domingo, abril 10, 2016

Selacia - Ligereza de Ser – 5 Sugerencias para un Reinicio Positivo - 8 de Abril 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Con energías más ligeras en el aire ahora, es tiempo de crear en formas totalmente nuevas y dejar atrás viejos hábitos durante ciclos más turbulentos. ¿Listos?

Como estamos sentados en una poderosa ventana de dos semanas de energías beneficiosas después de esta Luna Nueva, este es un momento realmente perfecto para reenfocarnos y reaplicar algunos principios útiles que ustedes entienden bien. Por tanto este artículo es para abordar unos cuantos de ellos. Es interesante cómo nuestra mente lógica puede recordar principios útiles, pero no aplicarlos cuando estamos estresados o respondemos emocionalmente durante la crisis. Reinicien sus energías en una forma positiva con estas sugerencias.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies - Actualización Luna Nueva 7 Abril 2016 - 5 de Abril 2016

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

La luna nueva es el jueves 7 de abril a las 5.23 AM Hora de las Montañas - 7.23 AM EDT - 4.23 AM PDT - 8.23 AM Buenos Aires

Este es un buen momento para iniciar casi cualquier cosa, porque la energía de esta luna es una con una gran dosis de poder. Observen la agresión. Si llega de otra persona, no lo tomen personalmente. Las cosas podrían estar un poco inestables y desorientadas hoy, así que tómense su tiempo para anclarse a tierra y centrarse, así como establecer algunas intenciones claras. A lo que sea a lo que le agreguen combustible en esta luna nueva, es tiempo de hacerse cargo, aprovechar el momentum agresivo y desplegarlo en las semanas siguientes, meses e incluso años. Así que sean claros en que lo que están estimulando es para ustedes y para nadie más.

Bendiciones, Lena.


Escrito por Patricia Liles. Contactarla a

Luna Nueva en Aries - Sol en Aries - Luna en Aries a 18 grados

Jueves 7 de abril , 5.23 AM Hora de las Montañas - 7.23 AM EDT - 4.23 AM PDT - 8.23 AM Buenos Aires

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de las energías de Abril de 2016 - 4 de abril 2016

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Si has conseguido salir de los tres primeros meses de este año más o menos intacto, enhorabuena. Ha sido como una montaña rusa. La primera parte de 2016 marca el tono energético para el resto del año; si hemos experimentado algunos cambios inesperados o difíciles, tendremos la oportunidad de encontrar una resolución ahora y durante los próximos meses. Creo que la dificultad de los últimos meses ya ha pasado, aunque depende en gran medida de cómo nos adaptemos a los cambios, de lo que esté ocurriendo en nuestras vidas, y de hacia dónde queramos ir de ahora en adelante. Es “Abril de Acción” y es tiempo de movimiento, pero antes de precipitarnos hacia la puerta de salida, debemos ser conscientes de que no se trata de “llevar a cabo la primera acción que se nos presente ”. Nos encontramos en una nueva vibración que se basa en la “acción alineada”, y que consiste en el movimiento focalizado, con una dirección deliberada. Antes de gritar “preparados, listos, ya”, deberíamos pensar más bien en términos de “evaluar, alinearse y, en última instancia, actuar”.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy you want in your world - April 10, 2016

Dear One,

When you love others and allow them to follow their own chosen path, it awakens the energy of compassion and acceptance within you. This energy fills your heart and permeates your world. It allows you to receive this same energy from others, which can give you a sense of freedom to be all you can be.


We are truly in uncharted waters. Since the birth of the New Year, 2016, we have been blessed with unfathomable influxes of Heavenly Light. This Light is pulsating with the most intensified frequencies of God’s Transfiguring Divine Love that Humanity and Mother Earth are capable of assimilating at this time. Everything that conflicts with this Divine Love is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. This is occurring in both our individual and our collective lives. From outer appearances it seems as though this amazing Light is wreaking havoc all over the Planet. However, that is a misperception.

In fact, what we are witnessing is an acceleration of our Ascension process as the last vestiges of our miscreations on the old Earth are being pushed to the surface. This is occurring so we can complete the learning experiences we either deliberately or inadvertently created through them. What we are far less aware of on a conscious level is the profound Truth that the Divine Intent of this unprecedented influx of Transfiguring Divine Love is specifically designed to help us transcend our human miscreations quickly, so we can cocreate the lives for which we have all been longing. 

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - April 10-17, 2016

Marlene will be appearing on the OM Times Circle of Hearts Radio show with Grandmother Allayah on Sunday, April 10th, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. PDT, 2:00 p.m. EDT.

Join us by clicking here!

Beloved Ones,

Your desire to experience peace in every facet of your life requires the letting go of every thing that prevents the experience of it. It is, however, you who must do the necessary observation and introspection of the patterns that still remain and need attention. Do not become discouraged if they seem difficult to eliminate from your mental processes. Many times, it is really the energies of mass consciousness that impinge upon your senses which triggers all that is not yet completely cleared from within you. That is why we have advised previously that you take time at least once a week to perform the total energy clearing process to keep a high energy field around you.

Also take some time each day to just stand upon the Earth in your bare feet and picture roots growing from your body into the center of the Earth. Our scribe has purchased an Earthing Mat which she uses under her bare feet while she is sitting at the computer to lessen the effects of excessive electromagnetic energy. Each person has to take assertive action on one’s own behalf in a way that gives benevolent outcomes and keeps your physical body healthy and filled with a sense of vitality and well being. Wearing a Shungite pendant is also very helpful as this stone provides a very helpful cleansing and clearing of various negative thought forms and any difficult or destructive energies are shifted in vibration to a higher level.

John Smallman - Saul - Complete honesty disarms any assailant - April 10th, 2016

Humanity is waiting impatiently to awaken! Yes, the vast majority remain unaware of this imminent and long awaited event of enormous significance in the overall scheme of things. However, at a deeper level, where you can never forget that all are One, everyone knows that your awakening is imminent, hence the impatience. Quite a paradox!

