sábado, septiembre 28, 2013

Jennifer Hoffman - AA Uriel - Never Can Be a Long Time - 11 August, 2013 (posted 27 September, 2013)

Have you ever said that you would ‘never’ do something again, usually after going through a situation that didn’t have very good results? Maybe someone betrayed you and you said you would ‘never’ put yourself in that position again. Or maybe someone broke your heart and you said you would ‘never’ let that happen again. Or maybe you made a decision, didn’t like the results, and said you would ‘never’ do that again. Never is a  strong word that blocks energy flow and through it we create a lot of judgments of ourselves that block even more energy.

Wally - SaLuSa - 28 September 2013

SaLuSa 28 September 2013.
A gorge and glut of legal actions is ready to rain down on the dark ones, and we have the Evidence to prove conclusively in a court of law of what crimes were committed and by who. This will just be the first deposit, which will involve many more to come till this is put right, and this action will include their many lost in logic despots in positions of power, which exercise their office in an unfair and cruel manner, and they will be re-tasked to support the seeds of a fertile future for mankind.
Dear ones it is your right and entitlement as an embodiment of the Great ‘I am’ to ascend and float up to the higher dimensions. Many perceive this as shrouded in mystery and fascination, and rightly so as it is covered in the dusty sands of time, but you are the ones who would brush off this thick layer of mystery and see a clear path to ascension, and in this many have unresolved or repressed negative feelings concerning the path of pilgrimage along the spiritual journey toward greater light and love, which will culminate in mass ascension into the higher Dimensions and union with the divine, and the brotherhoods of light. We sense that many feel this event is unattainable and far away and emotionally distant, because December 21st 2012 did not materialize as anticipated, Dear ones again renew your motion and movement, in doing so you will discover new abilities and opportunities and then you can enter into a road less travelled toward ever greater growth of spirituality and enlightenment.

viernes, septiembre 27, 2013

John Smallman – Saul – Any Blame, Shame, Or Punishment Hurts All Of Humanity! – 27 September 2013

john-blog-pics-0135The awakening of humanity is almost upon you.  Yes, you have been hearing this for some considerable time, and that is because you, through humanity’s collective intent, is bringing it about and you need to be regularly reminded to hold the intention for it to happen.  You also need to hold the intention to be constantly loving as you release all within yourselves that is not in alignment with the divine field of Love that forever embraces you.  The vast majority of you want to be loving, nevertheless, many also hold a deep desire to see the “wrongdoers” on your world exposed and shamed, and even possibly punished for their nefarious activities.

CommonDreams – Court Rules That Federal Agency Failed To Protect Thousands Of Whales And Dolphins From Navy Sonar – 27 September 2013

September 26, 2013
4:19 PM
CONTACT: Friends of the Earth
Steve Mashuda, Earthjustice, 206.343.7340, ext.1027
Hawk Rosales, InterTribal Sinkyone Wilderness Council, 707.489.3640
Miyoko Sakashita, Center for Biological Diversity, 415.632.5308
Marcie Keever/Fred Felleman, Friends of the Earth, 510.900.3144/206.595.3825
Kyle Loring, Friends of the San Juans, 360.378.2319
Jessica Lass, NRDC, 415.875.6143
Court Rules that Federal Agency Failed to Protect Thousands of Whales and Dolphins from Navy Sonar
EUREKA, Calif. – September 26 – A federal court has ruled that National Marine Fisheries Service failed to protect thousands of whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, and sea lions from U.S. Navy warfare training exercises along the coasts of California, Oregon and Washington.
In an opinion released late Wednesday, Magistrate Judge Nandor Vadas, U.S. District Court for the District of Northern California, found that NMFS’s approval of the Navy’s training activities in its Northwest Training Range Complex failed to use the best available science to assess the extent and duration of impacts to whales and other marine mammals. The decision requires the federal agency to reassess its permits to ensure that the Navy’s training activities comply with protective measures in the Endangered Species Act.

