jueves, marzo 06, 2025

Natalia Alba - Many of you are the original dwellers of the Earth - Mar 6, 2025

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are the original dwellers of the Earth. As Earthseeds, your sole purpose is to retrieve Earth's original blueprint and coding, restore its fabrics and templars, and, above all, retrieve Earth's original template as it was at the beginning of its creation.

Earhseeds hold the original coding/Adamic DNA, and template. They are the ones who have a special connection to Earth, for they know its secret pathways and all Earth's records, as they are deeply connected, in a different soul agreement that starseeds to Earth.

Earthseeds hold the potential to rehabilitate their 5th DNA strand from their original 12th-dimensional DNA template, for we are all 12th-dimensional beings in our original creational template. The explanation of our human and galactic races is incredibly extensive, and in this post, I just would like to address the perfection and important role on Earth of the Earthseeds, for I see it has been misrepresented.

Becoming a fifth-dimensional being is precisely what we all aim for at this time, as even though starseeds came with more developed DNA strands, from future timelines, once trapped within this 3D plane also need to start rehabilitating all their DNA template, gradually escalating again the Divine Spiral of evolution.

We are all mixed now, for this was the strategy from the benevolent races that protect Earth, so we all can now embrace higher potentials within our DNA.

Many of you are earthseeds whose companions are starseeds, with the soul agreement to birth hybrids, which is a term that has only been used as well negatively when in truth it simply means the mix of two species, whether benevolent or not. 

Your purpose coming together in sacred union, is to bring highly evolved souls, whose mission is too to help the planet, in the ways it needs it now, for all has shifted since the first starseeded ones came to Earth. 

There are still earthseeds within us, holding the original DNA strand of Earth. You may call them aboriginals, American natives, and many other names. We shall honor them for who they are - Earth's guardians, healers, and resilient beings who have been incessantly fighting to retrieve their original planet's sovereignty.

Many of you are precious Earthseeds as I see in sessions. Wanting to be someone you are not impedes God to manifest through you. The spiritual belief and fashion of being a starseed, is only an egoic perception and judgment of Creation, for we all in the end belong to the same Source.

Knowing who we are, from where we come from, and knowing it from authentic Sources within ourselves, is vital to fulfilling our mission. Spiritual ego has created the false program that special galactic races coming from other dimensions are more special than Earthseeds, when in truth, we are all equal within Creation, even though some may have walked the path of ascension before us.

Starseeds precisely came to planet Earth to help Earthseeds preserve the planet's original template, fauna, and animal kingdom, for the human damage made, and especially the one made by non-benevolent galactic races upon Earth, was destroying its purity.

Asking our Unified Self, Guides team, and God to confirm who we are, and balancing our ego to accept the Truth, and only the Truth from God and not our personal one, is essential to properly heal what we need to, as earthseeds and starseeeds do not carry the same wounds, for they have had different experiences, even though many starseeds have incarnated for many years on Earth.

Neutralizing judgments, and embracing our true nature is embracing God's Will and His-Her unique Soul plan for us.

When we deny who we are we too deny God's unique Expression in us.

May you embrace, honor, and respect yourselves and your unique role unconditionally, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba