martes, noviembre 26, 2013

MADAD - SaLuSa - 26. 11. 2013 (English - Spanish)

We know that listening to your own heart is getting very comfortable for you, and in spite of some doubts in the beginning, the feeling of trust in these information is growing because every time you searched for some proof of any information received this way, you always got it. It is not that you as eternal Soul would need it, but your mind is requesting evident proof as it was programmed to do so. Your mind is releasing all old patterns that simply cannot keep up with the speed of Light that is circulating within you and flowing through the whole system of your body. Sometimes it might be not so easy to see through this illusion, but your feelings and Love that you are again connected to will not leave you in any doubts about the truth. Truth carries very mixed energy feeling for many of you because so many times you were listening to something that turned out to be the exact opposite.

Q&A with Drunvalo: Episode 7

EL GRUPO ARCTURIANO – EL AMOR Y LA GRATITUD - Marilyn Rafaelle - Noviembre 25, 2013

Queridos, una vez más es ese tiempo en la Tierra donde muchos se están preparando para celebrar la gratitud.
Es por lo tanto un tiempo de que ustedes entiendan la gratitud de una forma más iluminada, porque la gratitud es simplemente la otra cara del amor – ellos trabajan juntos.
La gratitud es el flujo del amor regresando a ustedes y creando por lo tanto un círculo de energía que fluye en el exterior y luego fluye de vuelta a ustedes. Es una forma de vivir espiritual.
El comercio de cada día es en realidad el flujo del amor y la gratitud interpretado por la mente de una manera material.

MEXICO – Un gran descubrimiento que demuestra la historia oculta de nuestro planeta. Se encuentran objetos pertenecientes a alienígenas en México - 2013/11/16

Written By:
Buenas Nuevas DESPERTANDO 2013/11/16 – MEXICO –  Un gran descubrimiento que demuestra la historia oculta de nuestro planeta. Se encuentran objetos pertenecientes a alienígenas en México.


Un gran descubrimiento que demuestra la historia oculta de nuestro planeta. Se encuentran objetos pertenecientes a alienígenas en México.

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El Chac-Molet ET
Una asombrosa serie de objetos arqueológicos, es la clara prueba de la existencia de una remota cultura pre-maya (posiblemente los antiguos dioses con cráneos alongados o cabezas en forma de cono), mantenida oculta por los que gobiernan el mundo y olvidada por la humanidad.
Estas tablillas, discos, cuchillos, platos, figurillas, anillos y colgantes de jade, de piedra o metal, describen claramente cómo estos antiguos dioses alienígenas extraterrestres, (de cráneos alongados y grandes ojos achinados, con un  alto grado de inteligencia, un elevado estado de consciencia y una profunda espiritualidad y conexión con el universo), viajaban en sus naves espaciales. A través del alto desarrollo tecnológico de sus ovnis, conocían muy bien no sólo nuestro sistema solar, en el que viajaban entre la Tierra y sus planetas de origen, sino que también podrían haber venido de más allá de nuestro sistema solar o de nuestra galaxia.

Dana Mrkich – This New Awareness Can Feel Depressing – 26 November 2013

Dana Colour Pic NewI can’t remember the last time the collective energy felt so heavy. An analogy came through a week or so ago that we were being ‘squeezified’ in order to become ‘juicified’, and the suggestion was to focus on the juice when you’re feeling emotionally and energetically squeezed. (that post is on my blog here) Well that suggestion applies a hundred fold today!!
You may feel like the walls are closing in on you – and on the world. Some may even feel like the ‘darkness’ is winning or that all your healing work has been for nothing. Yet really it is just that the ‘darkness’ is becoming more obvious, both within us and outside us – ‘darkness’ in this context is that which we have been unaware of.

A Spiritual Revolution has begun, the birth of a New Era/Golden Age and a new world economic reform

Anna Merkaba ~ ISON – ARCÁNGEL METATRÓN - Noviembre 25, 2013

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“Al tiempo que vuela por los cielos de la segunda fusión, él trae consigo la sabiduría de las eras que han venido. A medida que se fusiona con los rayos del Sol del mediodía de las aguas eternas trae consigo el entendimiento de todo lo que ha pasado y ha llegado. Pues él trae consigo la Verdad eterna de la Fuente, la Verdad eterna del entendimiento de la clave de la vida, ya que se arremolina en su pasión misma a fin de manifestar el Poderío del UNO.”

El magnífico, mágico, y poderoso cometa que abarca todo, ISON, así conocido por sus yo terrenales que habitan en GAIA en este trascendental momento del tiempo.

¿Acaso no tienen idea alguna de la proeza que está a punto de desplegarse ante sus ojos?

Nosotros, los Maestros Ascendidos del paralelo 33, el 33avo.decreto y la 33ava. dimensión estamos aquí para satisfacer las mentes inquisitivas de sus yo humanos pues los vemos con deleite, los vemos con comprensión y con Amor incondicional, firme y eterno.

Brenda Hoffman – Holidays – Another Should? – 26 November 2013

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Special Event: Brenda is a featured guest this week of - the Netherlands based Internet show of
Summary of Brenda’s November 19, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The goals of last week’s vehicle creation exercise was a reminder that creations aren’t permanent and you can create in whatever medium you wish. Your child-self used to create with freedom and joy. Your adult dreams are often encased in shoulds. Your new assignment is to create in your mind your most joyful Thanksgiving or special day.

