domingo, julio 07, 2013

Praying – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn July 07, 2013

(Translated from the original language german)
My child, you don’t need to go into a church, your mosque or a temple to pray. Also the preconceived words of your religions aren’t necessary, also not the rosary. Words of prayer help only to reach the Christ Consciousness when you are with your heart in it and love unconditionally, forgive and don’t judge, including yourself. You achieve more in this way as when you only say the words of prayer mechanically. You don’t need preconceived prayers too. Do you not pray, when you talk with your Divine Father or me, like you talk to your loved ones or your friends? Do you not pray when you are immersed into nature and watch the birds or listen to the flowing of the water in a stream? Even in your meditation you pray. You pray even when you are watching your children or animals playing. Immersed and with your heart in it. In love. This all is praying. But your most beautiful praying is your conversation with us, your Supreme Creator. We enjoy it so very much, my child. So please talk with us and you pray like you did it never before. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Learning to trust your feelings with Archangel Raguel by Sharon Taphorn

You receive messages from the Divine through your intuition and signals through your physical body. For some this is stronger than others and if you do not yet understand them, do not be sad. All of us are works in progress. Everyone and everything on this beautiful earth are working at something and with a purpose, just as the guides and angels are, and therefore we are all learning as we go along. Sometimes it takes time to develop and learn to feel and trust these feelings as some of you have memories of a time when you thought you were so sure something was right, and later you felt it turned out wrong, or badly and you still bear the scars deep inside of you and vowed to never do that again. It is time to let that heal, release it and move on as it is the very transformation that you seek so that you can feel and trust and know what to do.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 7 July 2013

hilarion2Beloved Ones,
As the completion of many issues comes to a close in your personal lives, know that there is a turning point approaching that will see you finally free of the heavier densities that you have been grappling with. This was because many of you have chosen to take on and experience these lower vibrations as a way to facilitate a speedier cleansing of the collective field of humanity which surrounds the Earth.  The field has been cleansed for the most part and this now makes it easier for awakening souls to deal with their personal issues which are beginning to surface as the energies increase and intensify. That which you have completed is now being experienced by the general populace but without the accumulated density from generations past to encumber them.

AA Michael - Just present your I-am-a-child-of-Creator ticket and climb on board. – channeled by Ron Head

thrill ride
What wonderfully complex creatures you are, able to say that things are not progressing as rapidly as you would like, and yet thinking that you have no time to finish everything.  No wonder you amuse even yourselves at times.  Let us look at things from another perspective, shall we?

There are changes occurring in every particle of creation at this time.  There is no being, micro, macro, or cosmic, from your point of view, which is not being affected.  Every atom you can perceive, every life form upon your earth, and every planet in your system is undergoing great change.  Your scientists are quite aware of this, even though they are not telling you.  Some are afraid, some are just confused.  They have never seen, and do not understand, what they are seeing now.  Some others think they know, but we would hasten to tell them that they do not.

TheOne-DreamDreamer – Found Your Twin Flame? – 7 July 2013

Probably not… and you’re probably spending enough of your energy looking for it. Till you find one, THE one, who’s perfect and it is your real twin… until you move one cause there’s too much to it and one of you runs away. Then comes the next real twin. And so on and so forth.
But how come? How many twins can we find? Cause… you were so SURE that was THE ONE!
Well a lot in fact. A whole bunch of them. At least a number with 4 or 5 zeros behind it if I’m not wrong, but if I am then it’s more than that for sure! Why? Simply cause you’re a fractal, a fragment of your soul. Each time you come here a part of you stays “up there”. And each time you die a part of you stays with your soul family and those you loved and who loved you. Getting it? So imagine all the life experiences a soul has… and start counting. 3 divisions every time.

Suzanne Lie – Learning Patience – 7 July 2013

redwoodsToday, I found something that I wrote a while ago:
I had a dream this week in which I was ascending. At about 3:00 am I woke up suddenly and heard in my head, “I just had a dream of ascension.” However, I could not remember how it felt. Of course, I then had to go to the bathroom. When I came back to bed, I tried to remember the feeling again, but I was distracted because my body was so hot. I was not a hot night, and the heat came from inside, not outside, of me.
I lay in bed for a while feeling the intense heat inside of me. Eventually, I fell back asleep. In the morning, I remembered the experience, but I still could not remember how the dream felt. Fortunately, I had an acupuncture appointment that day and determined to remember the feeling of my dream then.