Those of you who have been holding your Light on high – Light workers and Light bearers – and those of you who have sensed that change is in the air have been working full time to bring it on. As you have been told, the tipping point has passed, the balance has shifted, and truly, humanity’s awakening is imminent. On the level of the illusion, where most of you live your daily lives working to pay the bills and support your families, the signs are not encouraging, as the mainstream media focuses incessantly on the conflicts – military, political, economic, and social – that seem to be infecting and agitating every part of the world. As you have so often been told by so many “wise old men,” “nothing is as it seems.” And that is the truth! But only where the illusion is concerned.

How could what you see bear any relation to Reality? Reality is Love, is God, is the Source in which and from which All arises! In Reality all is known, there are no mysteries, Love, God, the Supreme Intelligence embraces all unconditionally, without judgment of any kind, because all are created by God and are therefore in every way perfect. In the illusion so much is hidden under the dark veil that appears to separate you from God, that it is impossible for the truth to be seen, because the whole purpose of the illusion is to separate, to conceal, to dissemble!

Throughout your earthly lives you are – every single human – constantly receiving wake-up calls, wake-up calls that you have, until now, chosen to ignore, to deny, or not to hear! Within the illusion, the nightmare or dream that you experience as reality, it is very inconvenient to hear the truth, and so you block it out. You have chosen to have rules of the game that enforce your sense of separation – bodies that are without a doubt separate, and that experience their own individual pain and suffering alone and lost – and which seem to demand your silence! Don’t rock the boat, don’t make waves, don’t ask, don’t tell . . . as in the Hans Christian Andersen story “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”

Now that willingness to support the system is crumbling because humanity is no longer willing to suffer in silence as a few individuals attempt to keep you enslaved. All the skeletons in humanity’s collective cupboard of shame and dishonesty are tumbling out and can no longer be concealed. Everyone has, at some time in their lives, been dishonest and has then attempted to hide their shame. Shame is an aspect of judgment, it is a method of controlling people because there is no one who has not, in their own eyes, done something shameful. Shame enables and encourages blackmail, and the more powerful or influential the person who has something shameful to hide the more effectively can they be blackmailed.

Complete honesty forestalls blackmail. But fear forestalls complete honesty. It seems to be a Catch 22 situation. It is not! Complete honesty disarms any assailant. Dishonesty, corruption, and undisclosed self-interests are weapons that can be used against you, and often are at the most damaging moment. Within the illusion it seems that you can trust no-one! But the game of separation that is the illusion is unreal.

In Reality nothing is hidden, there are no skeletons in any cupboards because there are no cupboards. This is a terrifying thought to many who are caught up in the illusion and in the game it seems that they have to play, because to play successfully you have to dissemble, to lie, and to cheat. That is not your nature, and it feels extremely uncomfortable when you engage in those games. Nevertheless, everyone else seems to be playing by those rules, and so it seems that you have no choice. If you want to succeed, if you want to gain the rewards that the system offers, you have to cheat, surreptitiously.

Now many are finally realizing that the rewards that the system offers are poisonous! If you cannot be true to yourselves any rewards that you receive change almost instantly to ash in your mouths. You have betrayed yourselves to obtain them. For a while you can fool yourselves by seeking and winning further rewards, as those with whom you are supposedly cooperating, but who you are in fact cheating, do not attain similar rewards. You have won, they have lost – what a clever and magnificent being you must be!

Eventually you realize you have no friends, only enemies, and your separation is complete! It may appear that you have friends because you associate regularly with others who are equally driven to succeed, and who seem to support you, but when you fail or can no longer provide the access to the power and influence that they crave, they dump you and move on.

The illusion is a place where trust is regularly betrayed without a moment’s thought when the one betraying imagines that he will in any way benefit as a result. The illusion is an insane and utterly unreal environment that brings enormous suffering to billions, as the leaders, plotters, and schemers, who are utterly devoted to their own egoic aggrandizement, walk roughshod over anyone who opposes them.

You can see evidence of this all around you at every level of the hierarchies in which you move. Back-stabbing is endemic. The good news is that people are waking up to the insanity that seems to rule their lives, and they are now choosing to cease playing these painful and dishonorable games. The old order is collapsing under the weight of its own depravity. When corruption has been flowing freely for long enough, as it now has, putrefaction ensues, the odor becomes unbearable, and people move away.

It is quickly realized that the odor is in fact quite localized, and that as the decay terminates – ash to ash, dust to dust – and the odor fades away, new beginnings arise bringing in a new and far more open way that thrives on the harmony of cooperation.

Humanity’s awakening is a collective moving away from the endemic corruption of earlier times and into a New Age of loving acceptance, in which people of different race, color, creed, and political and economic philosophies come together to understand one another’s needs and then integrate their efforts to satisfy all of them, so that no one is disenfranchised or side-lined.

As this New Age grows and matures, Love will guide all the peoples of the world in harmonious cooperation, like a vast choir and orchestra performing a heavenly composition in which everyone has an essential and irreplaceable part to play. Prepare yourselves to hear music like you have never heard before – your joy and amazement will overwhelm you.

With so very much love, Saul.

sábado, abril 09, 2016

Valerie Donner - Mira - Pleiadian High Council - April 8, 2016

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, serving full time on the Earth Council.

The truth be told is that we are astounded at the events currently occurring on your planet. To use your phraseology “It is like a three ringed circus.” We assist with the ascension process in numerous locations in creation but we have never seen anything quite like this. As ground crew you are sharpening up your skills and mastery as you are maneuvering through some of the darkest energies we have seen. You are earning not only your Badge of Courage but many extra awards for your diligence and expertise. Your big reward will be to inherit your earth back.

