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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Cuerpo de Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, junio 19, 2021

Lisa Renee - Solar Coding, Crystal Body and DNA - June 2021

June 2021

Solar Coding, Crystal Body and DNA

Lisa Renee 

Dear Ascending Family,

As we move through the eclipse season and into the Summer Solstice, the Sun is receiving a tremendous variation of solar streams in the form of highly refined electromagnetic frequencies from the Cosmic Founder Source Domains, directing plasma transmissions from the Pleiadian star system. These solar streams from the Pleiades are catalyzed by the return of Solar Christ Michael and Solar Christ Mary into dimensionalization, and are filled with golden cube solar codes that are transmitting activations to the human Crystal Body and DNA. During this phase, the solar coded streams are building the krystal holographic architecture to prepare for the density shift that is occurring soon which will radically change the base magnetism of the Earth and the Sun.

jueves, junio 17, 2021

Judith Kusel - The Ascension Process through this immense and intense shift - June 17, 2021


The Ascension Process through this immense and intense shift: -guidance given to my students, which I wish to share with you, as indeed this is relevant to all of you:

Remember that we are moving forward one single step at a time and in the process your own vibrational frequency bands are being lifted and thus your light quotient building, for so that you can assume your new Lightbody as you step fully into the higher dimensional state of the New Earth.

lunes, mayo 31, 2021

Celia Fenn - The Big Shift of 2021 - May 31, 2021


The Big Shift of 2021

How is everyone today?

Personally I am vibrating and buzzing up to my eyelashes. Lol!

On this last day of May 2021 we are still integrating the powerful energy waves from the recent Galactic discharge/Solar Storm and Lunar Eclipse.

Yes, a big one, that is activating major shifts within our physical body as we upgrade into the 8th and 9th dimensions (Solar and Galactic levels) if we have chosen that path. Some have not.

miércoles, mayo 05, 2021

Sandra Walter - 555 Frequencies: Ascension in this Now - May 5, 2021

Blessings Beloveds ~

Blessings to all in this auspicious 5-5-5 Now moment! Have you felt these realm-shifting frequencies? ⁠

The stargate message for May was *CONSISTENT* and it truly has been. These gateways are open wide, delivering the strongest cosmic rays on record. Daily Schumann flows and new harmonics singing a new way of BEing into form. ⁠

jueves, abril 22, 2021

Lisa Transcendence Brown - NEW Earth Multi-Dimensional LightBody: The Physical Body's Vibration is/was Too Low...- April 22, 2021

This Lightbody support article is to assist with an understanding, a vibrational/energetic one. The human aspect loves to play in the "high vibration/low vibration" as a "better than/not good enough" ego game. This is so completely different than that.

Each's Lightbody is their "Vehicle" for Physical Body Ascension to occur. It energetically builds each's Merkaba with every Photonic/Cosmic/Solar Light upgrade process.....

miércoles, abril 21, 2021

Sandra Walter - Energías Únicas en la Puerta Estelar - Abril 17, 2021


Bendiciones, Amados ~

Estamos inmersos en la apertura de una singular puerta estelar que comenzó esta semana.

Anomalías de plasma y tormentas geomagnéticas que surgieron de la nada han aparecido en las gráficas lineales y continúan complementando este pasaje que cambia realidades. Incluso la ciencia está notando estas fuerzas cósmicas como inusuales.

lunes, abril 19, 2021

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Gamma Gamma Gamma: Full on Cosmic Rays & Ultra High Frequencies/Upgrades... - April 16, 2021

We've been in full-on Gamma Frequencies oscillating with a barrage of many others daily... since the last few days of March. Today, another day of powerful Gamma Rays which super-charge and accelerate DNA rewrites/recodings, as well as many other things too. We have different variations of Gamma Ray Frequencies....

These are a massive power up, activating inner-power for many moving into a new phase. These, on one level are the 6th Dimensional frequency of the Merkaba/LightBody energy relative to physical body ascension processes. These bring through the Divine Masculine Energy, the "DOing" in service as Light, as Pure Love and each's inner power more. These represent Sirian aspects and other levels of Higher Self Consciousness too. Power is an understatement with these. These electrify the LightBody for clearing immense distortions from within. These make distortions louder....

sábado, abril 17, 2021

Sandra Walter - Stargate Anomalies, Open Gate & Five Year Meditation celebration - April 17, 2021

Blessings Beloveds ~

We are deep in a unique stargate opening which commenced this week.

I have just returned from three powerful days of Gatework in Zion, Utah.

