domingo, noviembre 24, 2013

The Emissary - by Patricia Cori: the Trailer - Nov 24, 2013

John Smallman – Jesus – Each And Every Sentient Being Has An Unbreakable Connection To God – 24 November 2013

The excited anticipation as we wait enthusiastically for humanity’s imminent awakening is intensifying, moment by moment.  Yes, we can and do get excited here, especially when what we are looking forward to is of such enormous significance.  Emotions in the spiritual realms are always happy, but their intensity varies with the importance of the occasion that arouses them.  We encourage you to hold on to your enthusiasm and your excited anticipation as you too look forward to your inevitable and exhilarating moment of awakening.

Giza Power Plant Decoded - Reverse Engineering Giza Pyramid - Just Add Water D5U PPT 1502

Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Noviembre 2013 ~ 'A MU'A EN MARCHA - Nov 23, 2013

'A MU'A: Avanzar hacia su Verdadera Dirección..... idioma Rapa Nui

Traducción: Margarita López

Si ya estamos viajando en una trayectoria clara hacia nuestro Nuevo Paisaje, vamos a salir a una Vía Rápida en noviembre, experimentando numerosos avances. Esto será especialmente cierto después de que Mercurio se torne directo el 10 de noviembre, cuando entremos en pleno Modo Zoom.

Parte de avanzar es el deshacerse de todos los elementos que no podemos llevar con nosotros. El 'A Mu'a En Marcha es muy útil para ayudarnos a soltar cualquier comportamiento limitante y elementos expirados en nuestras vidas. Si seguimos siendo falsos con nosotros mismos o los demás, entonces la presión se va a acumular a niveles intolerables hasta que finalmente tengamos que soltarnos y hacer un cambio. Algunas personas incluso van a experimentar un dramático vuelco de las percepciones anticuadas que los mantuvieron encerrados en creencias limitadas. Esto les traerá una oleada de libertad de elección que nunca supieron que tenían.

sábado, noviembre 23, 2013

Wes Annac - Understanding Spiritual Evolution – Part 7 - Nov 23, 2013

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm, Continued from Part 6
For this section of Spiritual Evolution, I’d like to discuss the catalytic lessons we experience as we grow into greater perceptions, and the surfacing we undergo as well.
“Vasana” is a term that describes latent reactive tendencies that are derived from unresolved or unsurfaced pain or trauma accumulated early in one’s Life.
Vasanas have been called “sleeping volcanos” and rightly so, because they can bring a person far off balance over an issue that’s ultimately related to pain or trauma suffered and buried away deep within. When we bury hurt or trauma underneath our surface, it doesn’t actually go away.
Instead, it remains underneath our surface, slowly and silently ravaging our emotions and our outlook on Life until it can be surfaced. This can come about in the form of experiencing a circumstance or set of circumstances which, even if only a little, remind one of the trauma they sustained and buried.
Because we don’t want to face those latent and buried issues, we tend to react in a volatile manner toward those around us or whomever we feel was “responsible” for bringing the issue up or had a hand to play in its rise.

Guardians of the Earth - Luxury of Heaven - Jahn J Kassl - Georgi Stankov Posted on November 23, 2013
Guardians of the Earth
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on November 20, 2013
first published in English on November 23, 2013 in
translated by Georgi Stankov
This is the most elated and stimulating message I have ever received from Jahn. One can deeply feel the profound beauty and immense, mind-boggling revelations which our imminent ascension will bring to us in the blink of an eye. 
What more, you gods?
With how much love, do you expect God will meet you when all the revelations are fulfilled? Prepare yourself for the Unbelievable, expect the Immensity of God, for no earthly dimension can measure what will now come to you.
Happiness, Joy, Peace, Holiness, Beauty, Unity, Truth, Light and Love to you in an unimaginable for you reality and manifestation of power.
What more, you gods?
Religions merge into one great Truth, which is there, to be connected directly and without delay to the Source of all Life. Thus all religions that soar up to be a mediator to God must and will dissolve. In the new and ascended world, there is only the self-determined and grown-up – because awakened – individual and those who yearn for the guidance of church and state, without having to bear the responsibility for their fate, can be found on the specially created holograms for this.

EarthSky - Comet ISON nears the sun - Nov 23, 2013

Comet ISON is now inside the orbit of Mercury. It’s on the last leg of its journey sunward, a journey that began at least a million years ago.
View larger. | Gerald Rhemann in Namibia in SW Africa captured this photo of Comet ISON on November 21, 2013, one week before its encounter with the sun.  Visit Gerald's website Sky Vistas.
View larger. | Gerald Rhemann in Namibia in SW Africa captured this photo of Comet ISON on November 21, 2013, one week before its encounter with the sun. Visit Gerald’s website Sky Vistas. Used with permission.

The Royal Families : PART 3 : By Duke Mehal Rockefeller : The Corporate environmental slaughter: - Nov 23, 2013

Part 3

All the Queen’s forces and all the Queen’s men -


Part 3 by Duke Mehal Rockefeller

A Note from this writer:  In The Now and as seen as modern times how the Royals have had a grip over society we can see clearly how they also intend to secure our future developments of every Eco Project and Development with their secret societies  as a land grabs on a control grid in disguise as a so called National Trust. In PART 2 we saw clearly that all Royalty has no care for animals as they have no care in Humans. King Juan Carlos seen killing Elephants and The Queen and Philip seen killing tigers for fun. Their mission seen here is Control over you by every single aspect of your lives to keep you from the personal discovery of your inner selves, do not fall for it. It is how Agenda 21 was formed, which is your continued enslavement.

Trinity Esoterics - Shelley Young - AA Gabriel - Daily Message - Nov 23, 2013

For most of you, trust is the biggest challenge in your enlightenment process.  Because of that, your ego self, the part of you that seeks to keep you small, will use that to its advantage and infiltrate, when trust starts to waver, with doubt.  

Doubt can be like a virus.  It can grind your enlightenment process to a halt in record time.  It can shake up your trust, not only in the process, but also your trust in your guides, in Source, and in yourself to make good decisions, as well.  It leads to stagnation, resistance, confusion and discomfort. 

Trust and faith are a tremendously powerful team that work together.  They keep your flow moving, and keep you in surrendered alignment long enough for your heartfelt creations to come to fruition.  The greater your trust, the greater your ability to live the life of your dreams.

It is completely normal to fall in and out of trust, Dear Ones!  That is part of the human condition, particularly for newly enlightening humans beings.  Do not beat yourself up if you find yourself in the grips of doubt.  Simply resurrender.  Call on your guides and helpers.  Connect with the core of truth that always exists within you.  Realign with Source and feel your authentic power shimmer and shine from that place.

You cannot get it wrong, Dear Ones, because once you commit to enlighten, anything else will become too uncomfortable for you.  You are not being graded on this process!  It is merely for you to decide how smooth and comfortable you wish you own personal journey to be.  ~Archangel Gabriel

For most of you, trust is the biggest challenge in your enlightenment process. Because of that, your ego self, the part of you that seeks to keep you small, will use that to its advantage and infiltrate, when trust starts to waver, with doubt.

An answer to your question – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn November 23, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
Actually, I had not planned to give another message through my scribe. She is very tired and exhausted and her body is close to give up. She ascended so many times and came back to Earth to help further; out of love to my children. Her own energy work in her country does the rest. Her body has difficulties to process the frequency differences and the density on earth anymore.
This morning however, she received only half awake the cry of my children. She heard telepathically the question of so many of you :