Thank you for your loving service and willingness to participate in this divine experiment. The Creator is pleased with you too and so are the many members of the Light Alliance and the Galactic Alliance. Without your cooperation the evolution of this Solar System and many others would not be as feasible.

viernes, abril 08, 2016

John Smallman - Jesus - Do not castigate yourselves for errors or missed opportunities - April 8, 2016

We are all One, there is no separation. So many in the spiritual realms have told you this over and over again, and still you are filled with doubts and skepticism, despite all the evidentiary proof to the contrary. So we just have to keep on telling you this until it finally resonates with you and your doubts and skepticism fall away, as they surely will. You are loved and cherished beyond your ability to imagine or conceive of, and we want you to know that, so we will continue to bring it to your attention as we wait patiently for you to wake up. Our patience, unlike yours, is endless, there being, in truth, no such thing as time. What is is. To awaken is your destiny and you cannot avoid it, however you can choose to delay that moment indefinitely. Engaging fully with the illusion by allowing yourselves to be seriously concerned with worldly problems that do not affect you directly is a choice to delay that inevitable awakening. It seems that there is enormous suffering and poverty throughout the world that humanity needs to address and put to rights, and there is, but it needs to be addressed spiritually.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Aries New Moon ~ Time to Take Action

The New Moon of Aries has now arrived April 7th, 2016 which occurred at 4:24 AM Pacific, 7:24 AM Eastern, and 11:24 GMT. New beginnings are possible as with each new moon, but how is this moon different for the earth and each of us individually?

The past three months of this year has taken into a deeper part of our existence within the earth as March proved to be the Lion roaring inside of us just waiting to get out of the trenches of despairs. As students of mastery, we have had to go into a space where we have not wanted to travel before. With each passing moon, eclipse, and acceleration of the light coming into the planet, it pushes us to know ourselves on a deeper level.

The Full Moon in March gave us the gift of resurrecting our elements that do not serve the higher energies. It helped us to move into a higher level of acceptance while moving our vibrations to match the emotional and mental elements that we are desiring to have in our consciousness. These energies have been intense and challenging for each soul upon this earth.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Starseed Ascension Shift Symptoms and Inflow of New Templates - 8 April, 2016

We are addressing different spectrums of the Starseed and Light Bearers shift awakening, to let you know you are all a part of this together, each affecting the whole matrix 444 and that is all beings on the planet in unison of creation of the human web of light. Some of the old souls, ultra sensitive empaths who have been on the path for a long time, may feel fatigued and burned out from the years and decades of transforming the energies, ascending and evolving.
The burn out from the old souls and the Starseed, Light Bearers, ultra sensitives may feel they have been pushing against the energies, as their resonance field is not always responding to status quo structure systems of what is here on the planet. Each Starseed forerunner is diverse in the energetic response to which they are attuned from the Rays of Creation.

Lee Carroll - Kryon - Assumptions - San Antonio, Texas - 24 January, 2016

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again, there must be an adjustment time for those in front of me. The adjustment is in your reality, discernment and for your existence paradigm. Even for those of you so awake and aware, it's still only a man in a chair in front of you. The voice is the same as it was a moment ago, but those of you who can discern know that the energy is not the same.

My partner knows that there is a compassionate, benevolent energy that comes sweeping over him that shows him it's time to leave his body, and he does. He moves away in a manner that is difficult to describe. He's not sitting here - not really. His process clears the path, not for a takeover, but for a partnership. He used to work at it - working way too hard at it - and then he learned to let go and, at the point, the messages started to flow.

Natalie Glasson - The Healing Temples of Venus by Sapphire of Venus - 8th April 2016

Greetings, it is an honour to be in your presence, I am a member of the civilisation of Venus, my name is Sapphire and my purpose upon Venus is to emanate the Feminine Divine Goddess energies of the Creator of the most appropriate vibration into every aspect of Venus. I am currently overseeing a temple upon Venus known as the, ‘Temple of Divine Goddess Healing and Balancing.’ As I come forth to be in your presence, I emanate a pure white light with hints of pink and sapphire blue, many believe me to be a goddess however I am strongly aligned with Venus, recognising myself as embodying all that is Venus. I embody the Divine Feminine quality of grace. The sacred quality of grace is my power, strength and healing expression. It is the energy of grace that I enthuse the temple I am overseeing with; grace is the foundation of all healing transformatio ns which take place within this sacred space. Allow me to be in your presence and to emanate the purity of grace from the synthesised energies of my soul, Venus and the Divine Feminine. Feel the light, energy, consciousness of grace vibrating throughout your being and notice how it brings you into balance within your entire being. Let me heal you with the power of grace.

Pamela Kribbe - Message from Mother Earth/Gaia - 8 April, 2016

Dear friends,
I am Earth. I love you, you are my children. You move about on my surface while you are busy with the pressures of your everyday life, and I follow you and long to urge you to return to the core of who you are. I want to awaken you to who you are in your essence.
You all are on a journey inward; your soul wants to fully descend on to Earth and to merge with a human body and to live and manifest here. While you are searching for ways to transcend your humanity, your soul seeks to embrace embodiment. It wants to be human, to come down fully to Earth and to create a fusion between soul and human. That is your purpose on Earth.

Mike Quinsey - April 8, 2016

Chaos continues to happen all around you, yet it would have been so much worse had it not been for the Galactic Forces. The dark Ones are in disarray and losing their power to dictate the way your lives are working out, and If they had their way you would have been plunged into global wars to which there would be no end. However, they have been stopped in their tracks and a world war has been prevented. In time a halt will be called to such atrocities and eventually there will be no armed confrontations at all. Peace is approaching and it will be of a lasting nature, allowing the Earth to eventually be fully restored to its pristine beauty. This period will be one of great growth in your evolution as the new Earth emerges, and a great Galactic Age begins destined to speedily carry you forward giving you many exciting opportunities.

jueves, abril 07, 2016

Suzanne Lie - The ATMA and the ELEMENTALS - 4-7-16


The Arcturians 

Dear Ascending Ones,
As you continue your process of returning to your Multidimensional SELF, you will be releasing the components of your self that are no longer needed. Simultaneously, you will be placing more and more of your intention onto the SELF you are becoming. As you continue your metamorphosis the small voice of the inner child will call out, “Take me with you.”
We remind you to remember to welcome your Child Self into your High Heart. Your “child” is your Divine Child who became the one you identified as yourself before you began your process ascension. As you collect your Divine Child into your heart, you release your attachment to the third/fourth dimensional Wheel of Life and Death.
Your Divine Child represents your first eight cells that are stored in your ATMA of the Three Fold Flame of your High Heart. Within these first eight cells is all that you have learned from your many incarnations on physical Earth. These eight cells also hold the pattern of lives in which you returned to SELF, ascended, in your other incarnations.

