lunes, marzo 03, 2025

Judith Kusel - We, as Lightworkers need to become aware - Mar 3, 2025

We, as Lightworkers need to become aware, of what we are choosing to give our attention and energy to, and not to get embroiled in what is seemingly happening around us, especially the current sensatiolism regarding certain "news".

We are asked to keep our attention on holding our inner light steady and expanding it, and with it to open our hearts and allow our souls to guide us through the systematic dismantling of the old, which will seem chaotic at times. We are not helpless. We never were. 

Remember that the more lightfilled you become, the more the specs of dirt show instantly. Wash them, clean them, before the light garment, gets soiled and becomes a dark muddy brown. 

We can all ask the cosmic masters for the Core Fear matrix removal program and first to sweep it over ourselves and extend it over the planet. I will share it later. 

It is good practice, to every morning on arising to positively affirm your own divinity and the goodness, the love, the light, the wisdom you are now choosing to live and express. What we you truly wish to manifest in your life deeply inspired from within, and with and through, love and joy! Not only for yourself, but for all concerned, and keep the focus and attention on the New Golden Age.

Let those lion hearts now bravely, soulfully, shine in its inner strenght, courage and resilience!

All is manifesting into form and being in the here and now. The new is rising!

Judith Kusel