You all have a natural speed or pace for your growth that is ideal for you. You may have times of greater movement or experience lulls, but you all have your own natural flow that you settle back into as your norm and it is perfect for you.
Some in the spiritual community will tell you the key is to move very quickly right now while others might say that the key to advancement is to go slow. But we wish for you to trust your own flow because you have a built in speed that is most comfortable for you and serves you well. That is why you tend to experience discomfort over fast movement or being slowed down – it is outside your preferred pacing.
So how do you know when a pace is perfect for you? It is the speed at which you can honour the desired expansion of your soul without getting overwhelmed or creating unnecessary problems for yourself. Your perfect pace allows you to gather information and to harness all the gifts of any situation without lingering in it beyond its purpose. It supports your growth, your unfoldment, and your efficiency.
Going too fast can make you miss things. Going too slow allows doubt to creep in. Honouring your own pace allows you to get the most out of any experience.
So how does your own pacing work with the overall system of flow that contains action phases and lulls? Think of driving in a car. There may be varying speed limits as you drive to your destination depending upon conditions, but you will tend to like to go a certain speed that is not too fast or too slow when left to your own devices. It is the speed that feels safe yet still allows you to reach your destination quickly and efficiently. It is the same with your own personal pacing of your growth and evolution.
So trust the flow but also trust your own pacing which is customized for your evolution, as you chose that trait for a reason and it will serve you well. Your inner wise one always knows if you are going at your own optimum speed or if you are in resistance or recklessly trying to force yourself forward. The sweet spot you are looking for will be both comfortable and effective. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young