Leslee Hare - CONVERSATION WITH ADRIAL - 20 September 2013

Conversation with Adrial – 20 September 2013

(from Leslee: Last week, after a long silence, I sensed that Adrial had made an appearance in my space and wanted me to relay some information. It was so nice to hear from her! I had been wondering about the tremendous quit about Abiquor and Athabantian. Hoping you are all well!)

20 September 2013 – shared by Leslee Hare
Adrial: Please ask questions.
Leslee: Are you still aboard Athabantian?
A: No.
L: Who is still there?
A: Mostly Andromedans, a few Arcturians and Pleiadians and some ??? (From Leslee: I pick up on gentle frog-like energy, but can’t distinguish a name of a race or species…)
L: The celestials have left?
A: For the most part. We are quite accessible to all, though.

Hay Más en el Núcleo Central por Jennifer Hoffman - 8 de septiembre del 2013


Traducido por: Fara González López
Hace mucho que sospecho que tuve asuntos muy fuertes de vidas pasadas referidos a estar presa, encadenada, perseguida, torturada, juzgada, sufriendo como resultado de la injusticia, del poder, de la persecución y el control.  Pero no tenía ni idea hasta que asuntos recientes de salud me forzaron a mirar profundamente dentro de mi núcleo central en busca de pistas con respecto a estos asuntos para entender cuán atrás éstos se retrotraen y en que medida he vivido mi vida a través de ellos. 
Durante los últimos tres años he notado esta tendencia también en el asesoramiento a personas, ya que puedo seguir el rastro de traumas de vidas pasadas a partir de asuntos de la vida presente para mostrarles cómo pueden ellos lograr su sanación profundizando en este núcleo central, a menudo esquivo, porque los asuntos de vidas pasadas generalmente se presentan en relación con asuntos desafiantes y de falta de autoridad en la vida.    

White Cloud – “Storm Clouds on the Horizon” via Tazjima, 27 Sept 2013

White Cloud – Storm Clouds on the Horizon, via Tazjima, 27 Sept 2013 –
Long ago, when I was embodied as a Native American, I used to love to walk along a cliff, feeling the rising air currents flowing over me. I knew when the weather was about to change; it is changing now for many people. There are storm clouds gathering on the horizon of many people’s lives; whether or not those clouds bring refreshing rains or lashing floods depends on how people can remain in neutrality during the coming months and years. Your world is about to undergo a tremendous period of transition.
The year 2013 has been challenging for many; the next two or three years will be even more so, especially for those individuals, institutions and governments who are unwilling or unable to adapt, to change and to be flexible. Now is the time to be like a willow and bend in the winds of change, not the brittle oak whose great branches fall to the ground with a mighty crash.
We do not convey these words to bring fear or anxiety to your heart. You can chose to go into a quiet place and learn to change how you view your world or you can chose to be stressed by memories of past experiences and worries over the future. We suggest that you try living in the present moment, as it happens and leave your worries behind.

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 359 - Sep 27, 2013

You have come a long way dear ones, and already, you have put an indelible mark on this beautiful planet of yours. You have made a huge difference, and you will continue to do so, for you are not only the wayshowers, you are also the bringers of light in every aspect. We know that this will not be news to any of you, but it bears repeating, as you have mayhaps lost a little track of all of this in the midst of all of the personal challenges so many of you have been facing lately. For you are nothing short of Masters, as we have already told you, and what you help to bring in, is nothing short of miraculous. And already, the traces of light are starting to become more and more apparent on all sides. It is as if you have changed the tune completely, and even if that tune still is falling on many deaf ears, others are already picking it up and humming along to it. Can you not hear it? And can you not feel it in your very, somewhat weary, bones?

