sábado, enero 24, 2015

Celia Fenn - El Cometa Lovejoy y la Perturbación de Sirio/Pléyades - Ene 19, 2015

19 de enero 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Esta es la segunda de una serie de Transmisiones de Semillas Estelares para el 2015. En la actualidad sentimos con fuerza la influencia del paso del Cometa Lovejoy a través de nuestra parte de la Galaxia, en la región de Orión, Sirio y las Pléyades. Esta parte de la Galaxia tiene una fuerte conexión con la Tierra, con muchas Semillas Estelares que vienen de Sirio y de las Pléyades así como muchos Maestros Cósmicos que se conectan con la Tierra para compartir información respecto a la evolución de la Tierra en relación con el Sistema Solar y la Galaxia.

Natalie Glasson – New Beginnings Continued by Master Kuthumi – 24 January 2015

This period upon the Earth is such a sacred time, so filled with renewal, growth, awakening and opportunities. It is truly a time of rejuvenation, regeneration and rebirth which depending on your soul and your ability to move in rhythm with the energies within and around you may last for weeks, months or years. The Creator is guiding a process of letting go within the general consciousness of humanity. This is the crucifixion energies, the letting go of old cycles which no longer bring fulfilment or expansion. Master Jesus achieved this to guide a process of letting go within the general consciousness of humanity and now you are leading a shift in the general consciousness of humanity. You might say you are being guided to crucify your unneeded cycles of beliefs, motions, actions and reactions in order to be born a new.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 24 January 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Turn your sights to love this year dear ones! Allow yourself to receive the vast and beautiful expressions of love that are available in every single moment of your life. Look outside at creation. You are loved. Take a sip of water. You are loved. Feel your hands, your lungs breathing, your heart beating… you are loved. Look at the spectrum of beautiful colors. You are loved. Listen to music that uplifts you. You are loved. Look in the eyes of an animal or a child. You are loved.
Look at the shelter around you. You are loved. Look at the food upon your plate. You are loved. Look at the fact that we are writing to you via this newsletter and aware of each and every one of you as precious, beautiful, cherished souls upon the earth. You are loved.

Dana Mrkich - Banalidades y Oportunidades del Retrógrado de Mercurio por Dana Mrkich - 19 de Enero 2015


19 de Enero 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


¿Qué sucede cuando Mercurio se prepara para retrogradar en un día? Bien, por una parte recibí 20 emails en blanco y no recibí otros correos que me habían enviado. A Mercurio le agradan un poco las tonterías de la computación/tecnología. Cuando lo colocan en Acuario, que a) rige la tecnología y b) es regido por Urano, el planeta que ama todo lo impredecible, no se sorprendan de cosas como éstas.

Questions for Jim - Is It True That the Muggles Are Waking Up Too?

Ancient Aliens On Mars: Life On Planet Mars Evidence

Is the truth important OR not ???? ... written by/The EM on 24nd of Jan 2015

Let's think together...
(1) * Lies: the earth is round =There are no boundaries = Vast and scary space = Stay in the ground under the Veil = Do not recognize our brothers from space.
* The Truth: the earth is flat= There are borders= bypass memory scanning devices after border breach= Return Memory= Know the real history= The space is not scary= Recognize our brothers in space.
(2) *Lies: You are a human = the capacity of your brain works only 15%.
* The truth: You are a multi-dimensional being embodied in human form = the capacity of your brain works 100%.

Ovnis y Misterios con Yohanan Díaz 220115

Christine Meleriessee - Comrades In The Light Forging Towards New Earth - January 12, 2015

earthhandsThis is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos and the Telosian Council of Light, January 12, 2015.

Greetings, my dearest ones. It is my pleasure to be with you once again. It is I, Yamteleus, your Guide within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.
It seems like such a journey since we have been apart. It is now your year 2015, which seems miraculous to me. You will find that we will be experiencing in the next few weeks is going to be very life changing. All the Beings that will be coming through from the Board of Directors of Walking Terra Christa you all know very well. They will be talking about some other Elements of how we can work through the Energies and assist ourselves in Planetary Transformation whilst accessing the Multidimensional Selves. Tonight we are being honored by Lord Adama, who is the Academy Chancellor. He will also bring forth the Energies of the Telosian Council of Light. For those of you who do not know, Walking Terra Christa is guided by these beautiful Beings, everything that they do and everything they bring forth.

viernes, enero 23, 2015


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream: A dark-skinned woman talks to me excitedly 
about Obama. By all means I try to convince her that 
Obama is an out-and-out bastard, yet she does not 
understand it at all. (End of dream)
Beloved Ones,
A short as well as clear dream sequence.