viernes, julio 07, 2017

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Michael - Restoring Your Natural Conversation with the Creator - 7th July 2017

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

What you are dealing with in your reality right now is essential for your spiritual evolution and the transformation of the Earth.

I, Archangel Michael, invite you to take a moment and breathe deeply, numerous messages are coming to you from the Universe of the Creator and from within your being. Everything is the Creator, and everything is speaking to you. The key is to take the time to listen and to allow your intuition and inner navigation to accentuate the message that is most important for you to acknowledge, accept, embody and act upon now. The message that is aligned to your soul and its quest upon the Earth will come forth to you with greater power and presence than any other message. The universe is speaking to you, every message is important, acting as golden opportunities of manifestation, experience and life. There are so many beautiful pathways of experience for you to embark upon on the Earth and many will bring you fulfilment, happiness and a deeper connection with the Creator. There is no wr ong pathway; there is only creativity, exploration and understanding.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Releasing the Veils of Ignorance: It's About to Get More Interesting for All - 7/5/2017

A few weeks ago, we entered the "Release of the Fury of the Fire" (then later the words, the Rein of Fire).... as we moved into increased Earthly/Galactic Karmic Clearing/Cleansing phases. This is different for each, dependent on what is still held in cellular programming and not fully conscious yet....

Immense heat, immense release, immense physical density clearing, immense increase in high voltage/highly charged electrical cellular stimulation and increased inner Earth/atmospheric/spacial activations/convergences.... in all of our Earthly Cosmic Planetary Galactic Bodies.....

Christine Meleriessee - Ascended Master Djwhal Khul - JULY 2017 CAPRICORN FULL MOON FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS ~ REBIRTH -

The Full Moon of Capricorn is arriving in the sign of Cancer on July 8th, 9:08 PM Pacific, July 9th 12:08 AM Eastern and 04:08 GMT bringing forth the Wheel of Rebirth.

This moon is considered to represent the Wheel of Rebirth as the Higher Ego (Higher Mind) becomes intertwined within the Lower Ego (the Physical Mind). Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel of the Ascended Masters in Oneness through Walking Terra Christa, transmits the higher spiritual message to humanity for this full moon cycle. The message is in preparation for the channeled transmissions in the public global online ceremony that is held to celebrate these energies and for participants to receive the higher spiritual blessings actively. (Details to join or listen for free are below).

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The Shift of 2017 and the Grounding of the Higher Consciousness Unified Field - July 5, 2017

The Shift of 2017 and the Grounding of the Higher Consciousness Unified Field

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

The Planetary New Year and Lion's Gate July/August 2017

Beloved Family of Light, you have now reached a time in your year of 2017 when great change is at hand. We would call this the Great Shift of 2017. Indeed, as we have said earlier, 2017 is the year of Sacred Planet Earth, and the year of New Beginnings. The incoming Light Codes of the first half of 2017 have laid the seeds for the rising New Earth Consciousness to manifest on Earth.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday July 7, 2017

If you could only see what we see – the incredible job you are doing, the many ways you are of service, the energy you transmute and hold, the beauty of your soul, the phenomenal amount of growth and expansion you have accomplished in such a short amount of time – you would be awestruck. You truly are magnificent beings, each and every one of you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - THE REMOVAL OF GAIA'S 3D MATRIX - 7-7-17


The Removal of Gaia’s 3D Matrix

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,
Today I heard in my mind a message about the vision of Earth, post the removal of the 3D Matrix. As far as I understand, the 3D Matrix is a construct that was created after the loss of Earth’s protective dome, then the fall of Lemuria, and finally, the fall of Atlantis.

By the time of the fall of Atlantis, Gaia became tipped on Her axis, which greatly diminished Her planetary ability to self-heal, as well as Her ability to activate Her Divine Plan of eventually raising Her resonance into the frequency field of the fifth dimension.