It has been 5 years since I visited this ancient Stargate point. Returning there felt surreal and heart-warming. Going back felt NEW; a true connection to home, my core service, and expansion with the Ancients of Days. Wowza, what a week.

miércoles, abril 14, 2021

Lisa Transcendence Brown - It's Hard to See How Far Humanity Fell from Consciousness...- April 13, 2021

Everyday I get up to "see" what the rest of the world is "up to". Everyday I see more and more and more of how divided, how unkind, how deep asleep, how separated, how judgmental and how the old constricting, fixed, linear ways and perceptions are utilized/used to manipulate, dis-grace and control. Everyday I see all of the stories, conditioning and programming.... and all of the old beliefs and systems in place that continue to pit each other against each other.... both individually and through various collectives/groups. Every day I see horrific acts against .... Every day I see those who hold various positions NOT taking every chance to do the humane and just thing for all of humanity and instead do the opposite.... Every day I see mis-perceptions and mentalities/belief systems used against each.... Every day I see closed hearts where so many still live from their heads. Every day I see fear rampant and peeps emotions used to control them, creating scenarios to pit more against each other.... spreading narratives to incite more division, more fear, more separation... as a means to control and keep fear scenarios going. Every day I see every excuse known to man as the way to "excuse" unconscious behavior and "justify" that which is not aligned on a Pure Heart/Pure Soul Level....

viernes, marzo 19, 2021

Lisa Renee - Rise of Arthur and Albion Lightbody - March 2021

March 2021

Rise of Arthur and Albion Lightbody

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Following on the Gaian Matrix recovery we move further into changes and revelations occurring at field level, which could be described as animations of the ascension design to reunite all of creation with God Source. From geomantic structures powering up to inner initiations taking place, changes are afoot. This is ushering in the return of the benevolent and rightful Christos Solar King to planet Earth, the beloved Maji Grail King Arthur, rising to be the protector of the Holy Mother and Sophianic Grail, which is the Cosmic Heart principle of Earth.

martes, marzo 09, 2021

Judith Kusel - The Keys and Codes of Soul Creation - March 9, 2021

Dear and most Precious Souls

We are in a phase of intense activations which started on Thursday and will intensify during the next three weeks.

Many souls are now awakening, and the keys and codes now being released are indeed those of Creation, which the Elohim and Elohim Counsels hold. I mentioned this in an earlier post, yet wish to reiterate this, as the Elohim are the Aspect of the Divine Source, who create and oversee all creation.

sábado, febrero 27, 2021

Judith Kusel - The Keys and Codes of Soul Creation - Feb 27, 2021

The Keys and Codes of Soul Creation

We are in phase of intense activations which started on Thursday and will intensify during the next three weeks.

Many souls are now awakening, and the keys and codes now being released are indeed those of Creation, which the Elohim and Elohim Counsels hold.

I mentioned this in an earlier post, yet wish to reiterate this, as the Elohim are the Aspect of the Divine Source, who create and oversee all creation.

domingo, febrero 21, 2021

Sandra Walter - Schumann spikes, geomagnetic storms, and a large plasma filament release in this Now - Feb 21, 2021

Blessings Beloveds ~

Schumann spikes, geomagnetic storms, and a large plasma filament release in this Now. A massive amount of information, upgrades, releasing and recoding are unfolding with this Gateway.

Unprecedented frequencies are emanating through the grids after another strong magnetic shift last Monday. We anticipate another Schumann response next week to the lengthy geomagnetic storm and plasma release.

viernes, febrero 19, 2021

Sandra Walter - Bliss, Experiencing Transformation - Now! - Feb 19, 2021


Blessings Beloveds ~

Above photo: Schumann spike, Thursday on Gaia.

Unprecedented frequencies are emanating through the grids after another strong magnetic shift last Monday.

To be completely transparent in this Now: I AM in a state of Bliss, Transformation and Mulitidimensional recalibration. Creating this as I embody the new frequencies. Guided to share my notes, here we glow:

lunes, febrero 15, 2021

Lisa Renee - Organic Alignment

Organic Alignment 

Dear ES Family,

Those of us who can stay awake, alert and connected to the truth spirit and God self during the current planetary dark night of the soul, are able to anchor into their lightbody the organic krystal directions which are the correct positions within time and space. This organic alignment allows us to stay in the eternal moment of now presence while simultaneously travelling towards our true north position, which is the consciousness journey towards spiritual ascension. As the collective consciousness voyages into the death passage to discover the spiritual process of consciousness rebirth, the trajectory takes us to explore the past darkness in order to shed the dead energy of previous trauma, in order to expand into the garments of light which hold the plasma spiritual body record, the container for our highest consciousness.

viernes, febrero 12, 2021

Sandra Walter - We are about to witness the effects of the current magnetic and solar adjustments on our lightbodies - Feb 12, 2021

We are about to witness the effects of the current magnetic and solar adjustments on our lightbodies.

Latest week’s article Dismantling, Magnetics, Quantum Shifts and Freedom Codes described the WHY behind the collective loss, vertigo and tired-and-wired sensations.

lunes, enero 25, 2021

Lisa Renee - Nadial System Alterations

Currently, with the onset of the Capricorn alchemical themes pushing the Law of Cycles forward, and the plasma transmissions that are revealing Sophianic flowering grids in the planetary body, the combined effects are rippling a cascade of ascension flu symptoms within our physical body layers. It appears that our nadial structure may be getting upgraded or re-wired to handle these solar transmissions as well as counter energetic attacks that have been coming through an assortment of spiritual warfare tactics happening at this time.