Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
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Schumann Resonance Today
16 December 2021 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 16/12 17:00 Yesterday the Primary Frequency remained around 7.45 Hz from 12 to 23 UTC, the other frequencies remained substantially stable on their respective base values and the only movements, however slight, were of Quality. From just before yesterday’s midnight UTC the Frequency has returned to rise towards the base value producing two moderate isolated peaks of short duration, the first at 2 UTC has reached what is so far the maximum value today at Power 18, the second just before of 13 UTC it has reached Power 11. At the time of this update, the Frequency fluctuates slightly below the base value.
Schumann Resonance Today 15/12 18:00 The Primary Frequency returned yesterday at 14 UTC to the base value, then, around midnight UTC, it began a gradual descent which at the time of this update brought it to around 7.30 Hz, the other frequencies remained more or less stable on their respective calm values. This condition led, from 11 UTC, to some moderate movement in Quality and Amplitude the latter reaching Power 8 at a maximum at 15 UTC.