martes, enero 17, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Celestial Beings of Light - Under Construction ~ The New Divine Humanity - January 17, 2017

The First Wave ~ The Initiates ~ those that agreed millions of Earth Years ago, to be here NOW. To help create and build the FOUNDATION of LIGHT ~ the New Earth.

The New Divine Humanity. At the Divine Celestial Level, those that are here as the Builders ~ OF consciousness as LIGHT ~ shifting ALL throughout the Multiverse.

The Great Design and Blueprint was created before the Earth was Activated as a consciousness dimension.

The ANGELIC Beings came forward to PLAY a profound role in bringing their consciousness here as LIGHT ~ into FORM.

The Elohim formed a regulation team, along with the Overseers and the design was complete. The template of consciousness for this EARTH including all the parallel worlds.

IF you are reading this ~ subconsciously this is being ACTIVATED within you, within your Blueprint as you HOLD within your Blueprint the Original memories of the Design.

Under construction are the FORMS through which the LIGHT as consciousness flows through. The Higher Dimensions of consciousness flows into the forms that are receiving and adjusting to the higher Frequencies. To the Alchemy. To the transition, from one way of being into another.

From the head to the heart. From one dimension to ALL dimensions. To the Awakening as a Divine Ascended Being, in the NEW Divine HUMANITY.

The Celestial City of Light. The Golden Age. The Leaders of this new Earth are ARISING as consciousness SHIFTS the consciousness of ALL ~ to this NEW Birth and Template.

Call this Ascension, call it what you WILL. You will rise and LIVE and not vanish. YOU will HOLD this LIGHT as the GLORY of the Celestial City of LIGHT.

The DIVINE Template that created the Original Design. AS Being the ORIGINAL Light.

The Overseers are HERE.

The ELOHIM speak now.

You are BELOVED of the ANGELS ~ of the Celestial City of Light.

You will rise as the NEW Earth RISES ~ transformed through the Original LIGHT.

These are the Leaders of the NEW Celestial City which will appear on Earth as a Transcended LEVEL of Being, one in HARMONY with Divine Laws of Love.

The New Divine Humanity.

You are IMMERSED in this LIGHT Now. Feel and Breathe.

FEEL deeply Beloved ONES ~ as this CITY is arising. The Celestial LIGHT, of the ORIGINAL Design, being BIRTHED ONCE again, in the PURE Light, of All That is.

FEELING deep within your own consciousness as the LIGHT Streaming throughout the UNIVERSE ~ we NOW rise and JOIN in this FULL Activation. As the CITY arises within your Heart.


THE Temple of your Original Union and LIGHT. Your Original BIRTH ~ birthed throughout all dimensions and NOW.

We are with YOU.

And So it is ~ Under construction ~ SOON TO RISE fully!

Created through the LIGHT Template ~ Anointed through the Overseers and Elohim. All NOW. In the GLORY it is.

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