TheOne-DreamDreamer – Power of Truth – 27 September 2013

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhdkr5vB4DmmNJegZtRRKdCo-oPvjaot20nzd1HF5ZhLAuFIIUDjGpOl_7y6RST5_c0esHifC2ZPRxPdq6UJKTmwqOEebQ499w2dWIyQSdEypvsroGFzZHhj5Y3F4z4Epknrvygy8BWoeo/s1600/New+Love+Wallpapers+1.jpgIn LOVE.
But what is LOVE? What is it if not being your full and complete Heart? Your full and complete Being? How can LOVE be expressed and Be if not by sharing and giving it all away? So much is said about LOVE. So much has been written about it. So many words and still so much to Be…
LOVE is not a good you buy. It Is. You have it. You ARE IT. And it can only Be by giving it. There is no other way. Give it. Give it all away and you will find yourself so full of it that you shall scream of JOY. GOD did not fragment itself out of loneliness, IT was not seeking company. IT was simply LOVE and Became even more LOVE. And the LOVE IT became was shared through all that is and became even more LOVE.
And even in the deepness of forgetfulness man Feels alive when it touches LOVE, even when it only gets to touch the human love it still changes its life. For it is the eternal breath of life itself. And those who pretend or believe they have reached the deepness of LOVE and struggle when a brother or sister is in need, those that cannot see though the pain of those who seek the TRUTH of the meaning of LOVE… they need even more LOVE than others. For they are lost into their own suffering and use an illusion to mask their wounds. Hoping in something that they have come to believe to be true. As all those that are lost have done.

El Despertar Cuántico Un Pensamiento, Una Forma de Vida, Un Sitio en la Red y Un Boletín Electrónico Global SEPTIEMBRE 2013 NÚMERO 175 - Sep 26, 2013

Creado, Canalizado, Publicado y Registrado con amor desde 1986

por Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Este boletín lo confecciona el Espíritu con amor.

Cualquier imperfección ortográfica o gramatical realza su belleza y singularidad


*** Avancen llevando una insignia de valor

*** Imperfecciones, flaquezas y fracasos: un lugar de posibilidad

*** Desechen todas las excusas

*** Ustedes contienen las geometrías de lo que es sagrado


Canalizado por Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Ustedes son una conjunción de todos sus miedos, sus lágrimas y sus sueños hechos realidad. Son la conjunción del tiempo y el espacio y el cielo y el infierno. Son el destino de este hermoso planeta en el que se hallan de tan buen grado. Ustedes tienen la clave vibratoria que conduce a muchas personas a un lugar seguro. En este espacio de seguridad ustedes las levantarán para que no tropiecen. Las elevarán al sostener la luz del fuego para ellos. Las elevarán con su canción, su risa y su gracia, porque es lo que siempre han hecho. Desaten la condición humana que los mantiene tan amarrados en todos los roles que representan. En este tiempo y esta intersección de la luz y la vida sepan que son merecedores de un esplendor que no lograron ser en el pasado.

jueves, septiembre 26, 2013

ToolBox – Archangel Raphael and his Flame of Healing - Marc Gamma - Sep 26, 2013

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved Humans, this is I, Archangel Raphael speaking. I am submitting to you the 2nd part of my message concerning my Emerald-Green Flame. You know already about its “Purgatory Function” and this will be supplemented now by its “Function of Healing”.

As I have told you already with my previous message: “The Emerald-Green Flame” is put to use always when you have to cope with difficulties in your daily life. Be it now with negative energies or with pains and injuries.

Yeshua - Enough of suffering. – channeled by Ron Head - September 26, 2013


I speak with you today in the joy of connecting once more with a friend and the joy of the opportunity of speaking with each of you.

You are now reading or listening to my words, transcribed upon this page by this one, and that is as needed for you at this time.  However, please know that the time is here for some of you, and quickly approaches for many others, in which you will not need to read or listen to anyone other than your own hearts.

It is not that I do not speak to you directly now.  It is not that you are unable to hear me when I do so.  Truly now, ask yourself if you think that you are able to hear me.  Do you believe that you deserve to hear me?  Have you ceased judging yourself and forgiven yourself for all that you did commit or may have committed in the past?

