Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan of the 2nd Flame of Love and Wisdom brings forth an explanation of what the current Moon cycle represents within Aires and Libra.
~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel
On October 16th, 2016 at 04:23 GMT, 9:23 PM Pacific, and 12:3 AM Eastern (Oct 17th) we will be experiencing the next full moon cycle. It is considered a Super Moon as it is closest to the Earth’s atmosphere and brings with it quite a powerful new surge of energy through Aires as it aligns with the Sun of Libra.
Aires represents a fire sign that ignites our emotions from a new and different perspective. It will be a time where things will start to come to a culmination that can herald a new beginning. The important element of this moon is not to get caught up in the drama of the energies as it can bring up many thought forms to become manifest through its present energies. It allows our free will to be one that we are ready to acknowledge; it is time for great change.
Libra brings to us the balancing act which will bring forth the stabilization that each of us needs at this time. As the Masculine energies of Aires comes into more focus, it will help to create the change that we have been desiring to become manifest within our world. At the same time, the Feminine energies of Libra will help to create the adjustment needed by continuing the process through the Higher Mind and not the Physical Self.
It is a time to fully realize that we do have Free Will but only within the boundaries of accepting our Higher Self as the ruling energy. The rest will fall away as we know it if each person allows themselves to realize they have a higher potential to make the necessary changes.
What can happen in this cycle is the Masculine energies or the Mental Body can erupt through fits of frustration or anger.
This just means that this part of ourselves is now finding its place within the balance of the Yin and Yang. This moon is helping each of us to find the middle point of alignment that each of us needs. The most important element is not letting the Mental Mind to take over with rage or fits of anger, and the opposite energy would be not to suppress the issues that need to be shown in any given situation.
It definitely is a time to allow the balance to occur in every thought, feeling, and action that is occurring in our lives. It is important to not become overly emotional or mentally focused.
It truly is a time of alignment within the Feminine and Masculine Divine.
All of this will depend upon each person on the planet and how they react to the energies. It could be a time when things just open up completely and then we can be left with picking up the pieces. It all hinges on how it is handled through the feelings and the thoughts along with projecting it into the outside world.
This month is truly a balancing act but with Libra as our Sun at this time all the cards are in our hand to truly walk through a storm that could be very tormentuous. We have to remember the Grandmother Moon represents the Feminine Divine. She helps us to acknowledge our emotional challenges and feelings by allowing them to be expressed through her energies. Yes, the mental self is awakening as it is a time to fully speak our minds and allow others to see our viewpoints, but we must allow the Mental Body to accept the Emotional Self to bring those energies into wholeness.
That is when the Masculine meets the Feminine in complete balance and harmony.
Master Djwhal Khul’s Mantra for this Moon of Aires with Libra states exactly what we need to acknowledge within our consciousness at this time:
As I look at this statement, the two lines of force represent the Masculine of the Mental Body and the Feminine of the Emotional Body. We need to fully accept that we are both, not one or the other, and to allow those energies to help us become both in all ways. The only movement toward that end represents our Higher Self, the Higher Mind and the Higher Heart to become One within our physical existence. It is not an easy process but one that this moon is helping us to accomplish.
Master Djwhal Khul as a few words to share on this subject:
Greetings Dearest Ones,
It is my pleasure to bring forth some energies to reflect upon the upcoming moon cycle. All I can say first is BE PREPARED to receive the highest level of acceleration within your Mental body to allow the elements that have been lodged within oneself to be expressed outside of yourself. It all depends on how you will acknowledge these thoughts to bring them to the surface.
It could be a turbulent time or it could be one of reaching a destination that you have been waiting for. It all depends on how you will relate to the energies within your consciousness and four-body system.
As a teacher of the Ascension Pathway within the Psychological Soul essence, I would say that this moon is a perfect opportunity for many of you to acknowledge a new part of yourself that has been lodged deeply inside your psyche through your Etheric Self. The elements that are arising are not necessarily who you are presently in the physical creation, but your essence in your soul. They need to be addressed so that they can be healed and you can fully accept your pathway to begin again.
Yes, as an initiate you will see that your life does have many endings and new beginnings. This is one of those times in which the creative process being given to humanity will result in great changes. But it is all up to each of you individually in how you create those changes.
Remember, that thought forms grow around the earth, in the hemisphere and beyond. So whatever work you are doing with yourself will affect how others around you are experiencing life. It all depends upon each individual soul especially those that are initiates of Mastery. Many lightworkers may not even know that they are an initiate but in order to do the work that needs to be accomplished for this work, each soul should know who and what they are as it will make the process of discovery so much easier than if they do not understand what is occurring within them.
The Earth is in a very pivotal point of creation.
Each of you are extremely important within this creative process. It can make or break the planet. It is at this time that all must come into unity within themselves so that expression can be felt by others within and around the Earth.
The issues that arise within countries, within leaders of this earth are very challenging to deal with, because as an initiate you have a goal to live by. Sometimes the goal that you desire is not the same as the leaders of a particular movement. So that can cause great anger to occur.
This is what is happening presently around the world.
America is going through an upheaval that many do not understand. The election is creating their electrons of mental thoughts to be disruptive, to be in a lower frequency and it is occurring right in these moments. In order to find order amongst the lands each of you as initiates must take a stand for yourself, to uphold the highest frequency of light and allow that energy to become grounded within you.
Your role presently is to acknowledge what this moon brings to each of you in a complete and different way – through the elements of vibration.
As you raise yours, your mental thoughts will soften and your emotions will accept the thoughts more easily. It is a powerful time when the energies can go one way or the other.
Each soul must choose which way that they will go – and each of you are a very important part of this happening.
This moon of Aires brings forth an element of excitement of the fire raging within each soul to be acknowledged. And the Sun of Libra brings forth the balancing energies to ensue for each individual to accept within themselves. Libra gives to the planet the rod of initiation to find harmony by allowing the mental thoughts to be soothed by the sun. As they ignite through the element of Peace, it brings a calmness, a release that is necessary for the world to see.
If we could have every soul working toward this end, then things would be changing so much quicker than they are. There is a culminating energy occurring at this time. It is a movement of accepting the change or rejecting it. The ones that reject the balance will bring forth destructive moments, even if it is only through thoughts being shared. As we know, that can be as damaging as physical destruction.
So again, I ask each of you that are willing to go into your highest presence, call upon your Higher Self, breathe into the movement to allow your body to accept it. Then, and only then, will your Mental Body accept the Masculine Divine to find the peace and serenity that it is looking for. The Feminine will accept it by initiating the positive elements as both bodies come together in the most harmonious fashion.
Please do as I ask; it will assist the others that are fighting and staying within their lower bodies.
You, as the true Light Bearers must accept this responsibility within yourself. It will improve the quality of your life and that of Gaia, our Earth Mother.
We thank you deeply for allowing us to assist you in these moments of re-creation.
I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.
Please check out our MP3 recordings on the Full Moon Ceremonies with Master Djwhal Khul, Free MP3 Library.
To better learn about how to incorporate these energy shifts, our monthly classes on the Universal Laws are available via MP3 recording. Please check out our last class on Wave-X and How to Master a Personal Responsibility to the Law of Relativity.
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