Benjamin Fulford 4-4-16… “Decisive attacks against Khazarian mafia unfolding in Poland, Turkey, Washington DC, Japan and elsewhere”

Posted by benjamin, April 4, 2016

The battle to liberate the planet earth is unfolding at an ever more dramatic pace as the Khazarian human slavers come under attack in their strongholds of Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, the US, Japan and elsewhere. At the same time as this take-down of the Khazarian mafia continues to accelerate, high level East-West negotiations towards a new financial system are proceeding in a smooth and friendly manner, according to multiple sources directly involved in the negotiations.

First about the mafia take-down. The main theater of action is now Turkey, which has become a pariah state. There are growing signs that a short but very intense war to take down the Turkish fascist regime is about to begin.

The clearest sign was the fact the US military removed all military family members from Turkey last week. They did that during a time when Turkish President Recep Erdogan was visiting the United States, in other words, when the US could keep him hostage if he tried to prevent the evacuation of Americans from Turkey. The fact that no US government officials met with Turkey’s Erdogan, on the surface the President of a major NATO ally, while he visited the United States is a very visible sign his regime is not going to be protected if Russia attacks it.

Best Crop Circles Ever - Episode 16 - Milk Hill, Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire, UK - 2th July 2009

miércoles, abril 06, 2016

Pleiadian Meditation by Barbara Marciniak - The Cosmos Is Calling

Sarah Varcas - 7th April 2016: New Moon in Aries - 05/04/2016

Knowing When We Don’t Know
Sarah Varcas

The Moon is new in the 19th degree of Aries at 11:25 a.m. UT. This is a transformative Moon, conjunct Uranus – bringer of the unexpected – and squared by Pluto – lord of death and rebirth in equal measure. We may find ourselves strangely liberated by something which, to all intents and purposes, looked set to bind us. Things prove not to be as they seemed and a way through a particular challenge may make itself known.
But for this to happen a new perspective is called for. A rapid maturation of attitude which shifts us from ‘how do I manipulate life to make it give me what I want?’, to ‘how do I get out of life’s way to allow it to give me what it wants and needs me to have?’. There may be a gaping divide between the two. So certain are we that we know best, we can easily shut down to life’s nudges and messages which tell us there may just be another way we’ve dismissed or ignored for too long. As the darkness of this Moon resonates with the shadowy corners of our psyche, we can become acutely aware of neglected possibilities and seeds of potential in what once looked like the worst case scenario!

Benjamin Fulford - 04-04-16. Se desarrollan ataques decisivos contra la mafia jázara en Polonia, Turquía, Washington DC, Japón y otros países


Fuente y comentarios en inglés:
La batalla para liberar el planeta tierra se está desarrollando a un ritmo cada vez más dramático mientras los jázaros esclavistas de humanos son atacados en sus fortalezas de Polonia, Turquía, Ucrania, los EE.UU., Japón y otros países. Al mismo tiempo que se acelera el derribo de la mafia jázara, las negociaciones de alto nivel Este-Oeste hacia un nuevo sistema financiero se están llevando a cabo de una manera suave y agradable, según múltiples fuentes que participan directamente en las negociaciones.
Primero (hablemos) sobre la derrota de la mafia. El teatro principal de la acción es ahora Turquía, que se ha convertido en un estado paria. Hay cada vez más indicios de que una guerra corta pero muy intensa para acabar con el régimen fascista turco está a punto de comenzar.

Best Crop Circles Ever - Episode 15 - Windmill Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire, UK - 29th July 1996

martes, abril 05, 2016

Sheldan Nidle - April 5, 2016

6 Imix, 14 Mac, 12 Manik
Dratzo! In our last report, we briefly mentioned one of the eight sideshows being used by the dark cabal to maintain a degree of chaos in your realm. These dire sets of circumstances all have solutions, which many on your world are busily pursuing. The dark is watching as those who intend to move this globe into a much safer and sane reality work their magic on each of Gaia’s six major continents. These numerous “heroes” are paving the way for a whole series of policies, which are eventually to bring together your surface world’s people. Adding to this set of emerging programs is the rise of a new banking and financial system. When the new prosperity is added to this, a bright future begins to emerge. The dark cabal is in virtual panic about its fizzling well-laid plans. The dark had wished to spring a series of small violent incidents that were to be expanded into a number of growing wars. This as you know has not happened. Instead, the dark sees that their delays were only a small hindrance to what is currently happening. In a short time, a new reality is poised to manifest, which is the transition to your move to full consciousness.

Emmanuel Dagher - Connecting to the New Earth Grid - April 2016 - April 5, 2016

Dear Friend,

It's always a gift for me to be able to connect with you in this way.
In the last Forecast, I mentioned that we would leave March completely different from how we entered it.
If you are someone who pays close attention to the inner and outer world, you've probably noticed that, whether they feel to be subtle or not so subtle, big changes are occurring in your life, and in the world.
These changes were greatly supported by the celestial alignments that took place last month, which you can review in the Energy Forecast archives.

Jennifer Hoffman - April 2016 Energy Report - 5 April, 2016

If you have gotten through the first 3 months of the year mostly intact, congratulations. It has been a wild ride. The first part of 2016 set the energetic tone for the rest of the year so if you have had some unexpected or difficult changes you’ll get the chance for resolution now and into the coming months. I think the difficulty of the past few months is over but that is relative too, it depends on how you adapt to change, what is going on in your life, and where you want to go from here. It’s ‘Action April’ and time for movement but before you rush out of the starting gate, be aware that this is not the kind of ‘take the first thing that comes along’ action. We’re in a new vibe now and this is ‘aligned action’, focused movement in a deliberate direction. Before you shout ‘ready, set, go’, think more in terms of ‘assess, align, then act’.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers - April 5, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you again.

