viernes, marzo 07, 2025

Judith Kusel - The accelerated cosmic energy - Mar 7, 2025

The accelerated cosmic energy being released now, is purifying at very deep levels, so that it goes deeply into all the stuck, dense energy, false programming, belief systems, all which has kept souls asleep on this planet, as well as deeply into the subconscious, and whatever has been deeply suppressed in the subconscious minds of the collective. 

Aurora Ray - Create Your Reality Now - Mar 7, 2025

Create Your Reality Now

You are a human, and your body is a physical tool, but you are much more than just that. You are also a spiritual being with the inherent power to create your own reality.

The law of attraction is a spiritual idea that states that you will attract into your life whatever you think about. It holds that by simply thinking about something, you can bring it into your life. The law of attraction suggests that the thoughts of a person draw similar thoughts to them. Several scientists believe this happens because we are all connected by one single energy field. But the LOA is much more than generalizations; thinking about red Lamborghinis will always bring you red Lamborghinis.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday March 7, 2025

It is quite common for enlightening human beings to think that they aren’t doing enough in terms of their service. This is due to having a high level of diligence and commitment, but also from old conditioning that is based on the martyred service paradigm.

Natalia Alba - The amplification of solar plasmatic transmissions - Mar 7, 2025

Beloved Ones,

The amplification of solar plasmatic transmissions is being strongly felt at this time. Many of you will be undergoing a profound solar reconfiguration during the lunar eclipse in Virgo. In this process you will feel the pull of the New Light being born within yourself, asking you to release unwanted programs, influences, and anything that is not dwelling within Divine love in yourself and your body.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - When & How Are The Arcturians Coming? - Mar 7, 2025

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite aware of your reactions to our recent transmission about how we are coming to you, coming to Earth, and we know that some clarification is required. First of all, you want to know how, and you also want to know when. We have already been coming through Daniel here and others, energetically, and have been providing you with messages. You can start to receive the energy directly without needing him, and you can start getting your own messages directly as well.

jueves, marzo 06, 2025

Kryon - Lee Carroll 2025 : The Healing Power You Never Knew You Had Awaits You Now

Judith Kusel - Where your attention goes, your energy flows - Mar 6, 2025

Where your attention goes, your energy flows.

We are being asked to become more aware in the next days, weeks, months, year of what we give our attention and energy too, and where we allow it to be drained away. 

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday March 6, 2025

Almost every enlightening human being will come to a point of frustration where what they are wishing to create is not coming together for them. We wish to offer some insight as to why that may be.

One of the greatest requirements to manifesting is your willingness to receive. Most enlightening human beings are far better at giving than they are at receiving. This is because they are on the planet with service contracts. It is far more natural to them to put others first. Because they see themselves as the help, they have trouble accepting help from others. If you are having trouble creating what you desire, we highly recommend that you examine how willing you are to receive.

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua - Estar en Casa en la Tierra

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua

Queridos amigos, soy Jeshua. Soy su hermano y espíritu afín que les toma de la mano.

En este tiempo de cambio y profunda transformación, quiero estar con ustedes. Estoy con ustedes, porque dentro del corazón no hay fronteras, y el tiempo y el espacio no son un obstáculo. El corazón es un lugar de milagros y atemporalidad.

Natalia Alba - Many of you are the original dwellers of the Earth - Mar 6, 2025

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are the original dwellers of the Earth. As Earthseeds, your sole purpose is to retrieve Earth's original blueprint and coding, restore its fabrics and templars, and, above all, retrieve Earth's original template as it was at the beginning of its creation.