jueves, noviembre 16, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 1111 Powerful Portals & Gateways Week, Sirian Flushes, Deep Cellular & Molecular Re-Configurations, Shifting Realities, NEW Cosmic Body Energy Codes Activated for Anchoring In - 11/16/2017


What a POWERFUL Gateway Opening! Holy wow! Where to start...

The 1111 Gateway Opened up days before the actual day, as it always does, and continues to increase the passageway leading us through the December Gateway now. The new encodements, beyond wow, hit deep in the cellular/molecular body, going straight to whatever needed recoding for higher dimensional existence here.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La multidimensionalidad en el humano - Montreal, Canadá, el 11 de noviembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Montreal, Canadá, el 11 de noviembre de 2017

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estoy ante a una audiencia esotérica, y todo el día el tema ha sido la multidimensionalidad. Están descubriendo cosas, ahora mismo, que para muchos son increíbles. En lo más básico, y en el núcleo de la humanidad, hay cambios. Cambios hermosos, a veces difíciles, pero si los miran bien, esto es realmente el cambio que los saca fuera de la oscuridad.

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . . .- Sheldan Nidle - MINI UPDATE from the Galactic Federation of Light - November 16, 2017

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . . .


SHELDAN IS HOME from the hospital! Yippee!

Sheldan came home on Thursday, November 9. Now that he is home and eating Colleenie's food, he is recuperating and sleeping well (which he did not do at the hospital) at lightening speed. We still have a journey ahead of us and we are learning so much about ourselves, our relationship and our mission.

Sue Lie - The Arcturians - Your Control Panel For Higher Dimensional Information - 11-16-17


Transmitted to Sue Lie from the Arcturians via a LONG morning dream

This morning I had a LONG dream about using our Chakras as Inter-dimensional Communication Centers.  I was able to deeply observe how each Chakra serves as a “relay system” to inter-connect us with a certain components and areas of our Higher SELF. In this manner, we can better connect with Gaia’s planetary earth grids.

Simultaneously, these Planetary Earth Grids are connected to our complete Chakra System, which actually serves as an extremely complicated system for Inter-dimensional Communication. These Inter-dimensional Communications Systems are fifth dimensional in nature, and are innate components of our Chakra System.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 17 November 2017

The new cycle is well under way, and you should bear in mind that Humanity as a collective is creating exactly how the new era shall develop. The old is no longer automatically taking its place in the new cycle, and in fact it is not necessarily relevant in view of the higher vibrations that are now being experienced. Entirely new times are being introduced that are consistent with your coming needs. The new energies do not embrace the old ones that led to disarray, inconsistency and a near dictatorship. Humanity can now go forward and set up the foundation of the new governance that shall bring into being a new existence of lasting peace and security upon Earth. The old shall gradually recede into the background, as the new gains prominence, and anything of a lesser vibration will eventually disappear. In such circumstances the old cannot maintain its vibration, and will die along with the threat of war and be the instigator of its own demise.

Patricia Cota-Robles - INITIATING THE FIRST STEP OF THE NEW DIVINE PLAN - November 16, 2017

by Patricia Cota-Robles

November 16, 2017

In our last newsletter I shared with you that our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven were sending forth a Clarion Call invoking Awakening Humanity’s assistance during this critical and tumultuous time. Our God Parent’s revealed that “due to the urgency of the hour” they were initiating a NEW Divine Plan that would empower the Lightwork of every person on Earth a thousand fold. Our God Parents informed us that the vehicle being used to fulfill this facet of the Divine Plan is the Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love that was created through the unified efforts of the Company of Heaven and Awakening Humanity over the past 50 years.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - November 16, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Receive the good conduct award,

the medal

and diploma.

You are in charge of final outcome -

fast, medium or slow.

Lena Stevens - Patricia Liles - New Moon Update 11-18-17 - Nov 16, 2017

Dear Friends,
New Moon is Saturday, November 18 at 4:42 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST)

The theme for this new moon is creating positive change out of challenging circumstances. Anything that has been a hardship for you and could be seen as a negative experience can be used as a powerful agent to shift into something new. This is a new moon and will support anything new. Take the pieces of the old, whether an old dream, an old life, or challenging lessons, and use the power of those experiences to fuel what wants to emerge from the ashes.

Jamye Price - Areon - The Relationship of Time - Nov 16, 2017

Blessed beings, as always, it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness; for it is your awareness that aligns Life. It is your awareness that brings experience into focus and creates the future. Your awareness and perception of Life is what shapes it. Your awareness is the catalyst that Life responds to.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday November 16, 2017

There is an old pervasive belief that says the more light you shine the more the darkness is drawn to you. Please hear us when we say that belief was created out of fear, to create more fear, and to keep you from shining in your full glorious truth and authenticity. It was an untruth designed to keep you constrained and out of your authentic power.

miércoles, noviembre 15, 2017

John Smallman - Jesus - There is absolutely nothing to fear - Nov 15, 2017


As you well know – YES, you DO! – you are all dearly loved, so let go of your doubts, they are utterly and completely invalid. You are presently in human form, and you know, because Saul and I and various other channels keep telling you and reminding you, that every human without exception is a beloved child of God. Therefore stop trying to leave yourself out to remain alone and unloved, because to do so is impossible. OK?

Meg Benedicte - Activate Your Pineal Stargate - November 15, 2017


We are still integrating the powerful 11:11 ascension activations since Saturday’s sacred event. The 11:11 Gateway is open and streaming a continual surge of plasma crystalline light into the earth plane and to all life on the planet. Photon light is a carrier of universal intelligence, transmitted to all who are receptive to higher frequencies of light language.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters -November 15, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

You are acknowledging that you are enough.

Now, this is an important gesture and point.

To acknowledge that you are enough.

Diane Canfield - We Are In A Huge Upgrade of Expanded Consciousness Which Leads To Light Body Formation - November 14, 2017

By Diane Canfield

Beloved Tribe,

We are RIGHT NOW at the beginning of the VERY BIGGEST Transformation mankind has ever seen. All is being revealed and all secrets will be brought to the LIGHT. When this happens, it happens not only in 3D but also in every community on earth including the spiritual community. The false lights will also be brought into the open as they will no longer be able to spread their agenda.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 15, 2017

Dear Ones, as you move forward on your enlightenment journey and start to play in earnest with the energies of creation, we suggest you shift from focusing on what you want to deciding what you choose.

Ron Head - The Council – Now What? - Nov 15, 2017

The Council – Now What?

In the past, we have made use of several images, metaphors, to depict for you the manner in which energies build and eventually result in rapid change. We used waterfalls, avalanches, snowballs rolling down hills, and others.

Alcyon Pléyades 64: Antártida, proyectos secretos, bases nazi-aliens, Ahnenerbe, Odessa y Highjump

Selacia - New Moon Breakthroug -Letting Go to Be Free - Nov 15, 2017

New Moon Breakthrough
-Letting Go to Be Free-
by Selacia

This week with its New Moon is an opportunity for a significant personal breakthrough. Consider now specifically what you would like to shift and what your ideal outcome looks like. Continue reading for suggestions of how to tap into the energies for beneficial breakthroughs and how to focus your mind for optimal results.