Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
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Schumann Resonance Today
30 April 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 30/4 17:00 The period in which there was the significant decrease on all frequencies lasted about seven hours, from 5 to 12 UTC, the most intense period was from 6 to 8 UTC with the Amplitude maintaining a power 40 average. From 12 UTC the frequencies returned to base values and the situation returned to calm.
Schumann Resonance Today 30/4 09:30 The strong activity of yesterday was followed by a period of calm which has been interrupted at 5 UTC this morning when all four frequencies registered a sudden decrease. The Amplitude reacted promptly by starting a steep climb that led it to reach the maximum value so far of Power 51 at 6 UTC, this peak was followed by another at Power 47 at 7:30 UTC and finally Power 40 at 8:30 UTC. At the time of this update the Primary Frequency fluctuates around 7.30 Hz and the other 3 frequencies are all in the lower quadrant, so activity is likely to continue.
Schumann Resonance Today 29/4 17:00 After the strong activity reported previously, which lasted 7 hours, from 6 to 13 UTC, calm returned. The frequencies climbed back to stabilize on base values without particular fluctuations.