Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Celia Fenn. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Celia Fenn. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, junio 08, 2023

Celia Fenn - Las dos capas: Vieja Tierra y Nueva Tierra - Jun 8. 2023


Las dos capas: Vieja Tierra y Nueva Tierra

A medida que se abre el verano en el hemisferio norte, podemos ver claramente los dos niveles o capas en la Tierra: el Viejo que se está volviendo cada vez más distópico y el Nuevo que está regresando a la plantilla original de la Tierra Sagrada o la Nueva Tierra.

En este momento, hay contaminación del aire a gran escala en la ciudad de Nueva York y la costa este de los EE. UU., e inundaciones a gran escala en el sureste de Ucrania como resultado de la destrucción de una presa cerca de Kherson.

La naturaleza nos está mostrando dónde debemos hacerlo mejor y crear una Nueva Realidad y una Nueva Tierra.

Como Humanos de la Nueva Tierra y Humanos Angélicos, podemos trabajar con nuestras familias Angélicas y con los Elementales de la Naturaleza para devolver el equilibrio a la Tierra.

El Arcángel Miguel dice que recuerdes el equilibrio que eres y que puedes mantener ese equilibrio en tu corazón.

Trabaja con las Sílfides (Aire) y las Ondinas (agua) para traer equilibrio y sanación al planeta.

Mantengan la Paz, el Amor y la Armonía en su Corazón para que pueda crear estas energías en la Tierra.

Que la paz prevalezca en la tierra.

¡Que del Fuego Surja el Fénix! ¡Que todas las cosas renazcan a una frecuencia superior!

¡Que desde el Agua haya limpieza y el retorno del Amor!

Que la Nueva Tierra nazca en los Corazones de la Humanidad y en la Tierra.

Mucho amor y seguridad para toda mi Familia de Luz en las áreas afectadas de USA y Ucrania.

Celia Fenn - The two layers : Old Earth and New Earth - June 8, 2023

The two layers : Old Earth and New Earth

As summer open out in the Northern Hemisphere, we can clearly see the two levels or layers on Earth : The Old that is becoming increasingly dystopian and the New which is returning to the original template for Sacred Earth or New Earth.

At the moment, there is large scale air pollution in New York City and the East Coast of the USA, and large scale flooding in South Eastern Ukraine as a result of the destruction of a dam near Kherson.

martes, junio 06, 2023

Celia Fenn - 6 June : 6/6 Portal in Gemini/the Twins/6 de junio: Portal 6/6 en Géminis/los Gemelos - Jun 6, 2023

6 June : 6/6 Portal in Gemini/the Twins

Today is the 6/6 Portal in the constellation of Gemini. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, the bringer of Divine Messages.

What message of Divine Love will the Portal bring to you?

Gemini is the Latin word for Twins, and refers to the Binary star system of Gemini where the individual stars are named for Castor and Pollux, the twin sons of the Greek God Zeus. Also simply known as Gemini A and B.

sábado, junio 03, 2023

Celia Fenn - Full Moon in Sagittarius/Ophiucus and the 6/6 Portal - June 3, 2023

Full Moon in Sagittarius/Ophiucus and the 6/6 Portal

Another two power portals coming up. First the Full Moon on Saturday into Sunday and then the 6/6 Portal in Gemini on Tuesday. The Full Moon in Sagittarius brings in all sorts of Galactic and Stellar vibrations and frequencies. The Full Moon is at 13 degrees of Sagittarius and the Galactic Center lies at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. This is also Ophiucus territory, bringing in the serpentine energy of Ophiucus the Healer! Transformation and healing will be important!

sábado, mayo 27, 2023

Celia Fenn - Supernova explosiva envía ondas de energía a la Tierra - May 27, 2023

Supernova explosiva envía ondas de energía a la Tierra

El tsunami de energía que hemos recibido después de que la luna llena y el eclipse 5/5 haya sido amplificado por una supernova explotando en la galaxia molinete cerca de la Osa Mayor/Ursa Mayor.

Esta supernova está lo suficientemente cerca y brillante como para ser fotografiada por astrónomos del patio trasero en la Tierra. Lo que significa que su luz y energía están llegando a nosotros.

sábado, mayo 20, 2023

Celia Fenn - Let the Magic Begin........ - May 20, 2023

Let the Magic Begin........

In the wake of the 5/5 Full Moon and Eclipse, it has been a crazy time. Add Mercury Retrograde, and yes, well, even crazier. I struggled with the Mercury Retrograde. Here in South Africa we have daily rolling black outs, and so I have a battery inverter system which chose to give up the ghost at exactly that time, making internet communication an absolute nightmare. But Retrograde over and a new battery installed, well here I am!

viernes, mayo 12, 2023

Celia Fenn - El poder del nuevo camino - May 10, 2023

El poder del nuevo camino

Qué momento poderoso es cuando emerge el nuevo camino hacia adelante. He descubierto que la energía es muy diferente ahora, pero de una manera sutil. Es lo que el arcángel Miguel llama el flujo cuántico 2/11. Una energía profunda que se ha convertido en nuestra "nota base" en la Tierra. Es la Energía de la Divina Madre Cristos Sofía y el Camino del Corazón Puro y Resplandeciente.

miércoles, mayo 10, 2023

Celia Fenn - The Power of the New Path - May 10, 2023


The Power of the New Path

What a powerful time it is as the New Path forward emerges. I have found that the energy is so very different now, but in a subtle way. It is what Archangel Michael calls the 2/11 quantum flow. A deep energy that has become our "base note" on Earth. It is the Energy of the Divine Mother Christos Sophia and the Path of the Pure and Shining Heart.

domingo, mayo 07, 2023

Celia Fenn - On the Other Side : The Return to the Garden - May 7, 2023

On the Other Side : The Return to the Garden

After the massive shift of the 5/5 Full Moon Eclipse, we have made it to the other side.

For me, the 5/5 was a time of Divine Grace and Pure Love. But also of great confusion in the collective consciousness at the lower levels. It was just so powerful, everyone felt it!

martes, mayo 02, 2023

Celia Fenn - The passage to the Full Moon/Wesak Moon with Lunar Eclipse and the 5/5 Taurus Gate Portal on May 5th - May 2, 2023

The passage to the Full Moon/Wesak Moon with Lunar Eclipse and the 5/5 Taurus Gate Portal on May 5th

Yes, it is a momentous week and we are in the final stages of the passage way to a New and more Magical Reality on Earth.

As we pass out of old worn out Dualistic modes of thinking, we open out and discover more possibilities. We discover a Magical world that exists within our world, a world of Elemental energies and Fairies and Elves and Dragons and Unicorns. And they are real! Because we allow them to be and we recognise them in our new way of thinking and being beyond Duality. We allow for a third option beyond Physical and Spiritual, and that is Magical. So be prepared for some special and sparkly Magic along the way!

domingo, abril 16, 2023

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The Tree of Grace and the Adventure of the Emerald Heart: The 5/5 Portal and the Eclipses of the Taurus Gate April/May 2023 - Apr 16, 2023

The Tree of Grace and the Adventure of the Emerald Heart : The 5/5 Portal and the Eclipses of the Taurus Gate April/May 2023

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Dearest Hearts, you are approaching a powerful time of initiation and transformation for all of Humanity, but also for the Planet. At this powerful transit of the Eclipse on the 29th April and the Taurus Gate and Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio, you will embody and integrate the frequencies of the Emerald Heart. This will enable you to receive, hold and transmit the 9D frequencies of the Aldebaran Star Garden and to anchor these frequencies for the New Earth. You will also be initiated into the new Tree of Life for the New Earth and the Age of Aquarius. This is the Tree of Life and Grace, called the Tree of Grace, that has been inaugurated at the centre of the Star Garden to hold the central pillar of Life for the New Earth.

domingo, abril 09, 2023

Celia Fenn - Easter Rising and the New Human - Apr 9, 2023


Easter Rising and the New Human

Easter Sunday reminds us that this sacred narrative is not only about death and ending, but also about a new beginning and a new life.

Yeshua modelled the ascension process by stepping out of his old life and rising into a new life at a higher frequency of consciousness.

So too we are releasing the old and rising into a new state as we become the new Aquarius Human/Human Angel.

viernes, abril 07, 2023

Celia Fenn - With the Moon still Full in Libra and the Easter week-end - Apr 7, 2023


With the Moon still Full in Libra and the Easter week-end, it is a powerful time for Peace and Harmony.
It seems that way to me today, with so much inner and outer peace evident. It is a soft grey day with gentle rain like a blessing from the Divine Mother on the land.
Time to sit, gently, and just be.
To enjoy the flow of life.
To enjoy a hiatus
before life accelerates again.
Soon we will enter Eclipse season and more Light Codes will come.
But for now
Just Peace, Love and gratitude.
Rose images by Rosa-Maria Marquez

martes, abril 04, 2023

Celia Fenn - Today is the 4/4 - Apr 4, 2023

Today is the 4/4, a power portal that connects us to the Earth and asks us to be really grounded in the New Earth grids. At this time of Spring/Autumn the Divine Masculine/Green Man is sending out his energies so that all of nature is quickening in preparation for the rebirthing/harvest of the coming weeks as the Divine Feminine manifests her creations in Nature.

sábado, marzo 25, 2023

Celia Fenn - The End of March and the Power of Team Heaven to Earth! - Mar 25, 2023


The End of March and the Power of Team Heaven to Earth!

Well we have nearly made it through March 2023! Just a few more days, but we are already in our new energetic "positions" to move forward in bringing Heaven to Earth. Our version of Heaven, not someone else's dream that we give our energy to on a daily basis. As we come to know ourselves, we step into our Master Energy to create and co-create in manifesting our dreams.

lunes, marzo 20, 2023

Celia Fenn - March 20 : The Eagle Rises

March 20 : The Eagle Rises

Today is the Equinox...and like the Eagle we are rising into a new life and a New Earth. We are stepping into our power and becoming a stronger and more radiant version of who we are.

This image of a Black Eagle was taken by one of my neighbours in the valley where I live yesterday. There is a pair of black eagles that sometimes circles near the waterfall. They are rare as there are only 17 pairs left in reserve areas in South Africa. This area above where I live belongs to the Cape Point Nature Reserve.

sábado, marzo 18, 2023

Celia Fenn - The Emerald Star Garden of Aldebaran : The March Equinox and bringing Heaven to Earth - Mar 18, 2023

The Emerald Star Garden of Aldebaran : The March Equinox and bringing Heaven to Earth

In the unfolding spiral of the Sacred and Galactic year, the two Equinoxes form part of the 8 Points of Light, together with the two Solstices and the 4 Time Portals.

viernes, marzo 17, 2023

Celia Fenn - The Approaching Equinox - Mar 17, 2023


The Approaching Equinox

We are just 4 days out from the Equinox and the solar and galactic energies are so intense.

There was a huge explosion on the far side of the sun a couple of days ago, probably an X Class Flare, which caused an Ion storm earth side.

The Earth has continued to put on a pre Equinox display of color and light in the night time sky. This gorgeous image by Mike White is from New Zealand. It expresses the colors of the Heart!

miércoles, marzo 15, 2023

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - Marzo 2023 será un mes de energías poderosas y fuerzas creativas en el Planeta - Mar 15, 2023

Del Arcángel Miguel:

Amada Familia, Marzo 2023 será un mes de energías poderosas y fuerzas creativas en el Planeta. Habrá muchos eventos potentes e inesperados tanto en la vida personal como pública alrededor del 15 de marzo y el Equinoccio el 20 de marzo. Además, tu Ciclo Solar 25 continuará produciendo múltiples erupciones solares y algunas bengalas de clase X que intensificarán aún más los códigos de plasma de agua en remolino que se introdujeron en febrero.

sábado, marzo 11, 2023

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - Un mes de poderosas energías - Mar 11, 2023

Del Arcángel Miguel: Amada Familia, Marzo 2023 será un mes de poderosas energías y fuerzas creativas en el Planeta. Habrá muchos eventos potentes e inesperados tanto en la vida personal como pública alrededor del 15 de marzo y el Equinoccio del 20 de marzo. Además, su Ciclo Solar 25 continuará produciendo múltiples Llamaradas Solares y algunas llamaradas de Clase X que intensificarán aún más los Códigos de Plasma de Agua en remolino que se introdujeron en febrero.