Wes Annac - Embrace Your Power to Create Change Sep 26, 2013

As we expose and uproot the forces of tyranny from their self-made thrones, so is it crucial that we help inform the collective about the existence of the spiritual realms and our very real ability to Create widespread change in the interests of every person. It’s important for the ever-awakening public to understand that our reality is nothing like we’ve been led to believe, and it’s been said that learning about the cabal’s actions will help initiate that understanding for everybody.
In the face of our continual efforts to expose the cabal and build our future, helping the public understand their ability to access and work with states of consciousness beyond our current understanding will see us all able to embrace our strength.
The most important revelation for every person to grasp, in my opinion, is the revelation that we possess infinite power within.

Karen Doonan: Andromedan Message to the Peoples of Planet Earth - Sep 26, 2013

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Andromedans and we come to support and to guide at a time where ALL are now beginning to remember why they have incarnated upon this planet. The Andromedan Council now connect at deeper and expanded levels with all who have incarnated from our planetary system. The LIGHT codings needed by our children in human form are being sent out aross the dimensional timelines allowing for more knowledge to be downloaded into the human vehicle.
This process will see many more of our children begin to “wake” to their prime directive at this time. We stand ready to support and to guide further at both public and very personal level. We ask for ALL our children to BREATHE and to BE and to allow the dissolving of the old earth frequencies in TRUTH, for ALL that remains is TRUTH and TRUTH is why you have incarnated into human form upon this planet in this dimensional reality.

Wes Annac – Embrace Your Power To Create Change – 26 September 2013

wes-annac-300x229As we expose and uproot the forces of tyranny from their self-made thrones, so is it crucial that we help inform the collective about the existence of the spiritual realms and our very real ability to Create widespread change in the interests of every person.
It’s important for the ever-awakening public to understand that our reality is nothing like we’ve been led to believe, and it’s been said that learning about the cabal’s actions will help initiate that understanding for everybody.
In the face of our continual efforts to expose the cabal and build our future, helping the public understand their ability to access and work with states of consciousness beyond our current understanding will see us all able to embrace our strength.

Deeply Awake: Channeled Message – “Wind” via Kathy Vik Sep 26

http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/446307-bigthumbnail.jpg Note from Wes: Kathy Vik/Deeply Awake could otherwise be known as “Magartha” who spoke with me in the recent group discussion on Ordinary Magic Radio. I hadn’t realized she was such a prolific channel!
DEEPLY AWAKE – CHANNELED MESSAGE “WIND” 9-25-13 THRU KATHY VIK http://www.deeplyawake.tumblr.com
We greet you and say welcome to you, welcome to your new year, your new body, in some respects.
We wish to discuss the recent changes which some are understanding, some cannot escape, and are indeed drawn further into to our light, the light, as we go forward.
Many have felt their societal anxieties, that of mission and income, become disconnected from their countenance, and we say this has just occurred to you as a collective.

Council of Light, with Archangel Michael & Sanat Kumara - Meredith Murphy: Divine Embodiment - Sep 26, 2013


Wednesday, 25 September, 2013  (posted 26 September, 2013)
Greetings Beautiful Ones!
I AM delighted to be here with you, connected in conscious appreciation for the unfolding of awareness and being on your planet. I join you to harmonize and assist with your own deepest desires for presence and remembering! Together, in this communion I can transmit and broadcast to you and support you in opening yourselves to more fully connect with the non-physical aspects of you. I am with you in this communion of remembering. It is my focus as a presence of life and light to participate in this expansion on Earth. It is my joy!

