You're probably wondering, "Why is decision-making important in life?" To be honest, this is a good question to ask. There really isn't a simple answer to this question. However, I can talk more about the importance of making decisions and why they're so crucial in life.
While decision-making may be considered "hard," it is a learned skill. We are often conditioned to make instant decisions based on things like emotions, facial expressions, body language, and more. But if you want to get ahead in life, in terms of career, business, and everything else, there are certain decision-making techniques you can use.
We often feel that we can not decide about something. It is difficult for us to make a decision. There are a few reasons for this. The first one is indecisiveness, the second one is lack of knowledge, the third one is lack of grounding in a particular area, and the fourth one is lack of interest in the subject matter. The first reason may be due to an inner weakness or a lack of confidence; we are unable to decide because we are not sure about our own capacity or capability to do so. At times, it might also be due to fear or because of our inability to see clearly what is right and what is wrong. Or sometimes, indecisiveness may also be due to laziness and lethargy.
There can be different reasons behind being indecisive. However, all of them have one thing in common – they all have a weak mind as their root cause. In other words, indecisiveness means behaving like a weak person or a beggarly person. If you want to make decisions, you must know how to behave like a king or queen. You must develop the strength within yourself in order for you to make decisions easily and effectively.
When we delay a decision, many forces begin to act upon it. They disintegrate it, and then you are left with fragments. In such a state, the center that was holding you together starts weakening. You become like a table with four legs that have fallen off from one side, or like a house with one pillar destroyed from one side, or like a bridge whose pillars have been destroyed on one side. Once your center is gone, you will find it difficult to stand upright in life, and you may fall very easily into chaos.
It is said in the Gita that when there is no chaos in your mind and when you have decided upon something, then there is peace of mind because then all these fragments start functioning as a whole, and they support each other. Even if sometimes you take the wrong step, it's better to be wrong than undecided; better to be partial than undecided; better to make some mistakes than to be undecided.
That's why it's always good to make decisions as early as possible; don't procrastinate. The greatest quality of life can come only through decisiveness and not through indecisiveness.
Decisiveness is not a virtue in and of itself, but it is definitely something to be desired. It is the ability to resolve a situation in a timely way, rather than being stuck in the middle of it for too long. There are many reasons why one might delay making a decision-fear of failure, fear of reprisal, uncertainty, or simply inability to decide. There are endless examples of how indecisiveness can lead to problems and even failure:
One may spend too much time thinking about possibilities and forget about the present.
One may wish to avoid confrontation by remaining undecided instead of having the courage to stand up for oneself.
One may see an opportunity but decide not to take it because he/she doesn't think he/she can do it right at the moment. In this case, he/she may miss opportunities that will never come again.
A person of awareness can be decisive, for s/he has the capacity to take many viewpoints into account. S/He does not have to be trapped by one view; s/he can watch, listen to, and consider all the alternatives before taking a step.
If you are afraid of making decisions, you will avoid facing life directly. You may even ask others to decide for you. A man who avoids making decisions cannot be aware of what he is doing because every moment presents a new situation to be dealt with. If you want to live without awareness, then avoid making decisions; otherwise, your moments will pass in constant confusion and pain.
When you see such an individual, you can be sure that however long they may live, they will never make any decisions because he will always remain in a state of indecisiveness. On the other hand, those who have made up their minds are not necessarily right, but those who have not made up their minds are certainly wrong.
A person who is always vacillating and procrastinating, or who is always at the mercy of their moods, will not be decisive. S/He will also not be able to get anything done. Decisiveness is essential in any field: in science, in art, in business, in politics. But decisiveness is not an organized activity. It is a spontaneous activity. It happens when you are deeply and passionately involved in life. Then decisions follow naturally; there is no conflict inside you; no inner revolt disturbs your peace of mind; your heart functions spontaneously and easily, and all that you decide flows out of a deep harmony within yourself.
The moment the mind enters into a state of indecision, it creates conflict. There are many conflicts, many battles going on inside you all the time. You may try to keep them secret from others, but they will continue to go on until you reach a point where you are so confused that you have simply disintegrated into fragments with no center-left to hold things together.
The important thing is that each moment—as it arises—be faced with as much clarity as possible and then followed through with as much decisiveness as possible even if the decision is later found to be wrong.
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Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
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