Galactic Federation: We're Here To Accelerate Your Ascension
Beloved ones,
We are the Galactic Federation of Light, here to guide you at this
time of great change on your planet. We have come to visit you, to
enlighten you concerning the face of reality, and to share with you our
limitless wisdom.
Knowing that your ears are open, knowing that your heart is open,
knowing that your mind is open, knowing that your soul is open. You are
ready for us to share with you.
You are receiving this message because you are among the first
residents of planet Gaia who are ready to open themselves fully to the
Divine Light of Creation and begin their awakening process.
We're here to accelerate your ascension. We've been waiting for you to get here. Now it's time to get started.
We want you to release the old paradigm and walk into newness. We
find that we must force this on people more and more, as they are still
holding onto the old paradigm of control and fear.
The coming days are a transformative period for all of humanity,
and it is indeed time to make a break with the past, as the light will
bring love and truth to all those who let go of resentment, anger, hate,
and pain.
Holding onto the past keeps you in old energy patterns that are not conducive to your ascension process.
Holding onto negative thoughts and emotions will only pull you down
into the three-dimensional world, no matter how much you are inspired
by the fifth dimension.
It becomes easier to lose yourself in your thoughts when you are in
the three-dimensional state which does not allow for divine force to
To dissolve the negative energy, you have to figure out how to let
go of the past, whatever it is that happened. You have to forgive
yourself for whatever self-destructive or bad or evil things you think
you've done--and forgive everyone else for what they've done too.
Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself!
Forgiveness is healing, cleansing, calming and transformative. It’s
an act of courage that allows you to embrace your true nature.
Forgiveness is not a feeling that you do whenever you feel like it.
It's more like a key that unlocks the door to a new life. It allows you
to go from a life of negativity to a life of productivity and
Whoever forgives will be forgiven. One of the most precious blooms of the human soul is the ability to forgive.
Revenge is unpleasant, and it is at its lowest point. To forgive is
to soar to new heights. The more one's capacity for forgiveness, the
larger one's heart and consciousness become.
The day when a person can forgive everyone and everything is the day he or she enters the fifth dimension.
God's name in Sufi is "Ghaffar". It literally means "most forgiving."
To make a mistake is human, but to forgive is divine. And as you
forgive more, you begin to get closer to the divine, to Godliness; you
begin to transcend humanity.
When you begin to forgive, the boundary between sinner and saint
fades away, as does the division between good and wicked. There are no
longer any divisions; you begin to see one, the homogeneous. There are
no men, women, blacks or whites. Pure energy exists, and that pure
energy is God.
And you will be forgiven if you ask for forgiveness from the bottom
of your heart. If you pray for forgiveness with sincerity, the concept
of repentance transforms into forgiveness. If you have truly asked and
realized that you have done something wrong, if it has been a genuine
realization and you accept responsibility for it and are willing to
repent wholeheartedly, the repentance itself becomes forgiveness.
All sins are nothing but unconscious actions. Repentance awakens
you and makes you aware of your being. Sin is similar to darkness. When
you introduce the light of forgiveness into the darkness, the darkness
Forgiving those who have hurt you helps heal your own soul.
The one who forgives reaps greater rewards than the one who is forgiven.
If you can't forgive, you won't be able to love yourself; if you
can't love yourself, you won't be able to know what divine love is; and
if you don't know what divine love is, you won't be able to reach the
fifth dimension.
So remember to love completely and forgive unconditionally, and you
will have no karma; you will have no past. There will be no bondage
around you, and there will be no barriers to entering the fifth
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.