Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
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Schumann Resonance Today
15 December 2021 18:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 15/12 18:00 The Primary Frequency returned yesterday at 14 UTC to the base value, then, around midnight UTC, it began a gradual descent which at the time of this update brought it to around 7.30 Hz, the other frequencies remained more or less stable on their respective calm values. This condition led, from 11 UTC, to some moderate movement in Quality and Amplitude the latter reaching Power 8 at a maximum at 15 UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 14/12 17:00 The calm of the last few days has been interrupted by a slight activity of the Amplitude which with an isolated peak in a movement lasting about an hour, at 1:30 UTC this morning reached Power 16; other slight fluctuations did not exceed Power 10. All this is due to the decrease in Frequency 1 and 2 which began to drop shortly after midnight UTC and reached minimum values around 9 UTC.