In the Science of Numerology the number “11” represents mastery in all forms. It brings forth illumination of the Higher Self working within the Lower Self.
This is a day in which tasks can be accomplished in a much easier manner than other numbers as it allows us to step into a doorway of opportunity. It may include some challenges in the form of a “test” to see if the Lower Self is ready to accept the next step into ascension. Keywords are: Master Teacher, illumination, enlightenment, inspirational, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, and being a visionary.
It is very interesting how many “11” numbers are showing up in the daily energies. It was only a few days ago in January that we experienced this name frequency. But since we have arrived into the month of February it will have a small difference in how we accept the energies within our present reality. Again, the sum of the numbers are 4/7 = 11 which represents our organization, cleaning out house, and preparing for the next level of spiritual essence that we are to become manifest within our physical existence.