Today our writer has asked to present a few questions to us, and so, here they are:

COR: Dear friends, I’ve read a number of channelings over the past week that have said that karma is over, that the fourth dimension is now closed—that the astral plane is now closed. And that the dark hats have lost their control over the astral plane.

Would you clarify? Has karma really ended, and what does that mean for our lives now?

The Collective: Greetings, dear one! We would say, that what is meant by all of this is that Earth is no longer in the third dimension!

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 4-7-16 - April 5, 2016

Dear Friends, 

New Moon is Thursday, April 7 at 5:23 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This is a good time to launch just about anything as the energy of this moon is one with a great deal of power. Watch the aggression. If it comes from another, do not take it personally. Things could be a bit unstable and unsettled today so take some time to ground and center yourselves as well as to set some clear intentions. Whatever you put fuel into during this new moon time with take hold, grab some aggressive momentum, and unfold over the next weeks, months and even years. So be clear that what you are fueling is for you and not for someone else.



Alcyon Pléyades 7 (REPUBLICADO): Final del Dominio Illuminati, Crisis Vaticano e interés por Aliens

John Smallman - Saul - You are always completely supported by your divine Source - April 5, 2016

The breakthrough leading to humanity’s awakening has occurred! The tipping point has been reached and the balance has now moved irreversibly in favor of your awakening. You have been waiting eons for this moment, the moment when the collective realizes that dissension, confrontation, and conflict will never resolve the issues that appear to divide you. You are all one, with differences in race, culture, creed, and skin color that are reason for celebration, not judgment. All sentient life forms, including humanity, are divine beings, children of God, created perfect, created in Love, and whom God honors as He honors Himself.

The animosity that has grown up over the eons between the various human races and creeds must end. It is insane to oppose and fight with your divine brothers and sisters. You only do this because you cannot see that you are all one. The illusion has spread a veil or a cloak of concealment between Reality, where you know you are One, and your seemingly separated human selves, where it appears that you are not. That veil or cloak is now dissolving as the Tsunami of Love bathes all those in conflict in Its irresistibly soothing balm.

Kryon "Recalibration Completion" 2016

Kryon "Melding with Real Physics" 2016

lunes, abril 04, 2016

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 04/04/16

Aisha North series 105 - 4

Brenda Hoffman - You’re a Transition Olympic Star - April 4, 2016

Dear Ones,

You are noting a new role or action that perhaps visited you before but never to the extent of the past few days. The testing of your new software is resulting in a shift within your being.

Some of you noted unusual daydreams or night dreams. Others of you internalized information you have heard before that now seems significant. And still others were or are graced with AHAs from unusual quarters.

Even though most of you had AHAs throughout your transition journey, this AHA provides you with a larger picture of your role.

Perhaps in the past, you cleared fears through those AHAs. Or noted a small section of your new role. But the information you recently acknowledged deep within your being is that you are a new person with a new role that is much larger than you anticipated, or at times, wished for.

Conversations With The Arcturians--The Arcturians and Sue Lie 4-4-16

Conversations with the Arcturians

The Arcturians

L:         Good Morning Arcturians. 
A:        Greetings.
L:         Suzille and I have been talking about memory loss and the need to ground. 
 Can you comment on that?
A:        Actually, what we were telling Suzille via Light Language was that it is the NOW for our pioneers who took an earth vessel to assist with Gaia’s ascension to focus on the other direction of expanding their consciousness higher and higher.
It is the NOW for you, our pioneers, to trust and know that what you are doing is for the good of the planet. We ask that you focus on the process of Ascending the Planet, rather than the personal needs to “get out of there,” as too many are still holding.
It is this determination to maintain your dedication is to Mother Earth that creates the necessary grounding. When you know that you are living within the statement of, “This is for the Mother,” you are fully grounded. Then, you can “let go.” This process of “letting go” will likely feel un-grounded because it will feel different from what you are accustomed. In fact, it may feel a little frightening.
You, our pioneers, will possibly experience the Kundalini rising up your spine. You will feel your body resonating slightly differently and a difficulty in focusing, especially on mundane tasks, and even a difficulty on focusing on your own Earth vessel, which we recommend that you do try to maintain that connection, for that connection is your safety net.
For those of you that wish to return, we want you to know that your assignment is not yet complete. In fact, it is in a quite dangerous stage. It is a stage in which the Light is lighter than ever and the dark is darker than ever.

domingo, abril 03, 2016

Selacia - ¡Abril Aquí Estamos! - Sugerencias para Navegar en las Energías y Avanzar - 2 de Abril 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Abril está aquí lleno de nuevas oportunidades para hacer brillar su luz y redescubrir su pasión por la vida. Pueden tomar aliento ahora que hemos salido del ciclo de eclipses de marzo y de algunos momentos tormentosos. El panorama mundial sigue volátil, caótico y complicado – una señal subyacente de estos tiempos de cambio revolucionario sin precedentes.

Ventana Auspiciosa de Dos Semanas

Ahora nos sentamos en una ventana auspiciosa de dos semanas, sin embargo cuando las energías apoyan los cambios que ustedes quieren la obtención de resultados depende de que actúen siguiendo la sabiduría de su corazón. Al estar presentes en esta oportunidad y actuar, se puede sentir como si el universo escuchara sus anhelos más profundos y apoyara la iniciación de pasos clave. La idea es un paso a la vez – hasta que se logre el impulso. 

Sobre el mensaje de Kryon de la Segunda Letra A por Susana Peralta

Este mensaje de Kryon de la segunda Letra A de la palabra PATAGONIA es sumamente importante. Habla del miedo a ser "poseídos" si nos abrimos.

Por empezar, somos multidimensionales, no solo la cáscara que vemos en el espejo y el alma es parte de una "sopa" de almas que tiene su origen en la Fuente. Además de tener por lo menos 9 yoes que andan dispersos por el planeta nacidos el mismo día y que morirán a la vez, unos cumpliendo lo que otros no hacemos, utilizando otros atributos para que el Yo Superior los resuma en sí, además de los planetas de este universo y de universos paralelos que habitamos, y de las vidas pasadas que en realidad son simultáneas en el Tiempo del Ahora, tenemos también muchísimos "guardianes," seres que se quedaron del otro lado del Velo para que solo los "mejores" encarnasen en este momento. Ellos hicieron contratos con nosotros y han puesto a nuestra disposición sus energías para que las utilicemos aquí en la Tierra. Solo tenemos que abrirnos y recibirlas. ¿Se imaginan el potencial a nuestra disposición? ¿El apoyo de nuestros "admiradores", incluyendo nuestros ancestros galácticos?

Steve Rother confiesa que El Grupo no se comunica solo cuando lo canaliza. Está siempre con él. A veces le llama la atención sobre algo, incluso mientras está conduciendo el auto, otras le indica por cuales lugares no ir porque sería peligroso, otras le envían un paquete de muchísima información, a veces solo unos minutos antes de que salga al aire la reunión de LightMasters.

Imagínense cómo sería estar "conectados" constantemente con nuestro Yo Superior, recibiendo consejos, alertas, energía, sanación. Podemos comenzar por sanar lo que llamamos vidas pasadas y la vida que hemos vivido hasta ahora en esta encarnación. Volver a algún hecho traumático y cambiarle el resultado, la forma en que reaccionamos ante eso. Se puede ir hacia atrás y hacia adelante. Al ir hacia adelante podemos tomar la mejor vida que tendremos, la máxima salud, la perfección de nuestro cuerpo que seguramente ya será el de Cuerpo de Luz, las mejores herramientas. En esta vida simultánea con otros yoes incluso podemos tomar de ellos las capacidades que desarrollaron, sea en creatividad o en sabiduría y paciencia. En la nueva energía está todo a nuestro alcance, para que atravesemos los caóticos tiempos del acomodamiento en todos los órdenes (geológico, político, social, etc.) y podamos irradiar armonía, amor y luz.

Y así es y así será.


Kryon canalizado por Lee Carroll - Letra “G” - Aventura en la Patagonia Frente al Glaciar Perito Moreno, Argentina - 18 al 26 de Marzo de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estamos afuera, podemos sentir la tibieza del sol. Pueden escuchar el agua en las orillas del lago. En Patagonia, este lago está frente a un glaciar. Gaia no puede lucir mejor que aquí. Es prístina, hermosa más allá de las palabras, y muchos de ustedes hoy han absorbido toda esta belleza. ¿Alguno de ustedes ha oído a Gaia hoy hablándole? Gaia habla en emociones; Gaia habla de muchas maneras distintas; el sonido de trueno al desmoronarse el hielo en el agua, el sonido del viento, y el hecho de que, cuando lo miran, parece ser permanente y no cambiar nunca.

Hoy habrá una canalización corta, mientras nos sentamos afuera, al sol. La G puede representar a Gaia. Esta letra G también puede ser para Cambio Climático Global, porque en este momento, ambos son lo mismo. Queridos, este ha sido mi tema desde que llegué hace 26 años. Les contamos sobre el cambio del planeta; les contamos sobre cosas que iban a suceder geográficamente aquí. Les hablamos del cambio en la rejilla magnética, y así fue. En los primeros dos libros, hablamos de lugares del planeta cuyo clima cambiaría. Hace más de dos décadas les dije que vendría este cambio en el clima. Les dijimos que en los lugares donde llovía, no habría lluvia; les dijimos que en lugares que no tenían lluvia, iban a tener mucha, lo que indicaba un cambio importante en el clima.

Kryon canalizado por Lee Carroll - Letra “O” - Aventura en la Patagonia Ushuaia, Argentina -18 al 26 de Marzo de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El grupo está ahora en el extremo sur de la Tierra, en una de las áreas más civilizadas que existen tan al sur en el planeta. Estamos en un lugar público.

La letra de hoy es la O. Me gustaría hacer un ruego: un ruego por Unidad (N.T. en inglés "Oneness") Lo que ven en este momento en el planeta es la lucha por la vieja y la nueva energía. Durante miles de años, este planeta ha estado en una consciencia de supervivencia, y les hemos contado qué sucede en el intermedio entre una consciencia vieja y una nueva. Hay una lucha tremenda por conservar todo igual; es una lucha entre la luz y la oscuridad. Hay quienes desean conservar las cosas como han sido, con poblaciones manejadas por el odio y por el miedo en lugar de la luz. Les hemos dicho que sucederían estas cosas que hoy están viendo. Y te explicamos, querido trabajador de luz, que estás aquí en el momento adecuado. Tal vez ahora comprendas por qué decimos "trabajador" junto con "luz". Trabajadores de luz.

RONNA - Arcángel Miguel - “LA LEY DEL RETORNO CONSCIENTE” - Marzo 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Amados maestros, los Rayos de Luz Divina que se irradian a lo largo de la creación vía los grandes Arcángeles, no solamente contienen los atributos abarcadores de nuestro Padre/Madre Dios sino sus pensamientos y emociones de amor y sabiduría que se irradian constantemente a lo largo de toda la creación. Sin embargo es responsabilidad de cada persona ser receptiva a este regalo de Luz divina, e integrar tanto como sea posible y entonces pasar una porción a la humanidad y también una ‘dádiva’ de Amor/Luz y gratitud de vuelta a la FUENTE DE TODO.

La Ley Universal exige que debe llegar el momento en que todas las almas conscientes comiencen a devolver una porción de los dones divinos de Amor/Vida que les han sido asignados – se llama la Ley de Devolución Responsable.

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - 4/3/16

Dear ones, once again we come in love with messages of support for we know you often grow weary within a world that seems to see things so differently from you.

The chaos you observe daily is reflective of the breaking apart of old manifestations as the energy that supported them dissolves. As these manifestations crumble and disappear many struggle to hold them in place through whatever ways they believe are necessary--often violence. These dear ones can only fail, for nothing can manifest without the energy to form it. New and higher forms will replace them if allowed.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Ancient Elder Guardians: Higher Consciousness Light Embodiment and Walking AS the Keepers of Frequencies and Gridpoints of NEW Earth - 4/3/2016

The further all move into these higher consciousness vibrations, the more all will have to learn (REMEMBER) how to function as a higher-self Light BEing. Every exchange will present an opportUNITY to DO from higher Light Consciousness....