Aisha North - Across time and space - July 5, 2017

Across time and space

Unimpeded by

time and space

we dance across

the firmament of our dreams

creating a new world

as we go.

Posted on July 5, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies - Actualización de Luna Llena 7-8-17 - 6 de Julio de 2017

Traducción: Mary García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

La Luna Llena es el sábado 8 de julio, a las 10:06 PM Hora de verano de la Montaña (MDT).

Esta es una buena luna para anclar aquello en lo que han tomado acción especialmente hacia algo que se relaciona con la actividad física y el movimiento de su cuerpo. Si han sido como una babosa últimamente, este sería el momento para ser más activos y para tomar el compromiso de usar su cuerpo de una manera más activa. Ésta es también una luna importante para centrarse en su entorno personal y tomar medidas o restablecer lo que necesitan a fin de proporcionarse más nutrición a ustedes mismos basados en la verdad emocional sobre lo que necesitan. Pasen tiempo con otros, pero sean firmes con sus límites. Trabajen con el Sol como aliado y manténganse inspirados con respecto algún riesgo que hayan tomado. Cuando toman un riesgo que les hace renunciar a su zona de confort, puede que el miedo esté de por medio. Recuerden que tienen a Marte de su lado, así que usen bien esa energía o ella les usará. A medida que los miedos de la infancia salen a la superficie inadecuada, empujenlos suavemente hacia un lado con compasión y recuérdense a sí mismos que ya no son ese niño y que merecen tener todo lo necesario para avanzar en su vida.



Sandra Walter - Transcending Archetypes: Utilizing the Full Moon - Jul 7, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Intentional resolution of old timelines, within your own lifestream as well as collectively, is a Lightworker focus of this Full Moon weekend. Gatekeeping, Gridwork, Lightwork, or any kind of ceremony to call forth the highest Ascension timelines is amplified in this pre-eclipse passage. We connect as One from the Full Moon on Saturday, July 8th at 9:08pm PDT through SUNday in sacred ceremony.

Lee Carroll - Boletín de Julio de la Familia Kryon y Mensajito de Lunes 3

Boletín Mensual de la Familia Kryon - Julio de 2017

La publicidad de este mes tiene todo que ver con YouTube. Durante años no me he involucrado con YouTube en absoluto - hay todo una historia detrás de esto, a contarse más adelante. Sin embargo, muchos defensores de Kryon están muy activos publicando mis audios gratuitos, y muchos de los asistentes a nuestros seminarios han encontrado a Kryon al visitar YouTube.

Personalmente siempre he alentado a todos a acudir a la "publicación original" ( de los audios gratuitos, que está en el sitio Esto se debe a que hay cientos de horas de audio para escuchar, clasificados por año y localidad, todo junto en un lugar. También, ya que siempre hay unas pocas canalizaciones en cada reunión, nuestro sitio web muestra esto, y YouTube no lo hace. Sin embargo, para mí es tiempo de salir de YouTube, y abrazar las cosas buenas que están ocurriendo allí. Para quienes también son nuevos en esto, les contaré qué he descubierto.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 7 July 2017

Mike Quinsey
These are times when the truth can no longer be hidden by the various countries involved in exploration in the Antartica. So much has been discovered under the ice that they would rather no one else knew about, but the enormity of their finds is such that it is impossible to keep it all secret. Humanity deserves to know the truth of its past and a correct version of its history. The problem is that all countries are trying to obtain advantages over each other by keeping their discoveries to themselves. It would be exciting for you to learn of your true past that many people would find so unbelievable they would consider it to be fiction.

jueves, julio 06, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - The Spiritual Meaning of Life on Earth - July 6, 2017

Dear like-minded friends,

I am Jeshua speaking. You are my brothers and sisters. I join you here as an equal, not as one who is exalted above you, but as a friend, a comrade. Feel the common source through which we are connected. Feel the life flow between us, the connection that heals and sets us free.