Meredith Murphy – Message From Archangel Michael – The Indicators That Your Old Life Is Over – 26 November 2013

MeredithMurphyDear Ones,
Within your heart is a new knowing. It is a remembering of the fullness of your being which is informed by the new relationship to time which is emerging. Your memories of your eternalness are surfacing and with this, your relationship to your local, human identity in this particular lifetime, is perceived in a very different context.

Fireball UFO Landing In Iceland. (Amazing Footage!!!)

1MIN News November 26, 2013: Comet ISON with Comet Encke in HI1-A

lunes, noviembre 25, 2013

Angel Wings Carry You Into the Light - Georgi Stankov - Rumi channelled by Jahn J Kassl on November 23, 2015
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on November 23, 2015
first published in English on November 25, 2013 in
translated by Franz
Before the great miracles in this world occur, signs of the time are given, which point to this event. And the time is running out. God is resurrected in you and was reborn in the hearts of living human Beings. 
Now mighty Angel wings carry you into the Light, into your reality, way beyond the horizon of human conditioning. However, where from the many humans, who cannot see, what is joined together, what for several months is being built in ceaselessly growing rings, what is happening? They do not see, because their eyesight does not suffice.

Selacia's 2014 Predictions - November 20, 2013 - Predicciones de Selacia para el 2014 - Nov 20, 2013

An In Depth Look Into the World of Channeling, Part 2: An Interview with Wes Annac, by Caroline Aguiar - Nov 25, 2013
Continued from Part 1
Wes:  I think that widespread use of the telepathic abilities we’ll come to find are very real and strong will be a natural result of the rising consciousness, and that we can expect many other abilities to develop as well that’ll awe and amaze us.
I can imagine every person communicating complex and intricate telepathic impressions back and forth to one another, with our Universal Family and with specific higher-dimensional guides.
In regards to opening up to channeling – it’s certainly a process and few people find themselves great at it overnight, but if it feels right for you and you stick with it, I think you’ll benefit enormously.

An In Depth Look Into the World of Channeling, Part 1: An Interview with Wes Annac from the Aquarius Paradigm by Caroline Aguiar - Nov 25, 2013

By Caroline Aguiar
Hello Everyone, and Welcome!
On November 13th, after I posted the message, “Guardians of Light”, I received an interesting response in the way of private emails from readers who shared their experiences with me regarding their encounters with lower astral energies while channeling.
It dawned on me from the comments I read, this is a common issue, but not one which is openly discussed.  I also felt it was a topic which needs to be addressed, especially now as we are greatly encouraged to openly communicate with The Company of Heaven.

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 374 – 25 November 2013 time to go within has never been more important, as now, so much much is happening on all sides, you will be hard pressed to really notice what is happening within your own realms. You see, you can get easily distracted now, not only by the physical responses that these energies may engender, but also by all of the external noise that is currently sweeping across your globe. Make no mistake, not all of this noise will be there specifically to lead you astray from your own path, but all external affairs may serve as a diversion that will make it more easy for you to lose your momentum in all sorts of ways. So again we repeat the same advice we have been giving you for a number of times already, but never has it been more important. For now, you are about to step forth into virgin territory, and the only way for you to do that, is to connect even deeper within yourself than you have ever done before.

Energetic interference and creation in the New Earth - Karen Doonan - November 25, 2013

Events over the past few linear days have in many ways illuminated something very clearly for me that I have been taught under the old 3d earth paradigms to ignore and to filter out over and over again. I have written many blogs on the subject of creating within the New Earth and in particular on becoming more conscious of the frequencies that are used in order to manifest that which is within the HEART SPACE. Under the old 3d earth paradigms you were TAUGHT over and over again to give over your power to those around you. This appears in many forms within the outer waking life experience, from a parent stating to their child “I know better than you” to an employee having to do as they are told by someone who is in “charge and more senior”. All of the scenarios working to reinforce the teaching that others know better than you do.

Center of Earth Meditation / A Journey of self discovery - Suzanne Lie

Divine Light Within – Short Message from the Angelic Realm by Multidimensional Ocean – 25 Nov 2013


Everybody feels the attraction for the intriguing, the fascinating, the mesmerising, the front of the brain, the doing, the over-thinking. Some of you enjoy reading about how beautiful souls you are, which is true indeed, but we all already know that, so why enjoying reading about it over and over again? What would help everybody is the realization that these are all automatic responses to attractions.
When one responds to attractions instinctively, one no longer sees what is, one enters the illusion fully. To see the illusion, one needs to be present. This means being present in your body, be linked to your spine and to the higher energies running throughout your body. To be linked to life itself, for you are these higher energies, you are made of Stars and of the God spark.

Matthew Ward – 25 November 2013


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. First we shall speak about a matter that has touched hearts everywhere. Typhoon Haiyan is profoundly tragic for everyone who lost dear family and friends, homes and businesses—they don’t know that at soul level they agreed to be part of this major act of planetary cleansing. Because releasing accruing negativity was essential to keep Earth progressing toward balance, all the people whose physical lives ended and the millions who are struggling in the storm’s aftermath embraced the opportunity to evolve by participating as they did.
This kind of enthusiastic mass agreement doesn’t seem even possible in your concept of time, but in the eternal life of the soul and the timelessness of the continuum, opportunities to leap forward in soul growth are eagerly sought, and universe-wide they happen with some frequency.