martes, marzo 04, 2025

Jennifer Hoffman - March 2025 Energy Report - Mar 4, 2025

We are moving into a new month and a brand new vibe, much different from February which was an 11 month, the number of the spiritual initiate which is always a challenge. Now we are into a more creative energy but don’t get too comfy because we have retrogrades, eclipses, and lots of movement in March too. We are in the fast moving aspect of this ascension pathway and it is all happening at once.

The key to using energy effectively and not getting overwhelmed is to have strong energy boundaries and to pick what you will focus on. For now, your best focus is on you, your energy, your pathway, the transformation you are initiating, and your intention. Let the ‘bygones go on by’ and don’t give any of your emotion, time, or energy to regrets, the past, or toxic relationships that you no longer wish to be part of. March is a time of fresh starts, new vibes, and an uplevel into new joy frequencies. So gear up and let’s soar.


March is a welcome relief from the challenging 11 energy of February. As I said in the February Energy Report, the 11 number is the spiritual initiate path and it is always challenging because we have to face our own shadows and deal with where we have been sabotaging our joy, limiting our energy, and not taking care of our needs. That awareness can be shocking and unsettling when we realize that our inability to say no, to want to get acknowledgment, and to not protect our interests is what has allowed us to become the targets for the critics, judges, toxic people, and chaos in our life.

But it’s time for a change and some creative being, thinking, and doing and March brings that energy into our sphere now. March is a 3 numerology (March is the 3rd month and 2025 is a 9, 3 + 9 = 12, 1 + 2 =3) and that is the number of creativity, companionship, positivity, and new connections. It’s also a number that encourages more energetic integration, congruence, and learning to see ourselves as multi-dimensional beings in a multi-dimensional world. We’re seeing more of that with this ascension cycle now, and this month will bring that to the forefront.

March is also the end of the solar year as the Equinox on March 20 is the 0 Aries point and the beginning of a new year. While January 1 begins our calendar year, March 20 is the start of the astrological year and that is when the new year was celebrated for many millennia. This year the Equinox is a big Alpha Omega Portal, encompassing the entire zodiac from 0 Aries to 29 Pisces with all of the planets and signs represented in some form. It’s a fantastic way to start our solar year with the full chorus of the universe supporting us.

In March we continue the spiritual cornucopia I have been writing about for several months now with a big presence in Pisces that will see up to 7 planets and points in that sign. The expander, Jupiter, is going to make that aspect much more all-encompassing now and bring three things forward:How we interact with our spiritual energy
How we express our spiritual energy
How we use our spiritual energy in our lives especially for release and transformation, and entering our new 5D portals.

And we can’t forget Mars in Cancer is also going to encourage us to take action from our spiritual energy but not by becoming more spiritual. Instead, Mars wants us to use our spiritual energy to become more energetically integrated and empowered in the actions we are willing to take and to avoid getting caught up in our emotions. I know astrologers talk about Mars energy being diluted in Cancer but while that is not its best position, it is also making a strong positive aspect to all of the Pisces planets and that is helpful. And in Cancer Mars is focused on emotional energy, which is our biggest and most challenging life lesson.

On March 2 Venus goes retrograde at 10 Aries and that is significant because 2 weeks later Mercury also goes retro at 10 Aries (well, 9.30 but close enough). And on March 29 we have an eclipse at 10 Aries. 10 Aries in the Sabian symbols is ‘A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images.’ How appropriate this is for the times we are in, especially when dealing with the past. We cannot change the past but we can change how we perceive it, what we believe about it, and how we use the past in the present.

These past few days were emotionally difficult and very symbolic for me as it marks the date of my father’s death. He died on February 28, 1989. I always remember him on that day but this year was different. It was more emotional for me, maybe because after the huge family issues I had in January and early February, I realized that my father was the only person in my family that I actually connected with and who related to me.

