This is the beginning of an Eclipse Phase! This Eclipse phase Starts April 30th with the partial Solar Eclipse and lasts till October 25, 2022! This New Moon is in Taurus and is the second New Moon in April!
The most powerful phrase in astrology is the Sun conjunct Moon, as the new moon energies marks a new BEGINNING, a fresh start! For some this these energies may be profound and for some not so much noticed or felt. This is because of the Unique Blueprint you incarnated with and living through.
The New Moon and Solar Eclipse takes place On Saturday April 30th, 2022 AT 5:28 pm ADT.
There are some powerful beneficial aspects with this New Moon, and some take place shortly after the New Moon begins. For some of you this may be a very deep and intense New Moon, for some of you this may represent a passionate new start and DEEP TRANSFORMATION.
The Solar Eclipse intensifies this New Beginning and with the Solar Eclipse Sextile Mars and conjunct Uranus, we have a charge of energy that may energize you and increase your passion for whatever in your life you are passionate about WITHIN. Mars is the burst of energy, Uranus is the change INCREASED by the Solar Eclipse.
This amplification of energies may be consciously applied for deeper inner transformation as YOU continue to enter your heart and focus deep within.
Entering your Heart is the ONLY true space of full Union with the Divine. You BEING YOUR Divine Ascended Self, your Cosmic God Self that already exists NOW.
An alignment with Venus and Jupiter shortly after the Solar Eclipse, adds great passion, beauty and SPIRITUAL EXPANSION, as well as a deepening of Love and Heart awareness.
This eclipse also aligns with the asteroid Eros, adding greater passion and blessings, for the inner you to manifest more of what you are eternally, within, and therefore without.
These are all great aspects and with the powerful frequencies of this Solar Eclipse, we have the power of transformation with the expansion of Jupiter OPENS you to being your true eternal self, now and through this.
We bless you always and are with YOU. We are the Divine Council of Overseers present with many Divine Beings THROUGH all of this; Divine Union, for you to know and be, here and now on Earth. Through eternal Divine Love, NOW.
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2022.