This time of year people often start to think of making new year resolutions. We would like to make a suggestion for you. If you simply commit to allowing yourself to become more of who you really are every single day, you will be moving forward in a very empowered way that will move you consistently into alignment with your truest hopes and dreams.
It is simply about becoming more conscious and allowing your heart to lead the way. One day that may look like being the love. Another day you might feel drawn to make healthier choices to honour the vehicle of your soul. Another day you may feel like enjoying nature and the presence it brings. You might want to meditate, or do art, or sing, or dance, or simply be still. You might be drawn to put your hands in the dirt to garden, or your feet in the dirt to ground. You might be drawn to simple service or discover new gifts and passions that allow you vocational service.
Do you see? It is the simple yet beautiful path of allowing your greatest match to lead the way which supports both your own internal unfoldment as well as the external results of those choices. We encourage you to proceed into the energies of 2022 by being consciously and authentically you, which is exactly what the world needs more of, and by being so all other changes that may be required to support you in your highest life expression will fall naturally into place. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young