Often you have believed yourselves to be alone and wondered why
the Galactic help promised has not materialized. It is about free will
dear ones. There are limits to how much any others can do for the
ascension of earth because your journey into new dimensional energy is
yours…chosen by you and brought about by each personally and then
globally. No one can do your inner work for you which is the error
perpetuated by many belief systems. There are those who believe that
Jesus or some saint or Guru will do all their work for them and that
they are forever “saved” simply by declaring their belief in that one
person as a savior. They then continue to go about their daily lives in
old three dimensional ways believing that the work of their “salvation”
if finished.
The teacher Jesus or Jeshua came as a messenger of truth into a
very dense world. He tried to teach the people who they really were and
show them how to grow beyond the bonds of the third dimension. He was a
way shower but can not do the work for anyone. The world was not
ready and most did not understand his message which has been the
experience of many truth teachers throughout time as often the best they
could do was plant seeds of truth.
You as individual expressions of the Divine are now ready to live
the truth. This is not a work for “wimps” for it is difficult to leave
behind many of the tried and true ways that have worked throughout
lifetimes. You are explorers forging new paths. Change can be very
frightening to a world programmed to to use its mind to plot and plan
everything according to whatever current concepts of the “best way” of
doing something are in place. Learn to listen and trust your
intuition as you go about your daily tasks, knowing that you are
spiritual beings and not lowly and sinful humans needing to be saved as
many of you have been taught. Living from within will become more
comfortable and easy the more you practice for it is your true nature to
live this way. This does not mean you do not order your airline tickets
or plan your day, it means that you always have one ear listening
within and if what you are planning does not resonate with you, you
honor that.
Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell is a concept… a
mind interpretation of the spiritual reality. Divine consciousness is
omnipresent– could anything exist outside of Omnipresence? Your world
is within you, not outside of you. For example, when you look at a
tree, know that the Divine Idea of that tree is spiritual, light,
beauty, and never ages and what you are perceiving as a tree is the
three dimensional concept of the spiritual idea of tree. Do you see dear
ones, your state of consciousness determines how you interpret and then
form for yourself the Ideas embodied within a Universal and
Omnipresent Consciousness. The world is within you, not outside of
you…Omnipresence assures nothing is separate. This will be difficult
for some to digest, but try not to react, setting up walls of
resistance. Instead instead take this idea within and ponder it, asking
for help in your understanding.
This is your work, this is how you change the resonance of the
world and create new and higher forms of everything. Understand that
every Divine Idea is ALREADY embodied within your consciousness and you
need never seek for anything outside of yourself. This truth if
understood by all would change the energy of the world in a second.
Free will allows man to interpret according to his state of
consciousness taking as long as he chooses…truth is forever, and is not
dependant upon what anyone believes or doesn’t believe or when.
Knowing the truth does not mean you are unaware of the appearances
formed of duality and separation nor does it mean shouting; “God is all,
I need do nothing”. It means that you begin to see these creations
for what they are–manifestations formed of duality and separation with
no law to support or sustain them. This way you do not add your energy
to the appearances.
Arcturian Group wishes to speak about the energy of transformation
now present and causing many to question the value of many rigid
structures still in place through law or consent. Be not afraid as
these structures begin to crumble for there is nothing to hold them in
place but the belief in them. They are concepts and once the belief is
no longer there, they cannot exist. Many of these structures were
necessary in a society not yet ready to embrace its own power but it is
now a new time. Awakened consciousness energy is causing many houses
of cards to fall…it is a sign of evolution.
There will be those who through an ignorance of what is happening
spiritually in the world resist and panic at any change. Familiarity
is their comfort and security even when it is painful and something
different would be better. You can be of assistance to these fearful
ones even if it consists simply a calm listening ear. An energy field
filled with peace and love can comfort without any words. Structures
of government, law, religion, family etc. are all changing…most will
change or fall completely.
Much change is coming through the courage of brave souls not
afraid to shine light into dense shadows. These much maligned light
workers often put their own lives on the line in order to help a
sleeping world awaken out of complacency and move into its power. Man
must begin to see themselves as more than helpless pawns in the hands
of the powerful or nothing will change. Be brave dear ones, for the
outer manifests the inner and each day you are filled with more light.
Complete change cannot happen overnight for it has taken eons of time to
be what it is.
You are being lovingly watched and studied by many from other
planets because you are teaching them how it is to evolve
within the heavy structure of duality and separation. They too are
learning from your efforts and you evolution.
We are the Arcturian Group