He was very smart and a brilliant technology and computer expert who was working in that sector long before it went mainstream. He was a gifted auto mechanic who could diagnose and fix any car problem, he loved chocolate malted milk balls, he was funny, told corny jokes, and gave great advice. He was only 52 years old when he died – I was just 30 at the time and thought he was ancient. Then I turned 52 and realized how young he was and how much life he could still have had to live.

But his traumatic childhood left many emotional scars and he always had that haunted look in his eyes that you see in people who have been deeply traumatized. I have some memories of great interactions with him but he was mostly insulated, isolated, and rarely spoke. He never spoke of his childhood or what happened to him but he was old enough at 4 years old to remember losing his family, spending 3 years in a catholic orphanage, and being adopted in a new country at age 7.

Even during his final days of life he never spoke of those things and whatever happened to him went to his grave with him. His final words to me, before he died, were “I am sorry I was not a better father. I am proud of you and I love you.”

For many years I was angry with him for not being the father I thought I needed and wanted but I now realize that he did his best and that was all he could do.

The emotional trauma that we live and that we inherit from our parents is our biggest energetic burden. We filter energy through our emotions and when they are laden with heavy trauma our energy field is limited to what it can receive and process.

If you ever wonder why you feel sad, stuck, and unmotivated? Maybe it’s time to get some energy field harmony in place so you can release this burden that creates more problems in your life than you realize.

Maybe it’s time to understand the power of the energy of grief and start your grief release work. My Grief Healing Program is your best resource for this, the only resource you will find to heal grief and shift your energy into joy by clearing the pain of the past and the energy it creates in your life today..

If we are the generation to bring in the ascension and 5D living then we are also the generation that must end the burden of lived and inherited emotional and energy trauma. We have been given this opportunity for several months now and we are all seeing the shifts, healing the rifts, or releasing the toxic people. The rest of 2025 is filled with opportunities to complete this part of our ascension cycle, with the greatest opportunities and focus being now and through early June. Time to get to work.

March energy themes are focused on deep integration, release, and a re-vision of your life path. You know what the past holds, and focusing on it does not serve your present intention. What does work for us now is to re-vision our life, ignoring the limitations of the past and focusing on the new potentials we want to align with today. This creates energy gaps and realizations that can be painful, releases and breakups that can be shocking in their intensity especially when accompanied by judgments and betrayals from people you have tried to help and serve for lifetimes. It’s now time to face forward and let ‘bygones go on by’ as we forge ahead through our 5D portals.

March features a Mercury retrograde too, at 10 Aries on March 16, 2025. As with all Mercury retrogrades, we need to be aware of the chaos and disruption it can cause and in Aries and Pisces it’s going to be fairly active so leave plenty of time for travel arrangements, double check communications, and try to avoid distractions that can create forgetfulness and inattention.

And then there’s the karma issue that this Mercury retro will bring up, which has been an ongoing theme for months. With Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury’s home base, we see karma with family and siblings playing out for more healing and release. If you are tired of this in your life, take heart because it is for your benefit. You cannot continue to be burdened with the family karma that has been a source of tremendous pain and suffering for lifetimes.

Remember family is our first line of karma so whatever comes up with this Mercury retro, including the identification of the toxic people in your life, use the information to free yourself of any guilt and shame, and use the blessings of this transit to finally move on and leave the karma behind you.

Mercury will retro back into Pisces, along with Venus, and in the final week of March they are going to be in touch with Neptune at 29 Aries. That’s going to be another spiritual zinger as it is the final Mercury and Venus connection to Neptune in Pisces in our lifetime. So with all of the energy swirling around, expect some final blowups and karma rebalancing, maybe some unexpected breakups or reconnections, apologies or final disconnects.

The big news of the month is the eclipses on March 14 and 29, especially the March 14 eclipse on the Virgo/Pisces axis which highlights all of March’s Pisces activity. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, also the ruler of karma. Expect some karma showdowns now with tough decisions to be made. What are you, the Martyred Healer or the Empowered Master? What is more important to you now, moving ahead or fulfilling a soul contract or karma obligation that is no longer relevant or that you no longer care about? Let go and move on now, time for freedom, joy, and peace of mind and heart.