Dreamwalkerdiaries: Telepathic Message from the Galactic Federation 26SEP2013


Source: http://dreamwalkerdiaries.blogspot.com/2013/09/telepathic-message-from-galactic.html
The primary reason for our minimal contact, or at least our apparent holding back of this “mass landings” event, is primarily because humanity tends to shudder in fear at pretty much the drop of a hat. Not everyone, of course… but consider the event 9/11. Even though this happened to a relatively small percentage of the population, many were concerned (had the real thought) that it would happen to them next. Others went to the conclusion that an invasion would take place. Terrorists would take over the country… even though there are few other humans on the planet with as many resources as those in the US. So the negative intent… jumping to conclusions… is what we are concerned about.
This has less consequences for an abstract event such as 9/11 as it does for a collection of Galactic souls. There are those at this very moment who would take up arms against us, simply on the idea that those who are “other” are here to “take over”. The possibility of voluntary assistance, for these people, would be fairly low on their list of considerations. Understand that this is not a judgment on our part based on assumptions, but rather based on empirical evidence gathered over many years.
With each new challenge we see there are more individuals who are taking responsibility for their own thoughts and actions. This, in a nutshell, is what we are waiting for.

Libera Ahora Tus Promesas del Alma AA. Uriel a través de Jennifer Hoffman 16 de Septiembre 2013

http://api.ning.com/files/gv*qWGPHihsT3vUNUP-WHSM5FZk*v4BMEgyqzTG9yK4rFCDxhhenCCwo2CUNlqwtQRGG2HPkktsLbrEPUpjnulqRBe5gIcvD/URIELL.jpg http://enlighteninglife.com

Traducción: Fara González López
Bienvenidos a una nueva semana y a más actividad energética al dirigirnos hacia el Equinoccio el día 22 de este mes.  ¿Han notado que están más emotivos y sensibles últimamente? ¿Están conscientes de cuanta energía están procesando y liberando? ¿Pensaron que habían ‘terminado’ con todo esto y están algo más que molestos por estar en medio de viejas situaciones que pensaron ya habían superado?
Estamos en el proceso evolutivo y la experiencia multidimensional no es lineal, es una espiral. Piensen en este proceso como la oportunidad para ver sus vidas y sus lecciones desde una posición diferente en su espiral evolutiva.  ¿Qué nuevos niveles de elección y preferencia tienen ahora? ¿Qué ha cambiado del pasado? ¿Qué nuevas oportunidades son parte de esta nueva fase? Para mantener su equilibrio energético, asegúrense que se mantienen enfocados en su resultado y mantienen su intención.  Es con esto con lo que quieren estar alineados, que también los ayudará a lo largo del proceso de integración    
Es la semana que hemos estado esperando, en muchos aspectos, ya que vamos a estar viendo algunas cosas interesantes con respecto a los contratos del alma, lo cual es el tema de la canalización del Arcángel Uriel hoy. Esto ha estado flotando en mi cabeza durante unos cuantos días a medida que comprendía que muchas de las dificultades que tantos estaban evidenciando estaban vinculadas con sus obligaciones cuando, de hecho, estos ya no eran factores de importancia para ellos y necesitaban liberarlos.

NaturalNews – Ethan A. Huff – Monsanto’s Chemicals Still Ravaging Human Victims As Agent Orange Continues To Cause Cancer – 25 September 2012

Naturalnews-Logo2(NaturalNews) More than 40 years later and the unspeakable devastation caused by Monsanto’s Agent Orange herbicide, at least 20 million gallons of which was indiscriminately dumped on Vietnamese rainforests and crop fields during the Vietnam War by the American military, is still a grim reality for the likely millions of people and their children still suffering its consequences. New reports indicate that untold numbers of Vietnamese civilians, former soldiers and others exposed to the highly toxic chemical back in the 1960s and 1970s continue to develop terminal illnesses like cancer, as well as suffer from all sorts of other herbicide-induced health horrors.
One such human victim is 60-year-old Trai Nguyen, a Vietnamese immigrant who fled Vietnam after the war and came to the U.S. to try to rebuild a new life for himself. Today, Trai suffers from serious tremors and is currently undergoing conventional chemotherapy treatments for an aggressive and rare form of cancer that he believes is a direct result of exposure to Agent Orange. According to Mercury News, Trai is capable of doing little else besides resting on his bed at home these days, which is hardly the better life he envisioned living.