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 7-8-17 - July 6, 2017

Full Moon Update 7-8-17

July 6, 2017 By Lena Stevens

Full Moon is Saturday, July 8, at 10:06 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This is a good moon to anchor something you have taken action towards especially something that relates to physical activity and the movement of your body. If you have been a slug lately, this would be the day to be more active and to make a commitment to using your body in a more active way. This is also an important moon to focus on your personal environment and take action or reset what you need to in order to provide more nurturing for yourself based on the emotional truth about what you need. Spend time with others but be firm with your boundaries. Work with the Sun as an ally and be inspired by some risk you have taken. When you take a risk you give up your comfort zone and there may be fear involved. Remember you have Mars on your side so use that energy well or it will use you. As childhood fears of inadequacy surface, push them gently aside with compassion and remind yourself the you are no longer that child and that you deserve to have everything you need to move forward in your life.



RONNA - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - ¿Estás Listo Para La Liberación? - Julio 2017

Traducción: Mary García

Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

¿Estás Listo Para La Liberación?

Recuerden, mis valientes que están viviendo en medio de la Eternidad. Los mensajes de sabiduría cósmica que traemos no son para establecer más reglas o crear nuevos dogmas. Nuestra intención es encender vuestros corazones con amor, y daros una vislumbre del futuro glorioso ante vosotros. A medida que más y más de las masas están sintiendo un descontento iniciado por su Yo-Alma, es vital que las Enseñanzas de Sabiduría de la Ascensión sean estudiadas y compartidas con los que les rodean. Ustedes, la despierta SEMILLA de ESTRELLAS, son los que ahora difundirán las emergentes ENSEÑANZAS DE SABIDURÍA del futuro.

Battlesbury Hill, Nr Warminster, Wiltshire 👽🚀🎞💥

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday July 6, 2017

Dear Ones, many fears arise from the idea that you are a limited resource and someone can take away from you, leaving you depleted. This comes from seeing yourself as separate from Source energy. Next time you experience yourself in resistance to anything, stop and ask yourself whether your fear is valid or if you have allowed yourself to shift out of your balance and alignment that sees yourself as a fully capable and abundant creator. When you embrace your divinity as part of All That Is, you recognize that you are also an infinite resource. ~Archangel Gabriel

miércoles, julio 05, 2017

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - June 5, 2017

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full-time with the Earth Council.

I greet you today with a good news. We value you and complement you for the phenomenally good work that you are doing. Please know that whatever you are going through is a worthwhile cause that will bring forth an abrupt completion of the third dimension on Mother Earth.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 5, 2017

Dear Ones, when you have created a firm and divinely connected energetic foundation for yourself, your responses are authentic, balanced, mindful, kind, and loving. If others are unkind to you, it is indicative that they are out of balance - that their fundamental needs have been unmet, that they are in discomfort, and have not yet discovered their own truth, connectedness, or wholeness. Every action or response is simply an indicator of how far along people are in the discovery and acceptance of their own divine nature. ~Archangel Gabriel

Selacia - Choosing Hope in Dark Times -Using What You Know Intuitively- July 5, 2017

Choosing Hope in Dark Times
-Using What You Know Intuitively-
by Selacia

Planetary energies in these moments are pushing us to redefine ourselves and what it means to be powerful agents of change. The old world we were used to is dying and being restructured. The new world we want to live in remains under construction. Progress towards a more enlightened society has been made, and many more positive changes are in the works.

Christine Day - Message from the Pleiadians July 201 - July 05, 2017

Beloved Ones We Greet You,

The resurrection energies of the Holy Vine continue to flow and unfold across your planet. This is heralding in a vast opportunity for each of you enter into a completely different space of awareness. As you reopen through the multidimensionality of your own Heart space, you are being repositioned for a sacred communion to be experienced and expressed through you. This vista is being laid before you at this time for you to reunite with your unlimited potential. All is in readiness for you to form a new alliance with Self through your own Heart.