The previous eclipse cycles with this node aspect was in 2006, 1987, 1969, and 1950. Those years are significant in our ascension cycle and in our overall journey in this lifetime. The 1987 cycle was when my father came to live with me and then died. Which of these cycles were significant for you?

Did I say this was another month featuring a spiritual cornucopia? This is not the fairy land and unicorn spirituality, this is spiritual integration, actualization, ideation, and alignment. We will be seeing new 5D portals and much more activity from the 5D realm. The March 14 eclipse highlights the important South Node, the past, where we are from, our karmic history and our karmic partners. One thing that has been happening for the past few years is the rebalancing of our energy focus and the removal of toxic people and situations from our life. Whether this is voluntary or forced, we must now narrow our energetic focus and be much more discerning about who or what connects to us and where we disperse and dispense our energy.

And another big drum roll for a huge shift which is Neptune going into Aries for a 6 month stay starting at the end of March. This is big news because Neptune has been holding steady in Pisces since April 4, 2011 and it has been holding energetic space for this ascension cycle completion for all of these years. Every other planet, including Pluto, has changed sign since then but not Neptune. It has held that spiritual space for us as we have been through challenge after challenge. And now it goes into Aries for a brief 6 months and it will complete its Pisces run in early 2026.

Even more big news – between November 2024 and early July 2025, all of the outer planets have or will change sign – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. That’s something that has not happened before! So if you’re feeling the shift, overwhelm, confusion, and some dread, this much change in energy can cause that. Just be sure to engage in self-care when you need it.

The March 29 eclipse is in Aries, at the point of the Venus and Mercury retrograde, 9 Aries. This is significant that this point is repeated three times so we will see some action there. As I wrote earlier, the Sabian symbol for this sign is “A man teaching new forms for old symbols.” What old symbols in your life can now take on new forms, new meanings that can inspire new beliefs and freedom from the energetic prisons of the past?

As I shared the story of my father, his last words to me were an apology and an affirmation of his love for me, things he had never been able to say to me before. For many years I was angry that he waited until moments before he died to tell me that. Why couldn’t he tell me sooner so we could have had a better relationship?

But I know now that this was his gift to me, a release from the questions I may have had about how he really felt about me. It took me a long time to come to terms with this and to give new meaning to the ‘old symbols’ and beliefs I had about my father and myself. I understand him so much better now and can remember the great things about him without focusing on all of the things that he did not do.

March also has my favorite date – March 4th and no it is not my birthday. It is the only day of the year that is an imperative to move forward, a call to action. So use that date to set a bold intention, do something courageous and different, to see yourself as a warrior and act like the champion you are.

As with previous months there will be choices and decisions, difficult transitions and transformations, and breakups. It’s disappointing to learn that people you thought you would eventually be able to have a strong relationship with or at best, a peaceful understanding turn out to be the most toxic people you know and being around them requires a level A hazmat suit with your own oxygen supply.

But this is not new, these relationships have been troublesome for lifetimes and in this lifetime we have come to end the karma and re-set the 3d paradigms to be able to receive 5D plus energy. You have heard me say this since my first article in February 2004, that this was the lifetime we came to end karma so we brought in our most challenging karma partners and chose this path as our soul mission. We are coming to the end of the energy road here and it is not all sweetness and light but trust that when these relationships end there is no question as to who is your friend and who is not.

Use March’s powerful and substantial energy to create something wonderful for yourself. It’s time and you deserve to have the peace, joy, love, abundance, prosperity, and all of the good things that you try so hard to create for others. Put yourself first and make yourself a priority this month. Use the energy for your spiritual growth and your new potentials.

Have a wonderful month. 

Copyright (c) 2023 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to