miércoles, diciembre 07, 2022

Judith Kusel - We are in a moment of great flux and flow - Dec 7, 2022


We are in a moment of great flux and flow, where all is bubbling to the surface of the old 3D, to be finally dissolved.

Yet, at the same time, hearts are opening, like never before.

A much deeper and more in-depth opening of portals of our hearts, as connected to our souls.

It is not a time to try and make sense of anything, as nothing will make sense anymore.

It is simply a time to rest in the heart and to observe without judgement staying centered in unconditional love.

For what is happening goes beyond all comprehension.

I am always being told, that the future cannot be predicted anymore and this for the last two years, mainly because each living breathing moment is bringing in the new, that which has never been before on multi dimensional levels.

Totally new unexplored territory and which we now need to flow and expand into.

Nothing is solid.

All is in flow and flux.


And here lies the blessing.

In the flowing and being flexible, we are reborn, reshaped, reinvented.

Liquid light.

A new creation!

Judith Kusel


Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli