viernes, marzo 07, 2025

Judith Kusel - The accelerated cosmic energy - Mar 7, 2025

The accelerated cosmic energy being released now, is purifying at very deep levels, so that it goes deeply into all the stuck, dense energy, false programming, belief systems, all which has kept souls asleep on this planet, as well as deeply into the subconscious, and whatever has been deeply suppressed in the subconscious minds of the collective. 

When trauma and pain occurs in the individual as well as the collective, it is often pushed away, as life goes on, and all of this is pushed down, so one can function at physical level, but in truth, is there festering. It clogged up the energy fields and made us more dense, on all levels.

Indeed caused more separation, more division as the survival modes were activated. 

These energies now will and are triggering the subconscious so that so much will now surface, individually and collectively which needs to be finally healed and dealt with.

When a festering wound needs to be healed, a doctor will often need to cut it open, to let all the puss out, and then disinfect (purify) the wound, so that it can self-heal. The same applies now and it will bring a deeper level of awakening and activation of souls, individually and collectively.

We, are asked, as Lightworkers, to step up in highest loving service, more than ever before, and hold the light and love steady, even as we expand in illumination. So many of us are working on multiple levels now as souls and multi-dimensionally. After all, our souls are not bound by the physical. 

Staying in the heart of love, is the only way, and indeed the omnipotent, omnipotent, infinite way and using those spiritual wings to lift us higher than ever before as we usher in the New Golden Age, with pure intent and holding the vision not only for ourselves, but for every soul on this beautiful planet.

Indeed, highest loving service, with love and joy leaving our divine golden white imprints whereever we are and go and soul travel. 

Judith Kusel