Embodiment is each LIVING and Existing AS ALL of their higher consciousness aspects, in the physical one. As another aspect activates, the other aspects must purify and cleanse the old unconscious vibrations and distortions physically held within.

Those old mentalities of the individual self, those old perceptions of reality, those old choices that only used to be about you, or another... Here you must always do what is of higher consciousness in every exchange, in every moment.....

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation - April 3, 2016

Dear One,

When you trust in the Divine Plan, you are moving into the Universal Flow of Good. You are acknowledging that there is an underlying energy within all things. This is the energy of God, and it is part of the Divine Plan for all beings to live in Harmony, Love and Abundance. You can trust this.

When you bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation, it increases the spiritual energy flowing through whatever you are focused upon. Blessing brings more love through the energy of Light to the person or situation, which brings an immediate improvement.

John Smallman - Jesus - You and God are One, and you cannot remain forever unaware of this divine truth - April 3, 2016

There are no accidents, there are only synchronicities. Every human is always on their chosen life path. Whatever arises is intended. That may seem like a harsh or insane suggestion when you look around at all the suffering in the world, or even at your own personal suffering. But everyone who incarnates as a human in any time era has, with infinitely wise spiritual guidance to assist them, made the free will choice to do so in that particular time and place with great clarity of mind. You all have a divine purpose, every child of God has a divine purpose and that is to be Yourself, the perfect being that God created.

As humans within the illusion that often seems not to be the case. By incarnating you enter the illusion, a place of forgetfulness, memory loss, and, in truth, insanity! Your purpose, every human’s purpose, is to awaken from the illusory dream or nightmare and help others to awaken, in order to be once more Yourselves. However, when you constructed the illusion you used your infinite divine power to do so, and you intended to make it appear absolutely real, and in this you succeeded.

Sarah Varcas - Informe de Astro Energías de Abril 2016 - Rehaciendo los Mantos de los Guerreros Espirituales - 30 de Marzo 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Rehaciendo los Mantos de los Guerreros Espirituales
Sarah Varcas

Abril comienza al cerrarse la estación de eclipses más reciente. Esto puede sentirse como alivio para algunos aunque los eclipses continúan resonando en nuestras vidas durante meses. El mes pasado fue intenso y puede habernos dejado algo cansados. Los retos a nuestro sentido del yo y a la autonomía personal pueden haber sido fuertes y dejándonos con la duda de si existe esperanza real de cambio o sólo más de los mismos viejos problemas en diferente envoltorio. Afortunadamente la segunda quincena de abril brinda una oportunidad para refrescar y reagruparse, ofreciendo espacio interior en el cual considerar los próximos pasos.

Graham Hancock: Divinity, Consciousness & Parallel Realms of Reality

sábado, abril 02, 2016

Lena Stevens - April 2016 Monthly Forecast - The main theme for April is UNSETTLED! - April 2, 2016

This month we are acutely aware that we are in transition. We have mental anxiety about what we might be forgetting or not keeping track of or not keeping up with. Our sleep is interrupted and light at best and non-existent at worst. We feel we might be missing something. It is hard to settle down and easy to get distracted. Even if we manage to cross everything off our to do list, there is a nagging feeling that something has been left undone.

This is the current state of affairs, necessary for change and evolution but extremely uncomfortable for many, especially for those with the “need to know” and a need for security. The Spring Equinox and the eclipses of March have left us in an unsettled place of asking, “what happens next?” We know it is not business as usual but we also cannot see around the bend or trust that what is showing up today will be the same as what shows up tomorrow.

Think of a puzzle. There are pieces coming together, some that are still missing, and the final picture has not yet emerged. This month requires a great deal of trust and flexibility. Anything can happen. To be proactive with the month you will need to be very clear in your intentions and have good solid practices to keep you grounded. You will also need to be comfortable with, and accepting of sudden changes that come as a result of these unsettled times.

viernes, abril 01, 2016

Kryon canalizado por Lee Carroll - Letra “T” - Torres del Painé, Chile - Aventura en la Patagonia - 18 al 26 de Marzo de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este mensaje no será largo. Para quienes no están aquí: estamos sentados afuera, en la belleza de Gaia, a orillas de uno de los muchos lagos, frente a las bellas torres de las montañas.

Hoy examinamos la letra T, y en un momento les diré qué deseo que vean en una palabra que comienza con T. Quiero que miren las montañas mientras escuchan este mensaje. Quiero que escuchen al viento. Quiero que oigan de una manera multidimensional, ya que Gaia dice que ellas han estado aquí por un tiempo muy largo. Han sobrevivido a todas las cosas. Esas mismas montañas que ven, han sobrevivido a la erosión del viento y de los glaciares, incluso han sido formadas por el magma del planeta. Han permanecido, y permanecido, y permanecido. La temperatura no parece ser un problema, ni el viento, ni lo que hace el agua, ni siquiera lo que hacen los volcanes. Ellas están siempre allí. En esto, Gaia tiene un mensaje, y ese mensaje es para nosotros. Cuando digo "nosotros" me incluyo yo también. Yo soy Kryon, de la Gran Fuente Central. Y también estoy implicado en este mensaje, porque la T representa al Tiempo.

Patricia Cota-Robles - THE EVENTS IN MARCH WERE GOD VICTORIOUS - April 1, 2016

We have just passed through the most intensified and life-transforming influx of Light the Earth has ever received. According to the Company of Heaven, this Light was accepted and effectively assimilated by literally millions of Awakened Lightworkers on behalf of Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth. Opportunities like the celestial alignments we have just experienced have periodically occurred in the past, but in order for the increased Light from these alignments to be secured in the physical plane that Light must be anchored within the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God embodied on Earth, through our own conscious endeavors. This is why it is often stated that “GOD NEEDS A BODY.”

