Asara - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Jan 6, 2018

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Dear Ones, as you begin to settle back into your normal routine after your celebrations, you now have the opportunity to turn your attention towards your spiritual journey and your main reason for being here.

viernes, enero 05, 2018

Diane Canfield - Divine Energy Codes - Jan 5, 2018

Energy Update: Deep Divine Codes Coming In-Current Ascension Symptoms

January 5, 2018

By Diane Canfield

Beloved Divine Tribe,

Divine Energy Codes

There are Divine Energy codes arriving today that contain DEEP questioning about everything we are and our path going forward. This will continue over the weekend and possibly next week until it hits everyone. This is part of the Ascension process as through the Divine Creator all symptoms and codes must hit everyone, so everyone has the same chance to Ascend. What they do with these insights they receive is up to them. It is their choice to act on them or not, or to make progress with them or not. They are stored in their subconscious if they are not ready to deal with them in the moment of NOW. For those on the Ascension path we recognize these codes and immediately engage with them.

Dianne Robbins - Mikos of Hollow Earth - January 2018 - Jan 4, 2018

Happy New Year!

Wishing all of my readers a very happy and healthy year.

May your Spiritual Awakening accelerate in 2018!Love and Blessings,


I am Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos inside the Hollow Earth. Know that in the Hollow Earth there is more land mass than there is water. We have less islands, and more continental area. Our land masses have not broken up as yours have. Ours have been held together by our balanced thoughts and feelings and we have had no cataclysms to break them apart and no continental drifts such as occur on the surface. Everything remains intact here, which is part of our immortality syndrome, so to speak.

Alcyon Pléyades 66: Pedofilia Hollywood, PizzaGate, vampirismo-canibalismo, satanismo, parabiosis

Natalie Glasson - Master El Morya - Three Ways to Accelerate Your Ascension This Year - 5th January 2018

Three Ways to Accelerate Your Ascension
This Year
by Master El Morya

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, I am Master El Morya, the Chohan and overseer of the First Ray of Light. It is my purpose to oversee and activate within others the Creator’s qualities of wisdom, divine will, power, courage and action. It is my purpose to assist and encourage all to exist as the divine will of the Creator. In times of change, transformation and awakening, the First Ray qualities are required to create inner stability, security and empowerment.

Mahala - Planet Alert January 2018 - January 4, 2018

Happy New Year!

Here we are experiencing another new year. What will happen this year? I’m sure it will be a very interesting year with lots and lots of changes. We started this year with a Super Full Moon on January 1, 2018 at 6:24 PM PST. The next day Uranus went direct in conjunction with Eris the planet of chaos. This is a very big deal. Uranus has been spinning his wheels and now he is in direct motion and will cause a lot of chaotic energy and fast acting changes.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Viernes, Enero 5, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Viernes, Enero 5, 2018

Comprométete aún más con tu gracia.

Mira, siente y cree que la gracia te alcanza

y te colma de regalos y tesoros.

A medida que te comprometes con la luz,

se te dan nuevas oportunidades en abundancia.

Por lo tanto, ya es tiempo de que te comprometas aún más con la gracia. 

Y así es.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Friday, January 5, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Friday, January 5, 2018

Be even more committed to your grace.

See, feel, believe in grace overtaking you now

and showering you with its gifts and treasures.

As you commit to the light, 

you are afforded opportunities galore.

Therefore, it is time to be even more committed to your grace.

And so it is.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 5 January 2018

Another year has passed quicker than ever, full of events that have given you a tremendous lift for what is coming. As the years have flown by since the present Age commenced in 2012 so things are starting to take shape that will signal the reality of the New Age. So to say, the dust has settled and now you should be able to see the beginning of changes that are going to carry you forward. As you must already be aware, much is being held back until the right time to be released, and that really means the safe time. After all of the planning and preparations that have been made they will not be spoilt by rushing them into being. Indeed, there are a number of issues involved and as long as everything is done at the appropriate time, you will enjoy a period of great upliftment. The last thing that is needed is the interference from those who would rather maintain the old energies. Their efforts to do so no longer carry any real power and they are destined to failure. They are the architects of their own demise and will be left to experience the result of their chosen activities.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday January 5, 2018

Dear Ones, your manifestations are a starting point. Many of you think manifesting is creating something in its perfection and then you are done. But that is actually contrary to how the energies of the universe work. There is always a desire for movement and expansion. You are never really ever done with your creations.

L’Aura Pleiadian - Entering Your Divine Presence as A Conscious Being of Light - Jan 5, 2018

The Light within the Light, the Light Beyond the Light.

Eternity ~ where the winds blow through all dimensions, beyond time.

Where the breath exists as its uniting.

Where Beings of Light see all.

Where Glory is the Light of DAY ~ that lasts forever.

Playing a state of endless being.

jueves, enero 04, 2018

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Jueves, enero 4, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Jueves, enero 4, 2018

Estás escogiendo el derecho a la libertad.

Esta no es una tarea pequeña.

Estás eligiendo el derecho a elegir

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday January 4, 2018

There are differing schools of thought about manifestation. One says that you attract to you what you hold, with the idea being there is nothing you need to do but allow the vibrational match to come to you. The other says you must take action in order to move into what you wish to experience. We understand how this can cause some confusion and we wish to address this today.

miércoles, enero 03, 2018

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Miércoles, enero 3, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Miércoles, enero 3, 2018 

Se te está pidiendo que des un salto de fé ahora.

Que vayas más allá de lo que has conocido hasta ahora.

Has estado preocupado

porque has estado atado

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

You are being asked to take a leap of faith now.

To go beyond what you have known.

You have been troubled

Sarah Varcas - Los Eclipses y sus Estaciones - 1 Enero 2018

Total Lunar Eclipse Dec 20th over Alaska December 2010

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

La próxima estación de eclipses comienza el 17 de enero y termina el 21 de febrero del 2018, con un eclipse lunar a 12° de Leo el 31 de enero y un eclipse solar a 28° de Acuario el 15 de febrero.

Los eclipses ocurren en grupos de dos o tres dentro de una estación de eclipses que dura alrededor de 36 días. Durante este tiempo ocurren lunas nuevas o llenas al igual que los Eclipses Lunares y Solares respectivamente, aunque puede existir un área gris en el mismo borde de una estación de eclipses cuando pudiese ocurrir una luna nueva o llena “que no sea exactamente un eclipse”. La estación de eclipses ocurre mientras el Sol está dentro de los 18 grados de uno de los Nodos de la Luna, esto es, los puntos en la trayectoria orbital de la Luna donde esta cruza la trayectoria del Sol. Las estaciones de eclipses surgen cada seis meses.

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - January-2018 - January 01, 2018


Monday, January 01, 2018

Beloved ones we greet you,

Humanity has moved into a new potential of awakening as another phase of the ‘New Dawning’ energy has entered your planet at New Year.

At that moment when you entered the frequency setting of 2018 the Sun physically shifted its position, moving into a more direct path to planet Earth. This movement created a new multidimensional opening on your earth plane, as a series of expanded multidimensional settings of light rays from the Sun entered the planet. The Sun’s rays carry the emanations of God. This shift brings another form of the essence of God to the planet, and you are ready to receive this awakening. Earth has undergone a complete energetic reset since that moment of New Year.

Diane Canfield - Psychic Energy Report: Pure Crystalline Energies Arriving - January 3, 2018

Psychic Energy Report: Pure Crystalline Energies Arriving

January 3, 2018
by Diane Canfield

Beloved Tribe,

Today and yesterday we awoke to huge crystalline energy coming in wrapping itself around our entire being. This energy is so PURELY Christed. All of the fatigue from the past few weeks has left us and we are now focused with energy to get things done again.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 3, 2018

Dear Ones, there are multiple timelines that hold a multitude of experiences that you can access at any given time. If you have a deep longing or yearning for an experience, there is always a corresponding timeline that holds that experience. The fact that you have a desire lets you know that the potential exists.

You shift onto timelines through your focus, intention, surrender, and flow. This is why you cannot create what you want through negative focus or fear. Your energetic engagement with what was unwanted would keep you firmly planted on the timeline that holds that energy.