The Pleiadian star cluster is located about 400 light-years away in the constellation of Taurus. Their solar system has seven stars, all with planets and moons. There are around 1,000 different species living in the Pleiadian system, and they live in harmony and peace.
The Pleiadians are very advanced beings who achieved spiritual enlightenment many thousands of years ago and therefore live according to the principles of love, peace, and harmony. They do not interfere in the affairs of other species unless it is to help them. The Pleiadians could travel anywhere in the universe at will by using inter-dimensional means of transportation.
The Pleiadian civilization is a collective of humanoids that have come together to form a society that thrives in a star system known as the Pleiades. The Pleiadian civilization is also known as the Plejaren or Plajarian civilization, and their homeworld is called Erra.
Theirs is a civilization that has mastered their emotions and lives in a state of grace, joy, and unconditional love. They have graced this planet with their presence to help raise the vibration of Mother Earth, her humans, and all life forms.
The Pleiadians originate from an alternate dimension that is not visible to the human eye, but they are able to materialize themselves into our dimension on occasion. They have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, and they have shared a great deal of wisdom with humanity through channeled messages from the medium.
They are humanoid in shape, and just like humans, they have various skin, hair and, eye colors. They do not appear to age at all throughout their lives, and they live for thousands of years.
The Pleiadians have technology that is far superior to anything we can currently create on Earth. They have mastered many areas of science, including quantum physics, space travel, teleportation, and more. They have been referred to as "the bringers of knowledge" because they have shared their wisdom with us throughout our history here on Earth.
They consider Earth their adoptive home and have been working to assist humanity since arriving here thousands of years ago.
The Pleiadians are a collective soul group whom all share a common origin, just like we humans do here on Earth, but the Pleiadians evolved from a species that was less dense than humans are now. This means that they are more enlightened and more advanced spiritually than we are, although there are still many similarities between them and us.
It is believed that some of these beings were once physical beings just like us now, but over time they found out how to become non-physical beings that could travel through space without having to be ships or spacecraft themselves. This means that they can travel from one planet to another through thought alone.
Our year has 365 days, 5 hours, and 49 minutes. The Pleiadian year is longer than a year on Earth because the Pleiadians' planet is orbiting its central star for a longer period of time.
The Pleiadian years are also different from each other and depend on when the Pleiadian year begins. When the Pleiadians' new year begins, there is a celebration where everyone gathers and meets with their friends and family. The celebration includes feasts, plays, music, and much more.
The food and drinks that are consumed during this time include a certain kind of alcohol made from fruit that comes from trees. This beverage helps them feel warm inside while they meet each other and celebrate together.
Many of them reside on Earth to help us in our transition into the Golden Age, as well as to assist us with the ascension process. The Pleiadians have a wide range of abilities, including telepathy and telekinesis. Some of them can even read the Akashic Records. They have a wide range of ships that they use to travel and transport goods throughout the universe, and some of these ships have been seen by humans on Earth.
The Pleiadian civilization is very similar to the Essassani civilization in its level of advancement. The Pleiadians are very loving beings who are always willing to help humanity as a whole. They communicate telepathically with each other, but they can also communicate with humans through channeling. Many people on Earth will be able to connect with them through channelling in the future because their ship will eventually land on Earth.
The Pleiadians are here to help Earth become a better place. Their goal is to help Earth citizens ascend, become more spiritual, and have a long, healthy, and joyful life. They have been living in the Pleiadian star system for millions of years, and they know what they are talking about.
They discovered that everything is created from light and sound vibrations. Everything vibrates at its own unique frequency. Vibrations can be seen as colors on the physical plane and as sounds in the non-physical realm of thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
By using their advanced technology, the Pleiadians were able to change their bodies so much that they became almost completely transparent so that you could see through them. They also got rid of their need for food by transmuting energy directly from cosmic rays.
Most Pleiadians are now multidimensional beings who can move between dimensions at will because they have freed themselves from their physical bodies. They use thought power to create everything they need, even clothing or something else they need.
There are several hundred to more than a thousand different humanoid civilizations in the Pleiades star cluster. Some of the extraterrestrials living in the Pleiades star cluster are from an ancient civilization called Lyra that was destroyed by the Draconians and the Reptilians.
The Pleiadian extraterrestrials had given us some of our human genetic material, which is one reason why we look so much like them.
They have a very different perception than we do because they have learned how to live in harmony with their emotions instead of letting them control them. They can control their emotions well when needed to do so. For example, when meeting with other races, as not to frighten them by showing how superior they are compared to other races who think of themselves as more advanced.
The Pleiadians live in peace with each other and follow a strict code of ethics that is taught from childhood. The Pleiadians help all beings on all levels of existence.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.