sábado, septiembre 14, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - One Simple Step to Receiving from all your Helpers - Sep 14, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are receiving all of your requests, and we recognize that you have many reasons to make those requests of us. We also are aware of the requests you make to your guides and your higher selves, to Source, and to anyone else who will listen, because we are so tapped in to the human collective consciousness at this point. We know that help is always on the way, and we also know that some of you are aware of the help that is on the way. Some of you also feel as though you are missing out on the help that is coming to you because of your asking and just because all of us in the higher realms like to help.

viernes, septiembre 13, 2024

Aurora Ray - Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth - Sep 13, 2024

Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth

The Pleiadians are a truly captivating and enigmatic group of highly enlightened beings hailing from the distant Pleiades star cluster.

Shrouded in an aura of mystique, they are believed to possess a level of spiritual evolution that sets them apart from ordinary beings. Their very existence sparks curiosity and wonder among seekers of truth and those who ponder the mysteries of the cosmos.

Solar Activity At High Levels - A Pair of Coronal Holes is Facing Earth - Geomagnetic Storm Watch

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday September 13, 2024

Please understand you continue to be on the receiving end of unprecedented energies. It is a complex process as your body integrates these energies. It is a far easier process if you create the ideal conditions for you to do so. This means making time to be still, to rest, to align, to give your body what it is asking for, to trust in your own wisdom to navigate this all seamlessly, and to know the universe is assisting you in all of it.

Natalia Alba - The activation for us to embody higher frequencies has begun - Sep 13, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The activation for us to embody higher frequencies has begun. Many of you, in a perpetual state of omnibenevolence and love, have started to receive the Divine Transmissions required for the next initiation into higher levels of wisdom. The eclipse in Pisces is facilitating this descension, another great source of wisdom, that is already being formed in our Heavens, even though from our limited view we can only see the final result on the 17th.

The Awakening Begins: Earth Initiates its Glorious Ascension!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Are You Ready for Physical E.T. Contact? - Sep 13, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always surprised by what you are capable of there on Earth. We have noticed that you have had a spike in your overall vibration as a collective consciousness, and that spike is in fact due to how well you are handling all of the energies coming to you from above and below. When you make substantial progress like this, the extra-terrestrial beings in your skies do take notice. They are looking for those windows of opportunity to have more contact with all of you, and those of you who have been largely responsible for the spike are showing up more clearly on their radar screens.

jueves, septiembre 12, 2024

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Attributes of the Soul Part 1

Note: This message is enhanced for the reader and contains more information and more explanations than were given originally in the audio form it was transcribed from.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

We have said so often that this is not a message that is global, but rather, a message that is personal. We will say that again. These are, indeed, difficult times for so many, and yet, we have continued to remind you that the shift is here. This shift, which was predicted by the ancients, was also predicted many times in my channelling before 2012 – and it’s here. Almost a decade into it, now you see what we were talking about. It’s not necessarily that this shift brings you wars between countries which you thought might happen at this time. Instead, it’s a war of dark and light, and you are starting to see the attributes and the results of it.

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a la Madre Tierra - La trampa de la mente

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a la Madre Tierra

Queridos amigos:

Soy la voz de la Tierra. Soy la tierra bajo tus pies que te sostiene y la consciencia que anima los minerales, las plantas, los animales y los seres humanos. Estoy presente en todas las formas de vida; nutro y fluyo a través de ti. Siente mi energía fluir a través de tu cuerpo, tus venas, a través de tus piernas y hasta tu abdomen. Relájate en mi energía y siéntete llevado por mí. Suelta toda la tensión que experimentas como ser humano, que en gran medida proviene de tu cabeza, de tus pensamientos.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday September 12, 2024

Dear Ones, what if you just let yourselves BE for a moment? So often you are very aware of your need for something and then talk yourselves out of it, or make yourselves wrong for what you feel or wish to experience. Many human beings have an inner dialogue that never lets up, usually focused on what is unwanted. It is like living with someone who nags you relentlessly or talks incessantly through the amazing movie of your life.