What is about to happen is the completion of an extremely complex process 07/07/2013 by John Smallman
Tremendous healing is occurring all across the planet as ever-greater numbers of you embrace the divine energies enveloping you constantly.  They have always been there for you, and now your awareness of God’s infinite Love for you all is spreading far and wide as those of you who have been holding the intent to be only loving over many lifetimes strengthen that intent and demonstrate it more and more of the time in your daily lives.  Living lovingly is the most powerful way to change yourselves – and thereby the world – and your successes in this field of endeavor are mounting rapidly.  No one on Earth is completely unaware of the field of Love in which you are enveloped, and although many do not understand what it is, they are allowing its influence to change their perception of how they wish to live and interact with one another.  And with their perception changed, then their intent also changes and their concern for one another grows.  Evidence of this can be seen all over the world as more and more gather in peaceful demonstrations against corruption, dishonesty, and plain incompetence in major corporations, organizations, religious institutions, and governments.  And, make no mistake, those demonstrations are effective!

Wherever you find yourselves is exactly and precisely where God wills you to be July 7, 2013 by John Smallman
Here in the spiritual realms all is ready for humanity’s awakening.  All the necessary preparations have been completed and we, like you, await this divine moment’s arrival most enthusiastically.  You, humanity, are receiving unprecedented assistance as this exciting and greatly looked-forward-to event approaches.  Your desire and intent to bring it about has intensified enormously over the last two or three decades, and it is that strength of intent that has determined the moment for its accomplishment.  Because it is so close you all have a sense of it, as well as feelings of impatience because it seems that you have been waiting a very long time for this promised period in your ongoing spiritual evolution to come to fruition.  Your impatience does add intensity and increased effectiveness to your intent to awaken, so make sure to renew your intent at least once every day – three or four times daily, just for a brief moment, would be excellent.

AA Metatron: Sacred Activation of the Green Ray & Emerald Flame - July 7, 2013
Archangel Metatron Channel
Sacred Activation of the Green Ray & Emerald Flame
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light and I greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love as you read these words.
We joyously share with you the coming 'full activation' of the Green Ray & Sacred Emerald Flame into the Ascended Earth. Masters, this is a long awaited event, one promised eons ago in an enlightened epoch. In a luminous time in which the Earth carried greater dimensional access and you communicated clearly & blissfully with all Kingdoms of the Earth. An illuminated period in which you had the ability to lucidly interact & fully communicate with all elements and kingdoms of the Earth. It was the time of the full spectrum of the Emerald Dimension....and it is returning!
Many of you are called again to anchor the activation of this emerald evolution. It is nigh and will be marked by an extraordinary trine & cometized energy, carrying expansive codes. Codes you have waited eons to receive, it is a soul promise and sacred contract for many. It is part of the new beginning, of the new perception & attributes available to you.

sábado, julio 06, 2013

Judith Dagley – The Energies Of NOW- Getting Up To Speed – A Love/Light Message –About The Love/Light! – 6 July 2013

judithdagleyAn  Expansively Loving Hello to You, Beloved!
It is in honor of your own state of expansion that we greet you this way, of course. We have even attuned our frequencies to be a perfect “vibrational match” for the expansive energies that your solstice brought you into, and that You are NOW running through You, as You process them. Ah, yes, You are ”in the thick” of transformation at last, Beloved! 
Feel the truth. Although You many not know quite where You are NOW,  it is most definitely NOT where You were last year–or even where You were an hour ago. It is only through feeling that truth that you will know it as true–because your brain will  tell you that it cannot be, since you have not physically appeared to have gone anywhere! But you see, your Gaia has. And so You have, as well.
It may (or may not) take some “time” for You to catch up with where You are–which is actually no longer within the construct of “linear time,” at all. At the rate at which You allow yourSelf to acclimate to the expansive, all-inclusive NOW, so will the way You process information also expand beyond the limitations of the third dimensional brain.