lunes, octubre 24, 2016

Jenny Schiltz - Understanding Your Impact on this World - October 24, 2016

The guides have asked that I share this experience as it will help each of us truly understand our impact on our world.

I was feeling the need to take a road trip, I had no destination in mind only that I wanted to get away. Within a few hours my husband calls and says, “Let’s get away this weekend”. I laughed at the synchronicity of it all. I asked where he wanted to go and he suggested that we explore the Million dollar byway in Colorado ski country before the roads became too hard to transverse without a four-wheel drive. I was totally game. That evening we were discussing it and he said that he found a place called the Victorian Inn, we called but they were full. I hopped on priceline and much to my surprise there was listed The Victorian Inn. We booked it and planned our journey.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 24/10/16

Posted on October 24, 2016 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Benjamin Fulford 10-24-16… “Mass arrests and extrajudicial killings going on as part of cabal takedown”

Posted by benjamin, October 24, 2016

There is serious fighting going on as 43 different national militaries begin a coordinated take-down of the Khazarian mafia, Pentagon sources say. Meanwhile, a source in one of the families that owns the Federal Reserve Board says that all fund “blockages we are experiencing in the USA are due to the Bush/Clinton & Rothchilds & Rockefeller crime families. We were told that they issued a firm threat that the ‘entire family’ would be killed of ANYONE who releases or receives any of the RV, redemption bonds or currency exchanges funds.”

Maryann Rada - Anica Colinion y la Federación Galáctica de la Luz - Éste Es Un Tiempo Para Escuchar A Esa Voz Interna Guía - 23-10-2016

Los saludamos nuevamente con el amor de nuestra gente por su raza, como familia, amigos, vecinos.
Nosotros somos miembros de la Federación Galáctica de la Luz, quienes portan un mensaje paraustedes via los auspicios de Anica, el enlace de la Liga de la Luz.
Este mensaje es el segundo que les mandamos de esta manera, y llega en un tiempo de incertidumbre y ansiedad, al tiempo que la estructura de su mundo sufre bajo la presión de un cambio que debería haber sucedido hace mucho.
Seremos breves y directos, y dejaremos un espacio para los comentarios de Anica.
Muchas de sus voces más finas siguen sin ser oídas entre una cacofonía divisoria, y sin embargo el murmullo de la sanidad, la paz, la hermandad está ganando coherencia.
Es cosa de tiempo hasta que el murmullo del fondo venga al frente de la conciencia, y las competiciones de popularidad y juegos de poder sean relegados al fondo, como dirían ustedes, ante la fuerza impulsora de la humanidad, la cual se está redefiniendo completamente a sí misma.

Méline Portia Lafont - Onda de Códigos Fuente, Antimateria – Materia - 19-10-2016


Fusionando Dimensiones y Líneas de Tiempo
A medida que comenzamos a experimentar cada vez más facetas de nuestro Yo Multidimensional por medio de la Conciencia Crística Solar, vivimos en un ciclo de revelaciones que están incrementando por medio de la genética de nuestro Ser inmortal.
La inmortalidad se vuelve una enorme parte de nuestra conciencia y estado consciente ahora porque ha sido arraigada dentro de nuestro ADN.
Y esta parte del ADN – que ha sido llamado por nuestros científicos “ADN basura” – está despertando ciertamente, activando las experiencias y estado consciente Multidimensionales.
Las líneas de tiempo según las conocemos se están fusionando en la experiencia de este momento de Ahora, donde todo vive como uno en el mismo espacio y con el mismo ímpetu.
Ustedes eligen solamente dónde enfocar su atención y estar conscientes de qué es lo que han estado haciendo por tan largo tiempo; estando conscientes de qué están enfocando; ahora todo está cambiando y siendo liberado, moviéndonos a través de todas las líneas de tiempo que hemos creado para nosotros para experimentar qué somos y dónde permanecemos como conciencia.
Mientras más despiertos y conscientes se vuelvan de TODO su YO, más experimentarán su Multidimensionalidad. .
Onda de Códigos Fuente y Materia
El equipo me explicó que hay una onda de energía de Códigos Fuente entrando actualmente en nuestro sistema solar y en el campo magnético de la Tierra.
La rejilla de la Tierra está cargada con circuitos super cargados de energía que se están fusionando con los Códigos Fuente que están llegando.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ What is Love? - Monday October 24, 2016

We speak so much of the importance of love. But what is love really? Why is it such a big deal?

Love is the sustenance of your soul. It is where you came from, and where you will always return. It is the great expander, healer, unifier, and connector. It is your reunion with Source energy, and how you express your own divinity. It is the constancy, the comfort, the safety, the acceptance you all yearn for.

When you come into the body to have a singular life experience, you perceive yourself as separate from the love of Source. The spiritual journey is about finding your way back into reunion with that love, and discovering that you are an individuated aspect of that love.

Simply put, love is your truth, your lineage, and the more you embrace that fact about yourself, the more authentic and satisfying your life will become, for every single time you choose to love, you are honouring your true purpose in the most magnificent way. ~Archangel Gabriel

Open Your Mind (OYM) Radio - James Gilliland - Oct 23rd 2016

domingo, octubre 23, 2016

Asara - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Oct 23, 2016

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future to assist you on your path.

Dear Ones, your physical, emotional, etheric and spiritual body are currently receiving many activations necessary, to step into the next phase in your ascension and experience of the New Earth.

Brenda Hoffman - Finding New You - October 23, 2016

Dear Ones,

Many of you are concerned that you do not feel like a different person. That you somehow missed your calling or direction.

Neither is true for your shifts are so rapid as not to be noticeable.

Perhaps that last statement feels as if it is just another carrot to maintain your hopes in something that is not happening – a switch and bait, if you will. For if all that is predicted is occurring, would you not have some sort of AHA sensation indicating how different you have become?

Such is your belief despite something similar having happened in puberty and continues to happen to you without preparation as you mature.

So it is for you once again. You are changing throughout your being – including your physical being – noted only by those who do not interact with you a great deal.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about yourself - October 23, 2016

Dear One,

You are being asked to give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about who you think you are. Nothing wears down your sense of self more than this type of negative thinking. It is debilitating in every way. This is a good place to start in order to affect other areas of your life.

A fast is a period in which you refrain from some activity. Most people are familiar with a food fast, which allows the digestive system a period of recovery. The same is true for a mental fast. It gives your mind time to recover so you can begin to see the truth in your life without judgment.

The judgmental mind is relentless, constantly seeking out inadequacies to bring them to your awareness. Although shining light into the dark corners of your mind is beneficial, bombarding yourself with negative thoughts, even if you believe them to be true, serves no good purpose.

Anna Merkaba - Amplificación del Mosaico – Co-creación benevolente de la Nueva Tierra Mátrix – Comprensión del Ser – Transformación de la Consciencia Colectiva – Clave para la Iluminación. - Oct 23, 2016

¡Hola a todos! Espero que se encuentren fenomenalmente bien y que de igual manera estén abrazando y disfrutando las nuevas energías. La canalización que están por leer habla sobre cómo nuestra realidad cambia diariamente y de que somos literalmente capaces de “ver” la magia desenvolviéndose frente a nosotros. Muchos de ustedes están compartiendo asombrosas historias conmigo acerca del avistamiento de sus guías, de su comunicación con otros reinos, y, lo más importante, de estar viendo las cosas más claramente.

Están comenzando a ponerse en mayor sintonía con todo esto. Un ejemplo de estar en sintonía podría ser, tú caminando por la calle, pensando en cualquier cosa cuando de repente comienza a aparecer una confirmación tras otra, a veces en palabras, ¡donde alguien está hablando acerca de aquello en lo que justamente estabas pensando! ¡Otras veces en imágenes, como una donde tus ojos repentinamente se fijan en una pegatina colocada en un coche que al parecer tiene la respuesta que tú estabas buscando! O quizás música viniendo del automóvil de alguien, un animal, un insecto, etcétera, repentinamente apareciendo en tu camino algo de lo que nunca antes te habías percatado, etc. Todos estos son mensajes de tus guías, todas son maneras en las que tú recibes confirmación sobre cualquier problema que estés teniendo en el momento.

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - OCTOBER 23,2016

Dear ones, we see many still experiencing confusion with regard to world conditions. Know that what you are witnessing in these turbulent times is the emerging of old energies long suppressed and hidden in need of exposure in order to be observed, evaluated, and changed.

Never fear to look right at any appearance, not hiding from it or pretending not to notice but instead realizing it to be the material sense of a spiritual universe--pictures formed of the beliefs of duality and separation, impersonal, and without spiritual law hold them in place.

Never deny or fear the emotions that may arise, but realize that today is a new time in which you are not the same you of even one year ago having attained a level of consciousness now able to reinterpret world appearances and recognize the ever present underlying spiritual reality.

Alcyon Pléyades 47: Tiempo terrestre 24a16 horas, resonancia Schumann, Universo fractal

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion – October 23-30, 2016

Beloved Ones,

The changes to the systems that have been operating upon this planet are taking place. There is no choice for those who have created them but to make changes that will reflect the highest good of all. The energies that are now permeating the planet will not allow for anything else than that. Be at peace – hold your equilibrium and balance – hold your Light as these changes take place. It is a most exciting ride as the ascension of the Earth, your planet, continues on its inevitable journey. You it is whom we the ascended master realms and the angelic realms rely upon. You are the Lights, the beacons, the points of reference upon your planet that we connect to in order to bring through guidance, healing, enlightenment, activations and attunements.

¿Cómo Protegernos Frente a un Gran Tormenta Solar?

Maryann Rada - Anica Colinion & the Galactic Federation of Light - This Is a Time to Listen to that Inner Voice of Guidance - October 23, 2016

Again, we greet you, with the love of our people for your race, as family, friends, neighbors. We are members of the Galactic Federation of Light who carry a message to you through the auspices of Anica, liaison from the League of Light. This, our second message in this manner, comes at a time of uncertainty and anxiety, as the structure of your world strains under the pressure of long-overdue change. We will be brief and to the point, and allow space for Anica’s commentary to follow.

Many of your finest voices remain unheard amid a cacophony of division, yet the murmur of sanity, of peace, of fellowship is gaining coherence. It is a matter of time until the background murmur comes to the forefront of awareness and popularity contests and power plays take a back seat, you may say, to the driving force of humanity redefining itself altogether. We speak of certain inevitabilities within your interwoven global civilization. We speak of the growing awareness of planetary survival becoming a primary focus and of the need for humanity to make decisions about what each person can do to make the world safer and more healed.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Shine brightly and beautifully as you are today - Sunday October 23, 2016

Dear Ones, if someone has hurt you in the past, it is an indicator that they were not at a level of soul growth to choose differently. They simply did not know better.

Now you can say that they should have known better, but the reality is, if they were hurtful, in that moment they did not. They did not know better because the hurt happened. Recognizing that you were hurt because someone did not know better, allows you to heal. It makes the affront less personal, and more an expression of who they were in that moment of time.

Expecting that if you tell them how they were wrong they will change, is usually met with disappointment because change, true change, comes from within. It comes from introspection and a desire to do better. It is an internal process.

If someone truly understands how they have hurt you, they will let you know. They will apologize and make amends, of their own accord. If you do not see that behaviour originating from them, it is likely that they still do not know better and will hurt you again.

There have been times that you did not know better, either. That does not make you bad or awful, but simply one operating at a level of growth that is not indicative of who you are today. You have grown from there, and that is a wonderful thing.

We urge you to let go of the ties that hold you to events that were unwanted. Let your true self lead the way. Forgive those who have not found their own divine nature yet. Surround yourselves with those who can see you in your truth and honour you for who you really are. Shine brightly and beautifully as you are today, and know that will draw to you those who can see that light and that truth. ~Archangel Gabriel

sábado, octubre 22, 2016

Alex Collier on Angels 2016-10-22

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Your different aspects will activate - Oct 22, 2016

These upcoming days you will start to see what you could not see before, understand through your heart/soul that which was not accessible before, experience the feelings that were locked away, deep beneath your human separation beliefs, pains, fears, judgments...

There is this deep profound beauty that can only be accessed through the soul. As your soul awakens, your human reality won't "match up" anymore. It won't inspire you as your soul/spirit needs to be inspired, it won't fulfill you if it doesn't speak to that sacred place inside....

Your Soul will desire for more. To fulfill your purposes, mission and experience your deep inner dreams and desires.....

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - … el tiempo está por llegar…CONFÍA en la Energía - 20-10-2016

Federación de la Luz: ¿Dónde nos conducirán? Y sin embargo, decimos… el tiempo está por llegar… debe venir… vendrá… donde SABEN que los está llevando aún más a la Luz… La luz de Amor.
Blossom: Hola, una vez más. No estoy segura de qué es lo que hablaremos hoy, sin embargo, yo sé que los siento muy cerca en este momento y, una vez más… ¿me atrevería a decirlo?… Siento expectativas… incluso ‘esperanza’ filtrándose.
Es bastante increíble cómo todos estamos sintiendo las energías de una manera u otra. ¡Qué viaje!
(En ese momento sentí muy fuertemente que deseaban hablar.
Estoy poniendo el enlace al final de esta conversación con ellos, ya que creo que es importante que usted entienda lo que se llevó a cabo ANTES de escuchar).
Después de que hablaron a través mío… esta es la conversación que siguió.
Por lo tanto, yo confié, y ustedes llegaron a través mío.
En primer lugar, en su forma normal y luego después de un largo tiempo de silencio (corté el silencio exterior)… ustedes llegaron en otro idioma… ¡del cual no tengo absolutamente ninguna idea de lo que han expresado!