domingo, febrero 02, 2014

Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden - February 2nd, 2014 ~ Unity Number “11″

Unity Number 11In the Science of Numerology the number “11” represents mastery in all forms.  It brings forth illumination of the Higher Self working within the Lower Self. 

This is a day in which tasks can be accomplished in a much easier manner than other numbers as it allows us to step into a doorway of opportunity.  It may include some challenges in the form of a “test” to see if the Lower Self is ready to accept the next step into ascension.  Keywords are:  Master Teacher, illumination, enlightenment, inspirational, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, and being a visionary.
It is very interesting how many “11” numbers are showing up in the daily energies.  It was only a few days ago in January that we experienced this name frequency.  But since we have arrived into the month of February it will have a small difference in how we accept the energies within our present reality.  Again, the sum of the numbers are 4/7 = 11 which represents our organization, cleaning out house, and preparing for the next level of spiritual essence that we are to become manifest within our physical existence.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Desmitificando La Nueva Era Parte 1 - Tucson, Arizona – 18 de enero de 2014

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se hace a un lado porque los mensajes deben ser puros, y a veces la pureza de la comunicación se vuelve directa. La franqueza con que les hablamos a veces va en contra de lo que ustedes esperan, o de lo que pensaban, o de lo que aprendieron, o incluso de los prejuicios con los que vinieron.

Global Meditation/ focus on heart space Gaia at Glastonbury Tor + light language ~ By Méline Lafont

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – February 2, 2014

Often you have  believed yourselves to be alone and wondered why the Galactic help promised has not materialized.  It is about free will dear ones.  There are limits to how much any others can do for the ascension of earth because your journey into new dimensional energy is yours…chosen by you and brought about by each personally and then globally.  No one can do your inner work for you which is the error perpetuated by many belief systems.  There are those who believe that Jesus or some saint or Guru will do all their work for them and that they are forever “saved” simply by declaring  their belief in that one person as a savior. They  then continue to go about their daily lives in old three dimensional ways believing that the work of their “salvation” if finished.

Ron Head – Michael for the councils of your Higher Selves -That Is Where Your Personal Power Comes From – February 2, 2014

RonHeadMichael for the councils of your Higher Selves
We continue today by speaking further on what, from your point of view is incoming light.
Let us approach the subject from an entirely new perspective this time.  We will speak in the language of linear time in order not to introduce additional confusion into the process.
It was known that new and vastly stronger energy, light, and information… those three being almost synonymous… would be needed to lift your world out of the lower energies in which it had been mired for so long.  And it was needed that the changes be initiated and carried out as what you call an ‘inside job’ in order to do so without outside interference.  So a call went out for volunteers to begin a long slow process of carrying in, receiving, and anchoring what was needed to get the job done.  Metaphorically you could think of that as what you call transceivers.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – February 2, 2014

marlene1-1February 2-9, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Many upon the planet are now awakening to the understanding that each individual is the creator of their own reality and that the universe perfectly mirrors back what they put out through their thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes. Now by the laws of the universe, the good they have given out into the external world around them comes back unto them. At this point in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, the law of grace is in effect and humanity is being blessed by the neutralization of any repetitive thoughts that come unbidden from the very depths of their being. These core issues invariably have their roots in a previous existence as life was experienced through a physical incarnation. The law of grace bestows the assurance that those of sincere heart, mind and intent, who have adhered to the path of light in service to their brethren, be given every opportunity to release these patterns of expression that well up into conscious awareness so they can be given acknowledgement and final release.

Wes Annac – Musings On Abundance And Inner Strength – February 2, 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Imagine meeting every bit of adversity that comes your way with unbridled strength and enthusiasm. Feel yourself meet every challenge happily and enthusiastically, because we’re growing into more willing versions of ourselves who are able to handle difficulty joyously.
We can excel in the face of adversity and use the higher vibration we’re feeling to triumph in every situation, and I think that soon, it’ll become easier for everyone to soar to new heights.

Suzanne Lie – Conversations With A Lightworker – Part 1 – February 2, 2014

SuzanneLieSue:    What a year this has been so far.  Why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you.
Light Worker:   You know that’s really a very good question.  I don’t know what’s going on with me.  Lately it’s gotten better but it’s like I don’t really know. I almost feel like I’m lost.  I don’t know.  Am I going crazy?
I guess I’m looking for something to prove that I’m not going crazy.  Like I said in my email, I don’t really have any one single goal. I guess I want to talk to somebody or do something to know that I’m not crazy.

SaLuSa - Multidimensional Ocean - Feb 2, 2013

salusaSaLuSa 2d Feb 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean
Greetings from your space brothers. We salute your courage and dedication to the light once again. We love to see you serve the light and love with so much devotion and conviction. You are a true inspiration for all of us on the ships.
We are aware that many of you would like to join us on the ships so much, if not in their 3D body, at least in dreams or with their Higher Self. You are of course welcome onboard to visit us, as usual. In fact many of you already do this, whether you are aware of it or not.

The Energies of February 2014 - Feb 2, 2014 - Las Energías de Febrero 2014 por Jennifer Hoffman 2 de Febrero de 2014

There is a lot happening this month energy-wise and much of it will be happening on an internal level. Before you groan, ‘not again’, take heart because it won’t be the grueling internal work of the last few years, this will be much lighter and flowing although I won’t use the word ‘easier’ because not only is it subjective, it also implies a comparison that can’t be used. Everyone has their own version of easy and hard, flowing and stuck, and what is a problem versus an opportunity. This month will be full of opportunities that may be disguised as problems but whatever they look like, solutions will be available too.