Until this year, 2016, Humanity was not vibrating at a frequency that could perceive or withstand such a monumental influx of Light. Consequently, in the past this life-transforming Light just passed us by. But this time it was different due to the miraculous things that have transpired on Earth since the birth of the New Earth on December 21-22, 2012. This time there were millions of Lightworkers Awake enough to not only perceive this unparalleled opportunity, but who were consciously aware enough to deliberately serve as the Open Door for this Light on behalf of Humanity and all Life on Earth.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - April 2016 Energy Report - Deeper To Our Core We Go.. More Love, Purity, More Gifts

Natalie Glasson - Galactic Logos Melchior - Plant Kingdom Transformation to Aid Your Ascension - 1st April 2016

There are numerous opportunities of transformation available to humanity and Mother Earth at this time of ascension. Each opportunity of transformation is born from the inner planes and beings who inhabit the inner planes with the purpose of creating the divine upon the Earth. Gifts of evolution extend like breathes of light and consciousness from the Creator received by aspects of the Creator in existence on the inner planes. Every person on the Earth has a soul or essence which is connected to the inner planes and the Creator, therefore receives each breath of light and consciousness from the Creator. The soul has the purpose upon the Earth in bringing the light, love and consciousness of the Creator into manifestation. This symbolises that the purpose of your soul in this moment of ascension is to bring the gifts of the Creator into manifestation so that all may recognise their per sonal divinity and their collective divinity. Every part of ascension at this moment is concerned with the embodiment of divinity, which can be experienced through opening and expanding your awareness of the divine within you.


Beloved masters, the Rays of Divine Light, which are radiated throughout Creation via the great Archangels, not only contain the all-encompassing attributes of our Father / Mother God, but their thoughts and emotions of love and wisdom are also constantly being Ray-diated throughout all Creation. However, it is each person’s responsibility to be receptive to this gift of Living Light, to integrate as much as possible, and then to pass on a portion to humanity, and also a “tithe” of Love/Light and gratitude back to the SOURCE of ALL.

Universal Law mandates that there must come a time when all conscious Souls begin to return a portion of the Divine gifts of Love/Life they have been allotted—it is called the Law of Responsive Return.

Selacia - - April Here We Are! - Tips for Navigating Energies & Moving Forward - April 1, 2016

by Selacia

April is here, full of some new opportunities to shine your light and rediscover your passion for being alive. You can breathe a sigh of relief now that we've come out of the March eclipse cycle and some bumpy times. The world public arena remains volatile, chaotic, and just plain messy - an underlying sign of these times of unprecedented revolutionary change.

Auspicious Two-Week Window

We now sit in an auspicious two-week window of time, however, when energies are quite supportive of making the changes you want and having results when you act on your heart's wisdom. As you are present to this opportunity and take actions, you may feel like the universe hears your deep longings and supports you with initiation of key steps. One step at a time is the idea - that will build momentum.

Alcyon Pléyades 10 (REPUBLICADO): Conspiraciones, Asesinatos no aclarados, Monarquías en decadencia

Kryon canalizado por Lee Carroll - Letra “A”(1) - Torres del Painé, Chile - Aventura en la Patagonia - 18 al 26 de Marzo de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este tipo de canalizaciones cambia según el lugar de la Tierra en que estamos. Si canalizamos en una ciudad, llevará la misma energía que en cualquier otro lado. Pero los que reciben el mensaje algunas veces estarán condicionados por lo que ha sucedido en la ciudad que los rodea. Ya les he dicho esto; tiene que ver con lo que hemos definido como la rejilla cristalina. La rejilla cristalina recuerda las acciones humanas y muchas veces, cuando se sientan a escuchar una canalización, lo que ha sucedido a su alrededor influye sobre cuán bien pueden recibir la información.

A veces los hemos llevado a sitios de poder, donde han vivido civilizaciones que también han honrado al Espíritu de muchas maneras. En Sudamérica hemos estado en estos lugares donde mucho ha sucedido, y la tierra puede ser prístina y hablarles, pero mucho ha sucedido allí. Estuvimos en lugares sagrados en el centro de Australia, y la tierra le habló a muchos, pero mucho ha sucedido allí. Las grandes civilizaciones llegan y se van; dejan sobre el planeta mismo una impronta que la rejilla cristalina recuerda, y que puede afectar cuán bien pueden recibir el mensaje que se canaliza. Entonces, parte del proceso de recibir es aprender cómo superar esos atributos; ustedes lo saben: no es siempre igual.

2016 IS STRANGE Part 8 // MARCH

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 1 April 2016

Time is not the only thing that is speeding up, as some events that you have been anticipating for quite some time are on the verge of manifesting. More Beings of Light draw closer to Earth, and some will participate and others will play a role in them. You have many different groups wishing to witness your Ascension whilst some will play an active part. However, the emphasis is on you to determine the manner in which your future is revealed, but regardless of which path you take it will lead you to Ascension. Your role is to help bring the Light to Earth at which you have been successful, but it requires a complete focus on your goal at all times. Because of the changes that are necessary to bring the New Age into being, every Light worker is needed because the dark Ones are becoming desperate as they see their opportunity to bring in a World Government moving away from them. Their reaction is to throw away caution and in trying to prevent the Light from succeeding will even put themselves in peril. Nevertheless, we are aware of their intentions and will not allow matters to get out of hand.

jueves, marzo 31, 2016

Mahala - Planet Alert April 2016

March was one of the most intense months I have experienced in a long time. There were two eclipses, the Spring Equinox, two comets, and Easter. This equinox changed everything as far as I am concerned because it was the end of the war on the astral plane and that is a big deal. I experienced this final war on the dream plane and that is how I know it is over. This war has gone on for eons of time and it has finally come to an end.

This means that we definitely jumped out of 4D and now we need to anchor ourselves firmly in 5D. The final battle is now occurring on Earth. Everything happens on the Astral first and then it happens on Earth. It was shortly after the Spring Equinox that Brussels was attacked by terrorists. Incidentally, the March 23rd full moon was on 3 degrees Libra. This means that the moon was exactly over Brussels at the time the attack happened.