Have you ever noticed how so many people think love is a limited commodity, but you never feel that way about kindness? You may also think love is hard, difficult to find, is a lot of work, and any other of the many limited beliefs humans have developed about their experiences with love, but you never feel that way about kindness.
Again we say, kindness is love in action! Just as kindness is a choice that is always available to you, so is love. They are both unlimited resources that are there for you to choose as many times as you like. And choosing either will bring you joy because your soul always delights in you taking the opportunity to show up in the truth of who you are, which by itself creates a beautiful state of alignment.
Many enlightening human beings are very hard on themselves and think they do not love enough to make a difference. If you start to acknowledge the many acts of kindness you naturally do, you will start to see that you are far more loving than you realized! And let us assure you, every single act of kindness is profound, both for you and the whole, even if it is as simple as choosing to step over an ant on the sidewalk. Every act of kindness is a declaration of who you truly are and a conscious decision to be the love.
So if you find love complicated, taxing, or daunting in any way, we highly encourage you to simply focus on kindness, which will allow you to experience yourself as the love in a way that is far easier for you to accept. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young